ECE381 Final Project

The last two weeks will be dedicated to implementing a project of your choice. Given this much time, the project should have roughly the same complexity/time requirements as one of the two week lab assignments done during the semester. You will work on the final project as partners.

The main idea behind having a project is to give you a chance to take the initiative and apply what you have learned by doing a project that you are interested in. A simple working project is better than a complex project that never quite works. The best approach is to break the project down in terms of smaller sub­projects. Work on the first piece, get it working, then move on to the next piece.

I will consider a wide range of project ideas, however what you do should be interesting/fun for you, especially given the amount of time you will spend on it. It is your choice. If you can't think of something, let the TA or myself know ASAP. We can consult with IEEE, Solar Car, or other student groups for project ideas, or I can ask other professors for projects which may pertain/help with their research.

The project is worth 15% of your grade; as usual most credit will be earned by having at least SOMETHING WORKING!!!

To that end, the TA and I will require, in writing, what exactly you will be doing for the project. This will come in the form of a written proposal, due on the day indicated by the schedule. The proposal will be a complete document that describes, in full detail, what you will have working when Final Project Demo day comes around. This proposal will be modeled after a proposal submitted to your boss, and should include the following:

  1. Executive Summary - A high level, to-the-point summary of the project. Don't be too wordy! I should be able to read the executive summary and know exactly what you are doing without too much detail. The rest of the proposal will contain these details.

  2. Hardware Description - A complete description of all hardware involved in the project. This shall include all circuit diagrams, ports used on the PsoC and how they will be used (digital inputs/outputs, analog inputs/outputs), a list of all user modules you think you will have to use (to make sure you don't use too many!), and a complete parts list, including cost, of any components you think will be necessary for the design. The EE dept. can provide some common, inexpensive parts once you tell me what you need; any “out-of the-ordinary” or “extravagant” parts will have to be provided by you. Often, a project can be built around a relatively inexpensive part that you buy at Radio Shack/Gateway Electronics/SparkFun/Adafruit/etc. This list should also include any non-electronics hardware you might use (ie. Plastic, wood, metal, etc.)

  3. Algorithm Outline – A brief flow chart or pseudo-code of what you think your final software will do. YOU ARE NOT BEHOLDEN TO THIS, IT IS MERELY TO REQUIRE YOU TO THINK ABOUT WHAT CODING YOU WILL HAVE TO DO! This way, you can try to think in terms of functions, code blocks, etc. that you can fill in along the way as you work on the project.

  4. Timeline – This will include, step-by-step with due dates, what you plan to have done from Sections 2 & 3. This is to motivate you to think about how long parts of your project will take, but also for the TA and myself to have a proper gauge of the scope of work involved for your project. We want to make sure the amount of work proposed by your project is appropriate, and so this gives us an idea of how long you expect things to take. It also gives us a chance to make sure you aren't overestimating how long things take (ie. It will take two weeks to test/build a circuit consisting of 2 resistors and an I2C chip).

  5. Agreement – Leave a blank page at the end of the document. The next lab session after the proposal is due, the TA and I will meet with each lab group individually and go over the proposal. If we think you are doing too much, we will discuss it with you and try to pare the project down to something you can accomplish in 2 weeks. If we think you are doing too little, we will beef up the project to an appropriate size. Even if what you have proposed is just right, your final project grade is based on you accomplishing what you state you will do in the proposal. Therefore, we need a page to add/subtract and ultimately agree upon the scope of work. You will sign and date this page!

The proposal is due, by e-mail, no later than midnight of April 12. You need to submit only one proposal per group.