ENVS 570 - CE 570

Environmental Technology and Assessment

Instructor: Dr. Bill Retzlaff

Office: SL 3331A

Office Hours: by appointment

Phone: 650-2728

email: WRETZLA@siue.edu

www: http://www.siue.edu/~wretzla  

Course Content:

Changes in the environment in which we live are occurring at an unprecedented rate. These changes can be local, for instance development or dumping of toxic waste, or global in nature such as increased tropospheric ozone or atmospheric carbon dioxide. Many environmental changes are the result of either new technologies necessary to support an increasingly populated world or an increased use of older technology. Unfortunately, the environmental consequences of utilizing technological advances are often overlooked or poorly understood in the haste to solve a pending crisis or improve quality of life. Scientists who examine these environmental consequences now commonly employ computer-based models representing dynamic systems. The purpose of this course is to learn how to conceptualize, model, and analyze the dynamic nature of many real-life environmental problems and to assess the impact man is having within these systems.


Course Objectives:

To increase awareness and understanding of environmental systems.

To learn basic modeling concepts in environmental systems analysis.

To learn strategies for analyzing and using environmental systems models.

To learn how to use STELLA for systems analysis.

To simulate the dynamics of environmental systems.


Textbook and Reading Materials:

The required textbook for this course is Dynamic Modeling of Environmental Systems by Deaton and Winebrake. Students will also be expected to review and use the STELLA modeling software (High Performance Systems, Inc.) and documentation. Additionally articles, information, and software from journals, popular press, and downloaded from the Internet by students and instructors will be required reading and course materials. Exams may use information from these reading/software sources to form the basis for test questions.


Class Schedule:

6:30-7:50 Lecture presentation of system analysis

7:50-8:00 Break

8:00-9:30 System analysis laboratory

Lectures, syllabus, course materials, and lab assignments will be placed on the Internet at http://www.siue.edu/~wretzla when they are available. Check periodically for updates!

Class Exams:

There will be 2 in-class exams and a comprehensive final in ENVS/CE 570.

Material presented in class lectures, laboratory exercises, and required readings will form the basis for exam questions. Exams will be composed of short essay questions and short answers, which will require an understanding of lecture and reading material and result in presentation/application of this knowledge in new situations.

The in-class exams will be held when scheduled on the syllabus. If you miss the class period when the exam is proctored because of a medical or non-medical emergency , you may schedule a make-up exam before the next class period with the instructor by following the procedure documented below.

Lab Assignments:

Each student will be assigned simulation and model building exercises to complete using the appropriate simulation software. Exercises may be completed during the laboratory period. All exercises are due at the beginning of the next laboratory period unless the instructor indicates otherwise. Exercises must follow the format presented by the instructor – no exceptions. If you must miss the following lab period make sure you turn in you lab exercise beforehand. Late lab exercises will not be accepted and will result in a ‘0' for that assignment.

Model Building Exercise and Presentation:

Each student will be expected to pick an environmental problem and use STELLA to model the chosen environmental system. Students will be expected to demonstrate their model to their peers and the course instructor using STELLA and PowerPoint at the designated class period. If you miss your assigned class period because of medical or non-medical emergency, you may schedule a make-up presentation before the next class period with the instructor by following the procedure documented below.

Rescheduling a Missed Exam or Presentation:

If you miss an exam or your presentation for medical reasons, please give the instructor a written statement signed by an attending physician. If you missed an exam or your presentation for a non-medical emergency, submit to the instructor the appropriate written documentation of the emergency. If the instructor decides it was a real emergency you will be allowed to retake the quiz or exam. Any other absence during an exam period or your presentation will result in a ‘0' for that exam/presentation.

Academic Misconduct:

Cheating (using unauthorized materials, information, or study guides), plagiarism (submitting others work as if it was your own), falsification of records, unauthorized possession of examinations, intimidation and any other unacceptable action WILL be determined to be academic misconduct according to SIUE policy. Aiding others in any such acts or attempts to engage in such acts is included.

Plagiarism, cheating, and academic misconduct will not be permitted and will be dealt with according to University Policy.


Regular prompt attendance is required for success in this course. Although I won't be taking roll, if you miss several class periods you will not do well on the exams and lab exercises in this course. If you miss a lecture, come see me to get a copy of the notes and come ask me about the material if something is not clear.

Disability Support Services:

If any student has special needs they can contact the SIUE Office of Disability Support Services for assistance.

Grading System:

Lab Exercises 100 points (5 @ 20 points each)

Model Building Exercise 50 points

Model Building Presentation 50 points

Exam 1 100 points

Exam 2 100 points

Comprehensive final exam 150 points

TOTAL POINTS 550 points




Note: This syllabus and schedule is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor. All changes will be announced in class.

Course Topics (schedule)

Class #1

Overview of the course.


Class #2

The Systems Modeling Process

Deaton and Winebrake Chapter #1-2


Class #3

Basic Modeling Concepts in Environmental Systems Models

Deaton and Winebrake Chapter #1-2


Lab Assignment #1

Class #4

Strategies for Analyzing and Using Environmental Systems Models

Deaton and Winebrake Chapter #2-3

Class #5

Applying the Strategy - Case Analysis

Deaton and Winebrake Chapter #3

Lab Assignment #2

Class #6


Assignment of Model Building Exercise

Class #7

Surface and Groundwater Contamination

Deaton and Winebrake Chapter #5

Class #8

Surface and Groundwater Contamination

Deaton and Winebrake Chapter #5

Lab Assignment #3

Class #9

Greenhouse Gases and Global Warming

Deaton and Winebrake Chapter #8

Class #10

Greenhouse Gases and Global Warming

Deaton and Winebrake Chapter #8

Lab Assignment #4

Class #11

Atmospheric Chemistry and Pollution Transport

Deaton and Winebrake Chapter #9

Class #12

Atmospheric Chemistry and Pollution Transport

Deaton and Winebrake Chapter #9

Lab Assignment #5

Class #13


Class #14


Class #15


Class #16


Synopsis of the course.