KMOX Pop Sheet Music - "T"
Title Composer Publisher Year
Ta Hu Wa Hu Wai Leleiohoku
Noble, Johnny
Sherman, Clay & Co. 1936
Ta Ra Ra Boom Der e Sayers, Henry J. Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1919
Tabby The Cat from The Columbia Picture "Eadie Was A Lady" Dickinson, Harold
Gibeling, Howard
Leeds Music Corp. 1944
Table In A Corner, A Suesse, Dana Robbins Music Corp. 1939
Table Under A Tree Lawrence, Jack
Shand, Terry
Hubert J. Braun Music Co. 1936
Taboo Lecuona, Margarita Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1941
Tahiti Sweetie Kay, Edward J. Chart Music Pub. House Inc. 1942
Tahiti, My Island from The Shoestring Picture "Tahiti, My Island" Young, Victor Paramount Music Corp. 1951
Tahitian Lullaby Fowler, Roger N. L. Wolfe Gilbert Music Pub. Co. 1938
Tahm Boom Bah Styne, Jule Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1943
Taint Good Haid, Billy Broadway Music Corp. 1936
Taint No Good Wood, Guy Advanced Music Corp. 1942
Taint No Use Lane, Burton Crawford Music Corp. 1936
Taint Nobody's Biz-ness If I Do Grainger, Porter
Prince, Graham
Williams, Clarence
Clarence Williams Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1936
Take A Chance Siegel, Ralph Maria Bourne Inc. 1952
Take A Chance Lewis, J.C. Jr. Pvt. Lewcon Music Co. 1942
Take A Letter, Miss Jones Holzer, Lou
Laurent, Anne
Shay, Larry
Milton Weil Music Co. Inc. 1936
Take A Tip From The Tulip Wrubel, Allie Irving Berlin Inc. 1937
Take Away Those Blues Around My Heart Morrison, Alex Peer International Corp. 1941
Take Back The Heart That You Gave Me Atcher, Bob
Lucky, Dick
Lucky, Don
Peer International Corp. 1942
Take Care Nemo, Henry
Palmer, Jack
Olman Music Corp. 1940
Take Care (Te Quiero) Prichard, Henry London Music Corp. 1945
Take Care Of My Buddy Robertson, Jim "Texas"
Kay, Mack
Schein, Julius
Harvest Songs Co. 1942
Take 'Er Down Mizzy, Vic Santly-Joy-Select Inc. 1943
Take Everything But You Abrahams, Maurice
Colby, Homer
DeSylva, Henderson & Brown Inc. 1929
Take It Away Madriguera, Enric Pemora Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1948
Take It Easy Tobias, Charles
Link, Harry
Tobias, Henry
Donaldson, Douglas & Gumble Inc. 1934
Take It Easy McHugh, Jimmy
Fields, Dorothy
Robbins Music Corp. 1935
Take It Easy DeBru, Albert
Taylor, Irving
Mizzy, Vic
Santly-Joy-Select Inc. 1948
Take It From There from The 20th Century-Fox Picture "Coney Island" Rainger, Ralph Miller Music Corp. 1942
Take It Off The "E" String from The Hunt Stromberg Production "Lady Of Burlesque" Akst, Harry Fred Fisher Music Co. Inc. 1943
Take Me Bloom, Rube Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1942
Take Me Away With You Bunch, Boyd R. Syndicate Music Pub. Inc. 1922
Take Me Back Again Daffan, Ted Peer International Corp. 1941
Take Me Back To Babyland Rooney, Pat Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1937
Take Me Back To Carolina Clark, Luther A. Brown, G.C. 1935
Take Me Back To Col-ler-rad-da Fer To Stay Moore, Moran Leo Feist Inc. 1931
Take Me Back To Dream Cross, Sylvester L.
Howard, Mat
Tracy, Leona
Cross Pub. Co. 1935
Take Me Back To Home Sweet Home Northrup, Blanche Doty & Northrup 1921
Take Me Back To Renfro Valley Lair, John M.M. Cole Pub. Co. 1935
Take Me Back To Tulsa Wills, Bob Peer International Corp. 1941
Take Me Down To The Sea Bilder, Robert Words & Music Inc. 1942
Take Me Home DeRose, Peter Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1952
Take Me In Your Arms Ahlstrand, David Martha E. Thompson 1944
Take Me In Your Arms Markush, Fred Mills Music Inc. 1932
Take My Heart Ahlert, Fred E. Crawford Music Corp. 1936
Take My Heart Borrelli, Bill
Genaro, Pat
Santly-Joy-Select Inc. 1952
Take The "A" Train Strayhorn, Billy Tempo Music Inc. 1941
Take This Ring Suesse, Dana T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1935
Take Your Pack On Your Back And Go Back To Your Shack Sherman, Al
Lewis, Al
Olman Music Corp. 1935
Take Your Time Levant, Oscar Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1936
Takes Two Reiff, Paul Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1941
Takes Two To Make A Bargain Gordon, Mack
Revel, Harry
Crawford Music Corp. 1935
Takes Two To Tango Hoffman, Al
Manning, Dick
Harman Music Inc. 1952
Takes You Davis, Benny
Lombardo, Carmen
DeSylva, Henderson & Brown Inc. 1929
Takin' Miss Mary To The Ball Brown, Nacio Herb Miller Music Corp. 1948
Takin' The Trains Out Edwards, Jack
Leonard, Duke
Shelly, Lou
Trace, Al
Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1945
Taking A Chance On Love from The MGM Picture "Cabin In The Sky" Duke, Vernon Leo Feist Inc. 1940
Taking A Chance On Love from The MGM Picture "Cabin In The Sky" Duke, Vernon Miller Music Corp. 1940
Taking Over Santosuosso, Alfred Jr.
Daly, W. Andrew
Peer International Corp. 1942
Tale Of A Pig Bowers, Frederick V. Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1935
Talk Of The Town, The Cohn, Chester Leo Feist Inc. 1929
Talk To Me Bird, Bill
Howard, Bob
Luz Brothers 1938
Talkin' To My Heart Dorsey, Jimmy
Sanders, Paul
Ball, Mel
Ager, Yellen & Bornstein Inc. 1940
Talkin' To Myself Conrad, Con T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1934
Talking Blues Lunn, Robert M.M. Cole Pub. Co. 1942
Talking In My Sleep Loman, Jules
Schaeffer, Mary
Tone Music Co. 1945
Talking Through My Heart from The Paramount's Picture "The Big Broadcast Of 1937" Robin, Leo
Rainger, Ralph
Famous Music Corp. 1936
Talking To A Sparrow Anderson, Kay Regent Music Corp. 1954
Talking To The Moon Baskette, Billy Forster Music Pub. Inc. 1926
Talking To The Wind Shumann, Robert Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Tall Grows The Timber from The Paramount Picture "The Forest Rangers" Hollander, Frederick Paramount Music Corp. 1942
Tallahassee from "Variety Girl" Loesser, Frank Famous Music Corp. 1947
Tampa Stanley, Bob
Borguno, Augustin
Harvest Songs Co. 1942
Tampico Roberts, Allan
Fisher, Doris
Criterion Music Corp. 1945
Tang Of The Sea, The Walton, Kenneth T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1933
Tangerine from The Paramount Picture "The Fleet's In" Schertzinger, Victor Famous Music Corp. 1942
Tangleweed 'Round My Heart Kelley, Roy
Wyatt, Forrest
J.W. Jenkins & Sons Music Co. 1940
Tank Destroyer Men Denny, Thomas Major Carl Fischer Inc. 1944
Tap The Barrel Dry Zattas, D. Colonial Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1942
Tapestry In Blue Lippman, Sidney Reis & Taylor Inc. 1942
Tara Talara Tala Symes, Marty
Farrow, Johnny
Oxford Music Corp. 1948
Taste Of Honey, A Marlow, Ric
Scott, Bobby
Songfest Music Inc. 1966
Tattletale Schaeffer, Bob
Rose, Irving
Santly-Joy-Select Inc. 1941
Tattoo Furlett, Frank Forest Glen Music Pub. 1941
Tavern Song Battram, Florence Colby Florence Colby Battram 1931
Te Ame' Bonacio, Bennie Melo-Art Music Pub. 1950
Te Quiero Mucho Randolph, Bob
Romay, Lina
Bird, Bill
Vogue Music Corp. 1941
Tea Leaves Berk, Morty
Capano, Frank
Freedman, Max C.
Edwin H. Morris & Co. Inc. 1948
Tea On The Terrace Coslow, Sam Famous Music Corp. 1936
Teach Me Tonight DePaul, Gene Leeds Music Corp. 1954
Teacher's Pet Roberts, Allan
Brainin, Jerome
Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1938
Tear Drops Davis, Lou
Johnson, Arnold
DeSylva, Henderson & Brown Inc. 1929
Teardrops And Kisses Kenny, Nick
Little, Jack Little
Donaldson, Douglas & Gumble Inc. 1931
Tears From My Inkwell Warren, Harry M. Witmark & Sons 1939
Tears In My Heart Samuels, Walter G.
Whitcup, Leonard
Powell, Teddy
Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1937
Tears On My Pillow Henderson, Fletcher
Woode, Henri
Regent Music Corp. 1941
Tears On My Pillow Autry, Gene
Rose, Fred
Western Music Pub. Co. 1941
Tears On The Moon Klein, Otto Broadcast Music Inc. 1942
Tears Within My Heart Tomerlin, Lysle Lysle Tomerlin 1941
Teasin' Springer, Philip Pickwick Music Corp. 1950
Teasin' Tessie Brown Razaf, Andy
Lunceford, Jimmy
Roberts, Luckey
Paull-Pioneer Music Corp. 1937
Teasing VonTilzer, Albert Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1937
Teasing Fortin, Philip L. Philip L. Fortin 1937
Tee Um, Tee Um, Tee I, Ta Hi Ti Johnson, Howard
Schuster, Ira
Powell, Teddy
Schuster & Miller Inc. 1938
Teen Age Crush Allison, Audrey
Allison, Joe
Central Songs Inc. 1956
Teen Age Prayer, A Reichner, Bix
Lowe, Bernie
LaSalle Pub. Inc. 1955
Telegram Song, The Loeb, John Jacob Crawford Music Corp. 1936
Tell A Woman Stewart, Al
Williams, Tex
Fairway Music Co. 1948
Tell It To A Star Botwin, Shirley Embassy Music Corp. 1942
Tell Me Agay, Denes Hubert J. Braun Music Co. 1942
Tell Me I'm Forgiven Dodd, Arthur Arthur Dodd 1936
Tell Me I'm Not Dreaming Rork, Raymond Collier, Rork & Reid 1933
Tell Me It's True Bergman, Dewey Peer International Corp. 1941
Tell Me Little Gypsy Berlin, Irving Irving Berlin Inc. 1920
Tell Me Pretty Maiden Stuart, Leslie Francis Day & Hunter 1899
Tell Me That You Love Me Bixio, C.A. T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1935
Tell Me Tonight from The International Picture "Be Mine Tonight" Spoliansky, Mischa Chappell & Co. Inc. 1932
Tell Me Why Stern, Jack
Tobias, Harry
Sam Fox Pub Co. 1936
Tell Me Why Gold, Marty Signet Music Co. 1951
Tell Me Why My Daddy Don't Come Home Boyd, Bill
Burns, Hal
Nunn, Earl
Peer International Corp. 1942
Tell Me With Your Eyes Dellon, Harold M. Witmark & Sons 1924
Tell Me With Your Kisses Friend, Cliff
Franklin, Dave
Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1938
Tell Me With Your Kisses David, Mack
Meyer, George W.
Wendling, Pete
Donaldson, Douglas & Gumble Inc. 1936
Tell Me, Where Do I Stand? Stringer, Frank
Woodward, Harold
Evan Georgeoff Music Pub. Co. 1934
Tell Me, You Will Love Me Forever Bixio, C.A.
Rusconi, Erm
Mellin Music Inc. 1951
Tell My Mother I'm In Heaven Arnold, Gene M.M. Cole Pub. Co. 1933
Tell Paree Not To Cry, Cherie Schoop, Paul Campbell, Keith & Co. 1942
Tell Santy I Live In A Shanty Haid, Billy Joe Davis Inc. 1936
Tell The Truth Henderson, Ray T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1935
Telling It To The Daisies Warren, Harry Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1930
Telling Me Yes, Telling Me No Elliot, Jack
Barbaro, Frank
Joseph, Ray
Famous Music Corp. 1951
Temporarily Blue Fain, Sammy T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1931
Temp'ramental You, Sentimental Me West, Eugene
Mann, Bert
Keller, Stanley
Will Lewis Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1943
Temptation Ortmann, William Hubert J. Braun Music Co. 1936
Ten Cent Toy, A Pease, Harry
Nelson, Ed G.
Goodhart, Al
Maytone Music Pub. 1939
Ten Days With Baby from The 20th Century-Fox Picture "Sweet And Low-Down" Monaco, James V. Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1944
Ten Little Men With Feathers Stept, Sam H. Leo Feist Inc. 1943
Ten Little Soldiers Silver, Abner Lincoln Music Corp. 1942
Ten Million Men And A Girl Redmond, John
Cavanaugh, Jim
Edwards, Jack
Gus Edwards Music Pub. Co. 1942
Ten O'Clock Town Cleary, Michael H. Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1937
Ten Pins In The Sky from The MGM Picture "Listen Darling" McCarthy, Joseph
Ager, Milton
Ager, Yellen & Bornstein Inc. 1938
Ten Pretty Girls Grosz, Will
Kennedy, Jimmy
Crawford Music Corp. 1937
Ten Swedes Landt, Karl
Landt, Dan
Regent Music Corp. 1952
Ten Thousand Bedrooms Brodszky, Nicholas Leo Feist Inc. 1956
Ten Yards To Go Franklin, Dave Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1934
Tender Is The Night Donaldson, Walter   1935
Tender Trap, The Van Heusen, James Barton Music Co. 1955
Tenderly Shuken, Leo Bluestone-Bernard Music Pub. 1941
Tenement Symphony Borne, Hal Leo Feist Inc. 1941
Tennessee Skyler, Sonny Domar Music Co. 1942
Tennessee Merritt, Babs R. Stevens Music Corp. 1947
Tennessee Fish Fry Schwartz, Arthur Chappell & Co. Inc. 1940
Tennessee Hill Billy Ghost Smith, Beasley
Peterson, Marie
Robbins Music Corp. 1951
Tennessee Lazy Sanders, Joe Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1929
Tennessee Waltz Stewart, Redd
King, Pee Wee
Acuff-Rose Pub. 1948
Teresa Russin, Babe Duchess Music Corp. 1947
Tess's Torch Song from The San Goldwyn Picture "Up In Arms" Arlen, Harold T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1943
Tetched In The Head Ray, Peggy
Thomas, Bunny
Bradley, Wallace
Pallma Music Products Corp. 1951
Texas Aint Old Texas Anymore Baxley, Jack
Whalen, Ekko
King, John (Dusty)
Peer International Corp. 1942
Texas And Pacific Fine, Jack Wolf
Hirsch, Joseph
Pickwick Music Corp. 1947
Texas Blues Cottonseed Clark
Willing, Foy
Leeds Music Corp. 1945
Texas Polka Knight, Vick
Haldeman, Oakley
Porter, Lew
Urban Music Pub. 1944
Texas Ranger Song from The Paramount Picture "The Texas Rangers" Coslow, Sam
Behn, Harry
Famous Music Corp. 1936
Texas Star DeRose, Peter Miller Music Corp. 1936
Texas Star, The Savage, Guy
Bennett, Lee
Hubert J. Braun Music Co. 1942
Texas Tornado, The Pollack, Lew Sam Fox Pub Co. 1936
Texas, We're On Our Way Pollay, F. Gilbert Twentieth Century Music Pub. 1936
Teyo el Enano (Teyo The Midget) Snowhill, George Modern Melodies Pub. Co. 1941
Thank God For America Phillips, Madalyn Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1942
Thank The Horses Eaton, Jimmy
Shay, Larry
Mills Music Inc. 1937
Thank You For A Lovely Evening McHugh, Jimmy Robbins Music Corp. 1934
Thank You, Stusia Frost, Jack Joe Davis Inc. 1936
Thank Your Lucky Stars Schwartz, Arthur Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1943
Thank Your Lucky Stars Schwartz, Arthur Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1943
Thank Your Lucky Stars And Stripes Kay, Mack
Mahr, Curley
Artists Music Corp. 1939
Thank Your Lucky Stars And Stripes from "Playmates" VanHeusen, Jimmy Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1941
Thank Your Stars Adamson, Harold
Silver, Abner
Kent, Walter
Joe Davis Inc. 1939
Thanks A Lot Witmark, Isidore Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1936
Thanks A Million Johnston, Arthur Robbins Music Corp. 1935
Thanks For Everything Jones, Isham T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1937
Thanks For Ev'rything Gordon, Mack
Revel, Harry
Robbins Music Corp. 1938
Thanks For The Dream Cugat, Xavier
Gonzales, Raymond Jr.
Sam Fox Pub Co. 1943
Thanks For The Memory Robin, Leo
Rainger, Ralph
Paramount Music Corp. 1937
Thanks For Your Letter Lane, Gladys Peer International Corp. 1942
Thanks from The Paramount Picture "Too Much Harmony" Johnston, Arthur
Coslow, Sam
Famous Music Corp. 1933
Thanks To The Normandie Baron, Maurice M. Baron Inc. 1939
Thanks To You Mann, Harold Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Thanks To You from The Paramount Picture "Somebody Loves Me" Livingston, Jay
Evans, Ray
Paramount Music Corp. 1952
Thanks, Mister Florist Tepper, Sid
Brodsky, Roy
Mills Music Inc. 1949
Thanksgivin' Carmichael, Hoagy Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1932
That Ain't Hay Paul, M. Cooper Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
That Ain't The Way I Dreamed It Nelson, Steve
Vanston, Dorothy
Rainbow Music Pub. 1942
That Certain Party Donaldson, Walter Bourne Inc. 1925
That Combination Hug And Kiss Baney, Mary National Songwriters 1943
That Cuban Cha Cha Cha Fields, Irving Antobal Music 1951
That Daddy And Mother Of Mine Handman, Lou Handman & Goodman Inc. 1932
That Doggie In The Window Merrill, Bob Santly-Joy-Select Inc. 1953
That Ever Lovin' Rag Byron, Walter Johnstone-Montei Inc. 1952
That Face Spence, Lew Empress Music Inc. 1960
That Feeling In The Moonlight Cavanaugh, James
Stock, Larry
Schuster, Ira
Paull-Pioneer Music Corp. 1944
That Feeling Is Gone Wallace, Emmett (Babe) Leo Feist Inc. 1938
That Fellow Manuelo Schwartz, Arthur T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1934
That Flame Is Burning Again Schaeffer, Mary Tone Music Co. 1945
That Foolish Feeling from The Universal Production "Top Of The Town" McHugh, Jimmy Leo Feist Inc. 1936
That Funny Little Bug Called Love Lynn, Deecy Merrell Schwarz Music Co. 1941
That Funny Little Kid Richman, Jerry
Kadish, Sam
Sadin, Gene
Howe, Cappy
That Good Old American Way Connard, Norman Lee Ascot Pub. House 1939
That Gosh Ding Hiram Tune Pratt, Paul Stark Music Co. 1941
That Great American Home Sherman, Al
Lewis, Al
Wrubel, Allie
Donaldson, Douglas & Gumble Inc. 1938
That Great Come And Get It Day Lane, Burton Crawford Music Corp. 1946
That Is Why I Call You Darling Weissman, Bernie
Goulden, Ken
Goulden, Elizabeth J.
Wilcox Music Pub. Co. 1945
That Left Hand Rag Humfeld, Charles Note Factory Pub. Co. 1912
That Lingering, Longing Manners, Henry Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
That Little Dream Got Nowhere VanHeusen, James Famous Music Corp. 1946
That Little German Band Fischer, Fred Fred Fisher Music Co. Inc. 1944
That Little Shack By The Rail Road Track Hanson, Eddy Will Rossiter 1936
That Lonely Tune Kyle, Billy Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
That Love Bug's Back Again Schaffer, Mary Red Star Songs Inc. 1939
That Lovely Night In Budapest DeRose, Peter Chappell & Co. Inc. 1936
That Lucky Fellow Kern, Jerome Chappell & Co. Inc. 1939
That Lucky Old Sun Smith, Beasley Robbins Music Corp. 1949
That Makes It Tough Holly, Buddy Peer International Corp. 1959
That Momemt Of Moments Duke, Vernon Chappell & Co. Inc. 1935
That Moon's In My Heart Von Tilzer, Albert Broadcast Music Inc. 1944
That Mountain Melody (Wasted Tears And I Found The Right Road To Heaven) Rex, George Rex Music Pub.  
That Never To Be Forgotten Night Fain, Sammy Marlo Music Corp. 1936
That Night In Avalon Ruby, Harry Kalmar & Ruby Music Corp. 1938
That Night In Dreamy Havana Sills, Berenice Paull-Pioneer Music Corp. 1939
That Night In June Collins, Francis Joseph Francis Joseph Collins 1934
That Night On Tampa Bay Gaddie, Thurman G. Thurman G. Gaddie 1937
That Old Army Shirt They Gave To Me Wills, James J. Cine-Mart Music Pub. Co. 1942
That Old Black Magic Arlen, Harold Famous Music Corp. 1942
That Old Gang Of Mine Henderson, Ray Irving Berlin Inc. 1940
That Old Mission Bell In The Valley Jurgens, Dick O'Kay Music Co. 1942
That Old Sweetheart Of Mine Tucker, Tommy
McKelvy, Lige
Greene-Revel Inc. 1942
That Old Swiss Chalet In The Rockies Dulmage, Will E.
Clint, H. O'Reilly
J.W. Jenkins & Sons Music Co. 1935
That Old Wooden Rocker Crumit, Frank F.B. Haviland Pub. Co. Inc. 1928
That Particular Friend Of Mine Hopkins, Claude Sherman, Clay & Co. 1936
That Pioneer Mother Of Mine Spencer, Tim American Music Inc. 1937
That Railroad Rag Bimberg, Ed Head Music Pub Co. 1911
That Sentimental Sandwich Hollander, Frederick Famous Music Corp. 1939
That Silfered Haired Daddy Of Mine Long, Jimmy
Autry, Gene
M.M. Cole Pub. Co. 1934
That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine Long, Jimmy
Autry, Gene
M.M. Cole Pub. Co. 1934
That Sly Old Gentleman Monaco, James V. Santly-Joy-Select Inc. 1939
That Soldier Of Mine Dennis, Matt National Music Corp. 1942
That Solid Old Man Boland, Clay Melrose Brothers Music Co. Inc. 1941
That Star Spangled Baby Of Mine Wright, Renee Dietrich Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1941
That Stolen Melody Fisher, Fred Empire Music Pub. Co. 1928
That Streamline Gal Of Mine Martin, Katherine
Smith, Willie
Bishop, Walter
Williams, Clarence
Clarence Williams Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1937
That Teasin' Rag Jordon, Joe Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc.  
That Uncertain Feeling Shalit, Joseph Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
That Vine Covered Home In The Valley Hibbeler, Ray Clara Belle Riley 1940
That Week In Paris Oakland, Ben Chappell & Co. Inc. 1938
That Wonderful Day Baggett, Nita
White, Barb
White, Bob
Radio Music Pub. 1941
That Wonderful Night With You Williams & Reynolds Will Rossiter 1936
That Wonderful Worrisome Feeling Hoffman, Al
Roberts, Allan
Livingston, Jerry
Warock Music Co. 1943
That Won't Buy The Baby No Shoes Schael, Gus August Schael Co. 1942
That'll Be The Day Holly, Buddy
Petty, Norman
Nor Va Jak Music Inc. 1957
That's A Plenty Williams, Bert Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1940
That's A Why Merrill, Bob Santly-Joy-Select Inc. 1952
That's All I Want From You Rotha, M. Weiss & Barry Inc. 1954
That's All There Is Woods, Harry M. Witmark & Sons 1925
That's For Me Paul, M. Cooper Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
That's For Me Rodgers, Richard Williamson Music Inc. 1945
That's For Me from The Paramount Picture "Rhythm On The River" Monaco, James V. Famous Music Corp. 1940
That's Good Enough For Me Bergersen, Baldwin Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
That's Her Now Ager, Milton Ager, Yellen & Bornstein Inc. 1929
That's Him Weill, Kurt Chappell & Co. Inc. 1943
That's How A Love Song Is Born Carr, Michael
Byron, Walter
Leeds Music Corp. 1951
That's How I Feel About You Barnhart, Roscoe F. Emil F. Isenberg Music Pub. Co. 1943
That's How I Love You Dear One DeSantis, Frances Frances DeSantis 1938
That's How It Goes Callan, Bill Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
That's How It Goes Faith, Percy T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1952
That's How Much I Love You Arnold, Eddy
Fowler, Wally
Hall, J. Graydon
Vogue Music Corp. 1946
That's How Rhythm Was Born      
That's How To Write A Song Styne, Jule Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1943
That's How Virginia Began Levant, Oscar Harry Engel Inc. 1936
That's Journey's End Urban, Braheen Braheen Urban 1941
That's Life I Guess DeRose, Peter Crawford Music Corp. 1936
That's Like Taking You Away From Me Ringle, Dave Dave Ringle Music Pub. 1936
That's Love Lara, Agustin Peer International Corp. 1945
That's Me Without You Coots, J. Fred DeSylva, Henderson & Brown Inc. 1933
That's Music To Me Turk, Roy
Ahlert, Fred E.
DeSylva, Henderson & Brown Inc. 1929
That's Music To Me Pinkard, Maceo
Reid, Lois
Pinkard Pub. 1939
That's My Affair Weiser, Irving Leeds Music Corp. 1943
That's My Desire Kresa, Helmy Mills Music Inc. 1931
That's My Fella Gould, Morton Chappell & Co. Inc. 1949
That's My Home Robin, Sid Leeds Music Corp. 1946
That's My Way Of Saying "I Love You" Milton, Jay Republic Music Corp. 1941
That's My Weakness Now Green, Bud
Stept, Sam H.
Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1928
That's Right, I'm Wrong from The Paramount Picture "Hoagy Carmichael" Carmichael, Hoagy Famous Music Corp. 1939
That's The Beginning Of The End Whitney, Joan
Kramer, Alex
ABC Music Corp. 1946
That's The Stuff Ya' Gotta Watch Sissle, Noble
Battle, Edgar
Ram, Buck
Meredith, Gail
Campbell-Porgie Inc. 1945
That's The Time A Fellow Needs A Girl Friend Stept, Sam H. Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1931
That's The Time You Got Fooled Pancoast, Ace
Merl, Maurrie
Frank Capano 1936
That's The US Coast Guard Hayes, Billy Billy Hayes 1942
That's The Way I Like To Hear You Talk Sigler, Maurice
Goodhart, Al
Hoffman, Al
Superior Music Co. Inc. 1934
That's The Way It Is Whitney, Joan
Kramer, Alex
Northern Music Corp. 1945
That's The Way Lovin' Hill Billies Meet Davidson, Walt
Patterson, Frieda
Maxon, Tom
Davidson & Maxon Music Pub. 1941
That's The Way They Swing It Burton, Fred Ideal Music Pub. Co. 1942
That's What A Dream Can Do Gerald, John Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
That's What A Rainy Day Is For Mizzy, Vic Robbins Music Corp. 1953
That's What I Call Keen Fiorito, Ted Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1928
That's What I Call Sweet Music Wendling, Pete Ager, Yellen & Bornstein Inc. 1929
That's What I Learned In College Andrews, Andy
Davis, Johnnie
Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1935
That's What I Like About You Keene, Kahn
Sharbutt, Del
Stanton, Frank
Nationwide Songs Inc. 1941
That's What I Like About You Friend, Cliff
Monaco, Jimmie
Red Star Songs Inc. 1930
That's What I Want For Christmas Marks, Gerald Irving Caesar Inc. 1935
That's What I Wrote To Santa Claus Yacich, Chris Clarence Williams Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1939
That's What Makes The World Go 'Round Green, Bud
Stept, