ENG505.001: The Posthuman Middle Ages

Spring 2007

Prof. Eileen Joy



Figure 1. Werewolf Action Figure Toy (McFarlane Toys)


I. Pre- and Early Modern Monsters, Demons, and Shape-Shifters

Acker, Paul. "Horror and the Maternal in Beowulf." PMLA 121.3 (May 2006): 702-716. [ECR]

Bildhauer, Bettina and Robert Mills, eds. The Monstrous Middle Ages. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2003.

[on ECR: Chap. 4, Bettina Bildhauer, "Bloods, Jews, and Monsters in Medieval Culture"; Chap. 5, Asa Simon Mittman, "The Other Close at Hand: Gerald of Wales and the Marvels of the East"; Chap. 6, Sarah Salih, "Idols and Simulacra: Paganity, Hybridity, and Representation in Mandeville's Travels"]

Caciola, Nancy. Discerning Spirits: Divine and Demonic Possession in the Middle Ages. New York: Cornell

University Press, 2003.

Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome. Of Giants: Sex, Monsters and the Middle Ages. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1999.

[on ECR: Chap. 1, "The Ruins of Identity"; Chap. 2, "Monstrous Origin: Body, Nation, Family"; Chap. 3, "The Body in Pieces: Identity and the Monstrous in Romance"; Chap. 5, "The Body Hybrid: Giants, Dog-Men, and Becoming Inhuman"]

Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome. Medieval Identity Machines. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2003.

[on ECR: Chap. 2, "Chevalrie"; Chap. 4, "The Solitude of Guthlac"]

Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome. Hybridity, Identity, and Monstrosity in Medieval Britain: On Difficult Middles. New York:

Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.

[on ECR: Chap. 1, "Acts of Separation: Shaping Communal Bodies"; Chap. 3, "In The Borderlands: The Identities of Gerald of Wales"; Chap. 5, "The Flow of Blood in Norwich"]

Daston, Lorraine and Katherine Park. Wonders and the Order of Nature, 1150-1750. New York: Zone Books, 1998.

Elliott, Dyan. Fallen Bodies: Pollution, Sexuality, and Demonology in the Middle Ages. Philadelphia: University of

Pennsylvania Press, 1999.

[on ECR: Chap. 2, "From Sexual Fantasy to Demonic Defloration: The Libidinous Female in the Later Middle Ages"; Chap. 6, "On Angelic Disembodiment and the Incredible Purity of Demons"]

Friedman, John Block. The Monstrous Races in Medieval Art and Thought. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2000.

[on ECR: Chap. 1, "The Plinian Races"; Chap. 3, "At the Round Earth's Imagined Corners"; Chap. 5, "Cain's Kin"; Chap. 9, "The Human Status of the Monstrous Races"]

Frilingos, Christopher. Spectacle of Empire: Monsters, Martyrs, and the Book of Revelation. Philadelphia: University

of Pennsylvania Press, 2004.

Houwen, L.A.J.R., ed. Animals and the Symbolic in Mediaeval Art and Literature. Groningen: Egbert Forsten, 1997.

[on ECR: Susan M. Kim, "Man-Eating Monsters and Ants as Big as Dogs: The Alienated Language of the Cotton Vitellius A.xv Wonders of the East"]

Jones, Timothy S. and David A. Springer, eds. Marvels, Monsters, and Miracles: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern

Imaginations. Kalamazoo: Western Michigan University Press, 2002.

Klaniczay, Gabor and Eva Pocs, eds. Communicating with the Spirits. Vol. 1: Demons, Spirits, Witches. Budapest and

and New York: Central European University Press, 2005.

Lerer, Seth. "Grendel's Glove." English Literary History 61 (1994): 721-51. [ECR]

Mellinkoff, Ruth. "Cain's Monstrous Progeny in Beowulf: Part I, Nochaic Tradition" & "Cain's Monstrous Progeny in

Beowulf: Part II, Post-Diluvian Survival," Anglo-Saxon England 8 (1979): 143-62 & 9 (1980): 183-97. [ECR]

Mittman, Asa Simon. Maps and Monsters in Medieval England. New York: Routledge, 2006.

