Spring Semester 2005              Psychology 409                        T R 3:30-4:45

Dr. Ferguson                                                                            AH 0401


Office: Alumni Hall 0135.  Phone 650-3973, and leave messages at 650-2202.

Email: efergus@siue.edu   Fax 618-650-5087

Office hours: M 2:45-3:45, T 2:15-3:15, W 12:15-1:15 and other times by appointment.


Textbooks from Textbook Rental


Goodwin, C.J. (1999).  A history of modern psychology.  NY: Wiley. 


Kendler, H.H. (1987).  Historical foundations of modern psychology.

            NY: Dorsey Press.


Wertheimer, M. (2000).  A brief history of psychology.  4th Ed.

            NY: Harcourt.




            Students are required to attend class regularly and to do all the assigned readings.  Participation in class discussion is essential.  The class consists only partly of lectures; much of the class time is a seminar format, requiring active contributions by students.  Students pick topics and materials to present professionally in class.

            Six examinations each count 12 points (for a total of 72 points), the term paper counts 20 points, and the remaining 8% of the grade is based on homework and in-class participation.


Examinations are based on assigned readings and on in-class content.  Term paper topics are first to be approved by the instructor and they should mesh with the course.  If a student cannot take the exam as scheduled, he/she must call in ahead of the scheduled time and make special arrangements directly with the instructor for a makeup exam; unexcused makeups are not possible and receive a failing grade.  Term paper and homework must be handed in on time.  Only in emergencies can an extension be granted without penalty.  No paper is accepted via email.  In emergency a paper can be faxed, attention instructor’s name. 


Session Date                 Day      Topic


1                      Jan. 11             T          Introduction to course and discussion of the

                                                            “what and why” of the history of psychology.

                                                            Discuss list of terms and concepts.  The Ancient

                                                            Greeks.  Crucial questions for understanding human

thought, knowledge, and action.  Read Wertheimer (W) Chapters 1 & 2, Kendler (K) Chapter 1, Goodwin (G) Chapter 1. 


2                      Jan.13              R          Continue the above and discuss Term Paper.  Start

                                                            Descartes et al leading up to Wundt.

                                                            W Chapters 3,4, & 5, pp 49-55, (don’t test for

                                                            Bain, Spencer, Wolff, Lotze); K chapter 2

pp 11-mid 14, G Chapter 2.  Discuss Homework #1 (worth 2pts)  What does Wertheimer mean by “empirism,”  “empiricism,” “nativism,” and “rationalism?”  Why are these concepts important in studying the history of psychology?  For each term cite the major person who advocated that concept.


3                      Jan.18             T          Discuss the way 20th and 21st Century psychologists

                                                            were influenced by those in the 19th Century.

                                                            Physiological, motor, and brain functions,

considered in the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries.  Read G. Ch 3 pp. 55-70.  Hand in Homework # 1.


4                      Jan. 20             R          Review: animism, association, molar-molecular,

                                                            data vs. authority, sensation, statistics,

                                                            hypotheticodeductive.  Psychophysics W. Ch 5

                                                            pp. 55-57.


5                      Jan. 25             T          Psychophysics. K. Ch 2 pp mid 14-mid 19.  Students bring in questions for Review.


6                      Jan. 27             R          First Exam


7                      Feb. 1              T          Wundt K. Ch 2 pp 19-37. W. Ch 6, G. Ch 4 pp 86-104.


8                      Feb. 3              R          Continue Wundt and Contemporaries.  W. Ch 7

                                                            pp 68-73, 76-79.


9                      Feb. 8              T          Students bring in questions for Review


10                    Feb. 10            R          Second Exam on Wundt.


11                    Feb.15             T          Titchener, positivism W. Ch 10; K. Ch 3

pp 53-65, mid-69-73, mid 79-80;  G. Ch 4 pp 113-117.  End of 19th Century:  Functionalism, Kűlpe, imageless thought, Wm. James. W Ch 7 pp 75-76.  W. Ch 8. K. Ch 3 pp mid 73-mid 77, Ch 4 & 5.  Read G. Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7 but these specific details will not be on the exam (K&W but not G will be on exam).  Discuss Homework #2 (2 pts): Write a one-page Summary that gives details of how structuralism differs from functionalism, and why is the distinction important in studying the history of



12                    Feb. 17            R          Continue above.  Ebbinghaus.  W. Ch 7 pp 73-74, G. Ch 4 pp 106-top 113.


