Greek Goddesses
Gaia    Aphrodite    Hera    Athena    Demeter    Hestia
Gaia and her snaky relatives:
Minoan "snake goddess"
Typhon:  son of Gaia whom Zeus had to slay to gain power.
Python:   pet of Gaia whom Apollo killed to take Delphi as his temple site.
Snakes in the Parthenon:  snakes lived in the Parthenon and other areas where grain was stored.
   Family Tree

 "earth, the Mother of us all."  goddess of earth, first birth (Ouranos) was parthenogenic.  The Olympian gods/goddesses are her grandchildren.  She also gave birth to snaky monsters like Python (Delphi -- slain by Apollo) and Typhon (Crete-- slain by Zeus)

Aphrodite:  born of sea foam, semen and blood from castrated genitals of Cronos.

Hera  sister and wife of Zeus; goddess of marriage, mother of Eilytheia, Hebe, Ares, and parthenogenically, Hephaestos.  Worship of Hera predates worship of Zeus in many areas of Greece:  Argos, Samos and Olympia.  This suggests that she was more than Zeus' nagging wife, as she is portrayed in the literature.

Athena:    daughter of Zeus (parthenogenically); goddess of war, wisdom, weaving; virgin.

Artemis:    twin sister of Apollo; daughter of Zeuas and Leto.  goddess of animals, fertility, hunting, childbirth; virgin.  

Ephesian Artemis

Demeter:  sister of Zeus with whom she had a child, Persephone (Kore)
goddess of grain, agriculture, seasons.

Temple at Eleusis   Demeter and Phersephone giving agriculture to Triptolemos (Demophoon)

Hestia:  goddess of hearth, home, flame.