"earth, the Mother of us all." goddess of
earth, first birth (Ouranos) was parthenogenic. The Olympian gods/goddesses
are her grandchildren. She also gave birth to snaky monsters like
Python (Delphi -- slain by Apollo) and Typhon (Crete-- slain by Zeus)
Aphrodite: born of sea foam, semen and blood from castrated genitals of Cronos.
Hera sister and wife of Zeus; goddess of marriage, mother of Eilytheia, Hebe, Ares, and parthenogenically, Hephaestos. Worship of Hera predates worship of Zeus in many areas of Greece: Argos, Samos and Olympia. This suggests that she was more than Zeus' nagging wife, as she is portrayed in the literature.
Athena: daughter of Zeus (parthenogenically); goddess of war, wisdom, weaving; virgin.
Artemis: twin sister of Apollo; daughter of Zeuas and Leto. goddess of animals, fertility, hunting, childbirth; virgin.
Demeter: sister of Zeus with
whom she had a child, Persephone (Kore)
goddess of grain, agriculture, seasons.
Temple at Eleusis Demeter and Phersephone giving agriculture to Triptolemos (Demophoon)