Learner Engagement, cont'd...

How Can You Incorporate Discovery Learning in Your Online Training Course?

Catherine J. Rejak discusses how to incorporate discovery learning in your corporate training course here.

Things to Consider

It can be difficult when teaching an online training course because you may not be able to see your learner's faces. If you can't see their faces, it's hard to know what they're thinking. Well, if you keep your learners engaged in your course, you will know what they're thinking. When you create your course, make sure you design learner engagements into your course. If you lecture from the time you begin until the class is over, you can be assured that you probably lost most if not all of your learners' attention. You want to make your learner know that you care about their learning experience and you want to create an environment that produces a positive educational adventure.

Note - Consider inserting an interactive activity at least every fifteen minutes of your course. Online trainings should range from 60-90 minutes depending on the type of training.


Discovery learning is a great way to keep your learner engaged. Below are some bullet points to keep in mind as you plan and deliver your training course:

  • Use humor wisely
  • Be a good motivator
  • Ask directed, provocative questions
  • Call on people using their names
  • Try to "iron-out" technology issues ahead of time
  • Design open-ended questions into your activities to garner more thoughtful responses from participants
  • Listen carefully to students
  • Do not lecture; instead, direct or facilitate learning
  • Get to know your learners and his/her needs from your training course
  • Demonstrate what you are teaching and allow the learner to demonstrate that they understand
  • Design the learning experience in small chunks to ensure learners can absorb and recall the information for later retrieval
  • Allow participants to finish activities before providing feedback
  • Add color graphics to your PowerPoint presentations

What tools have you used to engage your online learner. Talk about them in our discussion board.

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