SIUE School of Business - Management and Marketing

Message from the Chair
High-Impact Campaign
Spotlight on Students
Alumni in the News
Focus on Faculty

Message from the Chair

It’s that time of year again! Welcome to the 2016 edition of the Management and Marketing Department Newsletter. It has been a whole year since the last newsletter, so there are a few things to get caught up on. Here we go!

As Department Chair, some of the most gratifying times happen when I get to see the faculty have successes. In a department that has as many unique disciplines as ours, it’s always exciting to see where the next innovations in management, marketing, production and operations management, or business ethics will come from. This semester, you’ll get to read about one of our up-and-coming superstars in strategic management, Dr. Sungho Kim, and some of the exciting research he is working on.

On the student front, you’ll get to read the story of Dr. Yuping Zeng’s group of students competing in the International Business Case Competition at University of Missouri. This is simply one example of how our students are challenged to excel outside of the classroom. These types of opportunities are extremely valuable to building the students’ confidence and preparing them for the challenging world of business they will soon be facing.

So read on and thank you for staying connected with the Department of Management and Marketing. As always, I invite you to share your own exciting stories (awesome job stories, fun SIUE memories, and so on) at

All the Best,

Edmund Hershberger
Associate Professor of Marketing and Department Chair
SIUE Management and Marketing Department

High-Impact Campaign

Why give to the School of Business’ Honor Our Past, Build Our Future Campaign?
What better way to give back to SIUE while also thanking someone who has been vital to your SIUE education?

The SIUE School of Business faculty has impacted more than 25,000 business alumni to date. Our School and programs are consistently ranked among the very best due in large part to the dedication of our faculty. They teach, evaluate and help our students succeed. The School of Business has alumni at some of the highest level positions at some of the largest global companies. We can put our alumni toe-to-toe with the graduates of other highly regarded business programs, and they will come out on top.

Visit us online to support our campaign.

Spotlight on Students

International Business Case Competition Helps Students Hone Their Case Analysis and Presentation Skills

For the third year, Dr. Yuping Zeng, assistant professor of management, has put together a team of eager students who will compete in the 2016 International Business Case Competition presented by the University of Missouri-International Business Honor Society.

Zeng stated, “We are fortunate to be able to participate in this competition a third time. It’s a tough competition, and our students spend quite a lot of time preparing. John Bortoletto, Jacob Fillingim, Ryan Gallego and Kyle Martin, are up to the challenge and they are all very intelligent, capable students.” Read more about Dr. Zeng and her students.

Alumni in the News

Betsy Hall graduated in May 2007 with a bachelor’s of business administration. Since graduating, she has not slowed and is now the director of global public policy for Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the Fortune 1 Company of 2015. Hall’s path all began with the decision to make SIUE her home. Read more about Betsy.

Focus on Faculty

Structure and the Importance of Shared Business Relationships

How organizations combine and share resources—even a resource like information—is of special interest to Sungho Kim, assistant professor of management. His most recent research centers on organizational networks, organizational learning, cooperative strategy, replication of knowledge and innovation.

Kim’s just-published research, “Organizational Governance of Inter-firm Resource Combinations: The Impact of Structural Embeddedness and Vertical Resource Relatedness,” (January 20, 2016, Journal of Management and Organization, with Kyuho Jin), deals with combining, acquiring and consolidating resources both within the firm and outside of the firm’s boundaries through networks of relationships. Read more about Dr. Kim.