Emily Thompson
Admissions/Records Representative
RH 1202, Box 1047
- Southern Illinois University Edwardsville - Bachelor in Mass Communications
- Southern Illinois University Edwardsville - MBA (In Progress)
Favorite Things About SIUE
I love how inclusive this university is, and how diverse the cultures are - it really feels like one big community. Do I love the geese? not so much, but I have grown to appreciate them always keeping me on my toes - they really are part of the community on campus, and it makes me laugh anytime I see them huddled together.
I also love how the campus is right off the bike trail so I can go on walks during my lunch, which connects to the beautiful SIUE gardens area with a nice path that takes you through a loop back to the trail.
My hobbies include: reading, running, hiking, camping, visiting the National Parks.
Advice for College Search
Do not be afraid of failure. It is easy to get in your head and think "what if I'm not good enough?" Nobody has gotten anywhere in life if there wasn't a chance of failure, you just have to go out there and give yourself a chance to do something intimidating like moving to a new area or starting a new journey in a new school.