
Diagonals of operators

a project to characterize diagonals of operators, especially selfadjoint operators, in terms of spectral data.

On diagonals of operators: selfadjoint, normal and other classes

We provide a survey of the current state of the study of diagonals of operators, especially selfadjoint operators. In addition, we provide a few new results made possible by recent work of Müller--Tomilov and Kaftal--Loreaux. This is an expansion of …

Restricted diagonalization of finite spectrum normal operators and a theorem of Arveson

Kadison characterized the diagonals of projections and observed the presence of an integer, which Arveson later recognized as a Fredholm index obstruction applicable to any normal operator with finite spectrum coincident with its essential spectrum …

Thompson's theorem for compact operators and diagonals of unitary operators

As applications of Kadison's Pythagorean and carpenter's theorems, the Schur–Horn theorem, and Thompson's theorem, we obtain an extension of Thompson's theorem to compact operators and use these ideas to give a characterization of diagonals of …

Kadison's Pythagorean Theorem and essential codimension

Kadison's Pythagorean theorem (2002) provides a characterization of the diagonals of projections with a subtle integrality condition. Arveson (2007), Kaftal, Ng, Zhang (2009), and Argerami (2015) all provide different proofs of that integrality …

Diagonality and idempotents with applications to problems in operator theory and frame theory

We prove that a nonzero idempotent is zero-diagonal if and only if it is not a Hilbert–Schmidt perturbation of a projection, along with other useful equivalences. Zero-diagonal operators are those whose diagonal entries are identically zero in some …

Majorization and a Schur–Horn Theorem for positive compact operators, the nonzero kernel case

Schur–Horn theorems focus on determining the diagonal sequences obtainable for an operator under all possible basis changes, formally described as the range of the canonical conditional expectation of its unitary orbit. Following a brief background …