
Closedness of the orbit-closed $C$-numerical range and submajorization

For a positive trace-class operator $C$ and a bounded operator $A$, we provide an explicit description of the closure of the orbit-closed $C$-numerical range of $A$ in terms of those operators submajorized by $C$ and the essential numerical range of …

Matrix splitting and ideals in $B(H)$

We investigate the relationship between ideal membership of an operator and its pieces relative to several canonical types of partitions of the entries of its matrix representation with respect to a given orthonormal basis. Our main theorems …

Convexity of the orbit-closed $C$-numerical range and majorization

We introduce and investigate the orbit-closed $C$-numerical range, a natural modification of the $C$-numerical range of an operator introduced for $C$ trace-class by Dirr and vom Ende. Our orbit-closed $C$-numerical range is a conservative …

Majorization and a Schur–Horn Theorem for positive compact operators, the nonzero kernel case

Schur–Horn theorems focus on determining the diagonal sequences obtainable for an operator under all possible basis changes, formally described as the range of the canonical conditional expectation of its unitary orbit. Following a brief background …