[on ECR: Chap. 3, "The Monsters on the Edge"; Chap. 4, "The Reality and Persistence of Monsters"; Chap. 5, "Containment and Consumption"]

Mittman, Asa Simon. "Headless Men and Hungry Monsters." Paper presented at The Sarum Seminar, Stanford University

Alumni Center, March 2003. [ECR]

O'Keeffe, Katherine O'Brien. "Beowulf, Lines 702b-836: Transformations and the Limits of the Human." Texas Studies

in Language and Literature 23.4 (Winter 1981): 484-94. [ECR]

Olsen, K.E. and L.A.J.R. Houwen, eds. Monsters and the Monstrous in Medieval Northwest Europe. Leuven, Belgium:

Peeters, 2001.

Orchard, Andy. Pride and Prodigies: Studies in the Monsters of the Beowulf-Manuscript. Toronto: University of Toronto

Press, 1995.

[on ECR: Chap. 3, "The Kin of Cain"; Chap. 4, "The Liber monstrorum"; Appendix Ic, "The Wonders of the East"; Appendix IIc, "The Letter of Alexander to Aristotle"; Appendix IIIb, "Liber monstorum"]

Pluskowski, Aleksander. Wolves and the Wilderness in the Middle Ages. Woodbridge, Eng.: Boydell and

Brewer, 2006.

Russell, Jeffrey Burton. Lucifer: The Devil in the Middle Ages. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1984.

Salisbury, Joyce. The Beast Within: Animals in the Middle Ages. New York: Routledge, 1994.

Schmitt, Jean-Claude and Teresa Lavender Fagan. Ghosts in the Middle Ages: The Living and the Dead in

Medieval Society. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1994.

Strickland, Debra Higgs. Saracens, Demons, and Jews: Making Monsters in Medieval Art. Princeton: Princeton

University Press, 2003.

[on ECR: Chap. 1, "Making Men Known by Sight: Classical Theories, Monstrous Races, and Sin"; Chap. 2, "Demons, Darkness, and Ethiopians"; Chap. 6, "Conclusions: What Is a Monster?"]

Verner, Lisa. The Epistemology of the Monstrous in the Middle Ages. New York: Routledge, 2005.

[on ECR: Chap. 4, "Mandeville's Travels"]

Williams, David. Deformed Discourse: The Function of the Monster in Mediaeval Thought and Literature. Montreal:

McGill-Queen's University Press, 1999.

[on ECR: Chap. 3, "The Body Monstrous"; Chap. 4, "Nature Monstrous"; Chap. 6, "Three Heroes"]

Wittkower, Rudolf. "Marvels of the East: A Study in the History of Monsters." Journal of the Warburg and Cortauld

Institutes 5 (1942): 159-97.

II. Travel Narratives/Other "Races"

Bartlett, Robert. "Medieval and Modern Concepts of Race and Ethnicity." Journal of Medieval and Early Modern

Studies 31.1 (2001): 39-56. [ECR]

Campbell, Mary B. Witness and the Other World: Exotic European Travel Writing. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988.

[on ECR: Chap. 2, "The Fabulous East: 'Wonder Books' and Grotesque Facts"; Chap. 4, "'That othere half': Mandeville Naturalizes the East"]

Hahn, Thomas. "The Difference the Middle Ages Make: Color and Race Before the Modern World." Journal of

Medieval and Early Modern Studies 31.1 (2001): 1-37. [ECR]

Hartog, Francois. Mirror of Herotodus: The Representation of the Other in the Writing of History. Trans. Janet Lloyd.

Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988.

Kristeva, Julia. Strangers to Ourselves. Trans. Leon S. Roudiez. New York: Columbia University Press, 1991.

[on ECR: Chap. 2, "The Greeks Among Barbarians, Suppliants, and Metics"; Chap. 5, "By What Right Are You a Foreigner?"; Chap. 8, "Might Not Our Universality Be . . . Our Own Foreignness?"]

III. Theoretical/Philosophical/Anthropological/Historical Perspectives

Berger, John. Ways of Seeing. Baltimore: Pengun Books, 1974.

Bracher, Mark et al., eds. Lacanian Theory of Discourse: Subject, Structure, Society. New York: New York University

Press, 1994.

