Advanced CVIP Final Project Presentations

During the last week of the semester, you will present your project to the class. It should include: 1) Introduction: Overview and Background for your project, 2) Materials and Methods: experimental design, algorithms, etc , 3) Results and Analysis, and 4) Summary and Conclusions.

Dress in a professional manner, this is a formal presentation. For our purposes this can be business casual; no torn or holey blue jeans, T-shirts or shorts. No sandals or flip-flops. If you dress professionally, you will act professional.

Your presentation should be about 10 to 15 minutes. Since you have limited time, be well organized. DO NOT 1) read your presentation to the class, 2) try to present too much information.

Your presentation will be evaluated with the following criteria in mind:


Preparation -- Has the presentation been well thought out, and planned?

Clarity -- Can we understand what your project (or part of the project) is about?

Organization -- Is your talk well-organized? Does it follow a logical progression? Is there a well-defined outline of what is presented ?

Completeness -- Did you tell us everything we need to know? Did you provide a good introduction? Did you provide clear, positive summary and conclusions?

Usefulness -- Did you provide us with useful information?

Questions -- Were you successful at fielding questions?


Professionalism -- appearance, manner, visual aids, etc.

Communication -- Did you maintain eye contact with the entire audience? Did they understand you? etc...

Time Limits -- Your presentation will not look too impressive if it only takes 2 minutes, or if we get to the end of the allotted time and you still have important points to make. Pace yourself, and practice beforehand.

Remember that this is your chance to tell us about your semester project. A good presentation of your work is of utmost important.