13                    Feb. 22            T          Compare Structuralism and Functionalism. Hand in

                                                            homework #2.


14                    Feb. 24            R          Students bring in questions for Review


15                    March 1           T          Third Exam on Structuralism and Functionalism

                                                            since Wundt.


16                    March 3           R          Start Behaviorism, W. Ch 9 & 11, G. Ch 10.

                                                            All students hand in the topic for their term paper.


Spring Break – No classes March 8 & 10


17                    March 15         T          Continue Behaviorism, K. Ch 6.

                                                            Discuss Homework #3. (2 pts):  Describe details of

                                                            the theory and method of two Behaviorists or

                                                            Neo-Behaviorists, and explain what are the crucial

                                                            differences between Behaviorism and other

                                                            approaches we have studied so far.


18                    March 17         R          Start Neo Behaviorism, K. Ch 9, K. Ch 10 pp 318

                                                            to bottom of pp 346, G. Ch 11.


19                    March 22         T          Hand in Homework # 3.  Continue

Neo Behaviorism, K. Ch 9, K. Ch 10

pp 318-bottom of pp 346.  Students bring in questions for Review. 


20                    March 24         R          Fourth Exam on Behaviorism


21                    March 29        T           Start Gestalt Psychology W. Ch 12; K. Ch 7, G. Ch 9.


22                    March 31         R          Continue Gestalt Psychology and Lashley;

K. Ch 10 bottom pp 346-362.  G. Ch 3 pp 75-83.  Students bring in questions for Review.


23                    April 5              T          Fifth Exam


24                    April 7             R          Freud. W. Ch 13 pp 133-bottom 136;

                                                            K. Ch 8 pp 224-255.  Read Ferguson’s

                                                            Adlerian Book, Chapter 1 & 2 at Reserve Desk in



25                    April 12            T          Comparison of Freud, Adler, Jung, Modern Issues. 

                                                            W. Ch 13, pp 136-138.  K. Ch 8 pp. 260-264,

                                                            267-269, W. Ch 14.


26                    April 14            R          Continue Freud, Adler, Jung.  Start cognitive

                                                            psychology. W. Ch 15; K. Ch 11 & 13, G. Ch 13.


27                    April 19            T          Hand in term papers and start presentations of

                                                            papers in class.


28                    April 21            R          Continue paper presentations.


29                    April 26            T          Continue paper presentations and

                                                            review last material and overview.


30                    April 28            R          Students bring in questions for Review.



Final Examination:  Thursday May 5, 2:00-3:40 pm on Chapters covered since 5th exam. Note: NOT regular class time.





It is a student’s responsibility to officially withdraw from a course through the Enrollment Office by the dates set by the university if the student is not intending to complete the course.  Students who do not withdraw but have not completed the course will receive an E.  Only under special circumstances a faculty member may agree to give a student a INC grade in order to allow the student to complete the remaining work for the course no later than the end of the following semester.  A INC is never automatic but must be approved by the instructor.  If an instructor agrees to give a student a INC grade, the instructor and student will fill out a form (Memorandum of Incomplete Grade) indicating why a INC is being given.  This form will be on file in the instructor’s office and if the work is not completed by the specified time, the grade will be changed from a INC to E.




Plagiarism includes either presenting someone else’s words without quotation marks (even if you cite the source) or presenting someone else’s ideas without citing that source.  If you plagiarize, your instructor cannot evaluate your understanding of the topic.  When paraphrasing from another source, at the very least the student should change the wording, sentence syntax, and order of ideas presented in the paper.  Ideally, the student will integrate ideas from multiple sources while providing critical commentary on the topic in a way that clearly identifies whether words and ideas are those of the student or are from another source.  University policy states that “Normally a student who plagiarizes shall receive a grade of F in the course in which the act occurs.  The offense shall also be reported to the Provost.” (http://www.siue.edu/POLICIES/li16.html).  The University policy discusses additional academic sanctions including suspension and expulsion from the University.  To insure that you understand how to avoid plagiarism, we encourage you to review the information on plagiarism provided on the Department of Psychology web page at http://www.siue.edu/PSYCHOLOGY/plagiarism.htm.