[on ECR: Chap. 2, Slavoj Zizek, "A Hair of the Dog That Bit You"; Chap. 3, Jacques Alain-Miller, "Extimite"; Chap. 4, Serge Andre, "Otherness of the Body"]

Bynum, Carolina Walker. "Why All The Fuss About the Body?: A Medievalist's Perspective." Critical Inquiry 22.1

(Autumn 1995): 1-33. [ECR]

Bynum, Caroline Walker. Metamorphosis and Identity. New York: Zone Books, 2001.

[on ECR: Chap. 2, "Metamorphosis, or Gerald and the Werewolf"; Chap. 4, "Shape and Story"]

Carroll, Noel. The Philosophy of Horror; or, Paradoxes of the Heart. New York: Routledge, 1990.

Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome, ed. Monster Theory: Reading Culture. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996.

[on ECR: Chap. 1, Jeffrey Jeromer Cohen, "Monster Culture (Seven Theses)"; Chap. 12, William Sayers, "The Alien and Alienated as Unquiet Dead in the Sagas of the Icelanders"; Chap. 13, Michael Uebel, "Unthinking the Monster: Twelfth-Century Responses to Saracen Alterity"]

Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome, ed. The Postcolonial Middle Ages. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2000.

[on ECR: Chap. 1, Suzanne Conklin Akbari, "From Due East to True North: Orientalism and Orientation"; Chap. 5, Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, "Hybrids, Borders, Monsterlands: The Bodies of Gerald of Wales"]

Davis, Lennard J., ed. The Disabilities Studies Reader. New York: Routledge, 1997.

Douglas, Mary. Purity and Danger: An Analysis of the Concepts of Pollution and Taboo. London: Routledge

& Kegan Paul, 1966.

[on ECR: Chap. 6, "Powers and Dangers"; Chap. 7, "External Boundaries"; Chap. 8, "Internal Lines"]

Eisler, Robert. Man into Wolf: An Anthropological Interpretation of Sadism, Masochism, and Lycanthropy.

London: Routledge, Kegan & Paul, 1951.

Elkins, James. The Object Stares Back: On the Nature of Seeing. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1997.

Fiedler, Leslie A. Freaks: Myths and Images of the Secret Self. New York: Anchor Books, 1993.

Freud, Sigmund. "Medusa's Head." Sexuality and the Psychology of Love. Ed. Philip Rieff. New York: Collier Books, 1963.

Freud, Sigmund. The Uncanny. Trans. David McClintock. New York: Penguin Books, 2003. [ECR]

Graham, Elaine L. Representations of the Post/Human: Monsters, Aliens, and Others in Popular Culture. New

Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2002.

Grixti, Joseph. Terrors of Uncertainty: The Cultural Contexts of Horror Fiction. London: Routledge, 1989.

Halberstam, Judith and Ira Livingston, eds. Posthuman Bodies. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995.

Hayles, Katherine. How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature and Informatics. Chicago:

University of Chicago Press, 1999.

Kristeva, Julia. Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection. Trans. Leon Roudiez. New York: Columbia University

Press, 1982.

[on ECR: Chap. 1, "Approaching Abjection"; Chap. 2, "Something to be Scared Of"; Chap. 3, "From Filth to Defilement"]

Lewis, I.M. Ecstatic Religion: A Study of Shamanism and Spirit Possession. London: Routledge, 1971.

McGinn, Bernard. Anti-Christ: Two Thousand Years of the Human Fascination With Evil. San Francisco: Harper

Publishers, 1994.

Miller, William Ian. The Anatomy of Disgust. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1997.

[on ECR: Chap. 3, "Thick, Greasy Life"; Chap. 6, "Fair is Foul, and Foul is Fair"; Chap. 7, "Warriors, Saints, and Delicacy"; Chap. 8, "The Moral Life of Disgust"]

Mulvey, Laura. Visual and Other Pleasures. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1989.

Murray, Jacqueline and Konrad Eisenbichler, eds. Desire and Discipline: Sex and Sexuality in the Premodern

West. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996.

Neiman, Susan. Evil in Modern Thought: An Alternative History of Philosophy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University

Press, 2002.

[on ECR: Chap. 4, "Homeless"]

Nussbaum, Martha. Hiding from Humanity: Disgust, Shame, and the Law. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2004.

[on ECR: Chap. 2, "Disgust and Our Animal Bodies"; Chap. 4, "Inscribing the Face: Shame and Stigma"]

Otten, Charlotte F. A Lycanthropy Reader: Werewolves in Western Culture. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1986.

Pagels, Elaine. The Origin of Satan. New York: Random House, 1995.

[on ECR: Chap. 5, "Satan's Earthly Kingdom: Christians Against Pagans"; Chap. 6, "The Enemy Within: Demonizing the Heretics"]

Russell, Jeffrey Burton. The Devil: Perceptions of Evil from Antiquity to Primitive Christianity. Ithaca: Cornell

University Press, 1977.

Said, Edward. Orientalism. New York: Vintage Books, 1979.

Stewart, Susan. On Longing: Narratives of the Miniature, the Gigantic, the Souvenir, the Collection. Durham, NC:

Duke University Press, 1993.

[on ECR: Chap. 3, "The Gigantic"; Chap. 4, "The Imaginary Body"]

Thomson, Rosemarie Garland, ed. Freakery: Cultural Spectacles of the Extraordinary Body. New York: New York

University Press, 1996.

Warner, Marina. Monsters of Our Own Making: The Peculiar Pleasures of Fear. Lexington: The University

Press of Kentucky, 1998.

Withers, Benjamin and Jonathan Wilcox, eds. Naked Before God: Uncovering the Body in Anglo-Saxon England.

Morgantown: West Virginia University Press, 2003.

[on ECR: Introduction, Suzanne Lewis, "Medieval Bodies Then and Now: Negotiating Problems of Ambivalence and Pardox"; Chap. 6, Susan Kim, "The Donestre and the Person of Both Sexes"]

Ziolkowski, Jan M., ed. Obscenity: Social Control and Artistic Creation in the European Middle Ages. Leiden:

Brill, 1998.

[on ECR: Michael Camille, "Obscenity Under Erasure: Censorship in Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts"; Madeline H. Caviness, "Obscenity and Alterity: Images that Shock and Offend Us/Them, Now/Then?"]

Zizek, Slavoj. Looking Awry: An Introduction to Jacques Lacan through Popular Culture. Cambridge, MA: M.I.T.

Press, 1991.

[on ECR: Chap. 2, "The Real and Its Vicissitudes"]

IV. Film Criticism/Theory

Andriano, Joseph D. Immortal Monster: The Mythological Evolution of the Fantastic Beast in Modern Fiction

and Film. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1999.

Badley, Linda. Film, Horror, and the Body Fantastic. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1995.

Beard, William. The Artist as Monster: The Cinema of David Cronenberg. Toronto: University of Toronto

Press, 2006.

Clover, Carol J. Men, Women, and Chainsaws: Gender in the Modern Horror Film. Princeton: Princeton University

Press, 1993.

[on ECR: Chap. 2, "Opening Up"; Chap. 4, "The Eye of Horror"]

Creed, Barbara. The Monstrous-Feminine: Film, Feminism, Psychoanalysis. London: Routledge, 1993.

[on ECR: Chap. 1, "Kristeva, Femininity, Abjection"; Chap. 2, "Horror and the Archaic Mother: Alien"; Chap. 3, "Woman as Possessed Monster: The Exorcist"]

Grant, Barry Kieth, ed. The Dread of Difference: Gender and the Horror Film. Austin: University of Texas

Press, 1996.

Halberstam, Judith. Skin Shows: Gothic Horror and the Technology of Monsters. Durham, NC: Duke University

Press, 1995.

[on ECR: Chap. 6, "Bodies That Splatter: Queers and Chainsaws"; Chap. 7, "Skinflick: Posthuman Gender in Jonathan Demme's The Silence of the Lambs"]

Schneider, Steven Jay, ed. Horror Film and Psychoanalysis: Freud's Worst Nightmare. Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 2004.

[on ECR: Chap. 10, Michael Grant, "Ultimate Formlessness: Cinema, Horror, and the Limits of Meaning"; Chap. 11, Barbara Creed, "Freud's Worst Nightmare: Dining With Dr. Hannibal Lecter"]

ECR=Electronic Course Reserves