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Office of Admissions

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville entrance sign in the snow

Your student has submitted an application for admission to SIUE. In order for the application to be considered complete, please have your student submit the following items: 

Missing Items

Please request the missing items as soon as possible so we can review your student's application prior to the holiday break. Just as a reminder, the admission application also serves as the scholarship application. 

If you have any questions, please contact us at 618-650-3705 or We look forward to assisting your student with the admissions process. 


Todd Burrell
Director of Undergraduate Admissions

P.S. The Office of Undergraduate Admissions will be closed beginning December 24, 2018. The office will re-open on January 2, 2019. 

SIUE logo

Campus Box 1600
Edwardsville, IL 62026

