ECE 340 Syllabus

ECE 340 Engineering Electromagnetics

SIUE, School of Engineering Syllabus

Course definition

340-3 ENGINEERING ELECTROMAGNETICS. Introduction to engineering electromagnetics. Includes vector analysis, time-harmonic fields, electromagnetic wave propagation, transmission lines, waveguides, antennas (counts as 3 credit hours). Prerequisites: Declared major in an engineering discipline; grades of C or better in ECE 211, MATH 305, and PHYS 152 and 152L.

Basic course information

Dr. Andy Lozowski
Engineering Building, Room 3055
Phone: 618-650-2800

Inan, Inan, and Said, Engineering Electromagnetics and Waves. Wesley, 2 ed., 2012

Schedule of Topics:

The course material is introduced in a sequence suitable to students with prior exposure to circuit theory. Major focus is on topics greatly relevant to a circuit designer in the high frequency range.
Week Topic Test
1. Lumped vs distributed circuits, telegrapher's equations
2. Time-domain wave solutions, reflections, bounce diagrams
3. Transmission line cascades, tees, reactive loadsTransient response
4. Frequency-domain wave solutions, wavelength, phase velocity
5. Transmission parameters, load and input impedance
6. Open and short terminations, reflection coeeficient, Smith chart
7. Impedance matching, RLC tuning, open and short stubsSteady state waves
8. Electric charge, field and potential, energy, Coulomb's law
9. Gauss law, voltage, Laplace's equation, capacitance
10. Divergence, gradient, integral forms, Green's formula Electric field
11. Magnetic flux, Biot-Savart law, Lorenz force
12. Ampere's law, rotation, vector magnetic potential
13. Stoke's theorem, flux linkage, inductance and magnetic coupling
14. Faraday's law, Maxwell equations, planar waves
15. Poynting vector, medium bondary, guided propagation Final exam

Class policy:

Grades will be based on written evidence in the submitted work. Always show your work. Answers without sufficient supporting work will be awarded zero score. If you provide multiple answers to a problem that has a unique solution, only one of your solutions will be picked for grading: top-most or left-most, not necessarily the correct one. Make sure to read the problems carefully. There will be no credit for solutions to misread problems. If extra pages of work need to be attached to the test, number them and print your name on each sheet. Measurement units are considered an important part of the answer. Answers given with incorrect units or unit prefixes may be considered wrong even if the numeric part is right. Grades assigned are not negotiable. However, if adjustment of grade is needed because of erroneous totaling of points, address the disputes no later than a week after the assignment has been returned.
The final course grade will be determined based on partial scores according to the following percentages:
Homework: 20%
Test 1: 20%
Test 2: 20%
Test 3: 20%
Final exam: 20%
According to the Catalog, the following grading symbols are used by SIUE: A-Excellent, B-Good, C-Satisfactory, D-Poor, and F-Failure (see Academic Policies and Requirements). The letter grades will strictly comply with these definitions. The thresholds for the letter grades are: A > 87%, B > 75%, C > 62%, D > 50%, and F ≤ 50%.
Students needing accommodations because of medical diagnosis or major life impairment will need to register with Accessible Campus Community and Equitable Student Support (ACCESS) and complete an intake process before accommodations will be given. Students who believe they have a diagnosis but do not have documentation should contact ACCESS for assistance and/or appropriate referral. The ACCESS office is located in the Student Success Center, Room 1270. You can also reach the office by e-mail at or by calling 618-650-3726. For more information on policies, procedures, or necessary forms, please visit the ACCESS website at
Students are expected to be familiar with and follow the Student Academic Code. It is included in the SIUE Policies and Procedures under Section 3C2. Students are expected to use SIUE email addresses in communications related to the course of study and other university activities. It is expected of students to check their email at least on a weekly basis.
Based on University Class Attendance Policy 1I9: It is the responsibility of students to ascertain the policies of instructors with regard to absence from class, and to make arrangements satisfactory to instructors with regard to missed course work. Failure to attend the first session of a course may result in the student's place in class being assigned to another student.

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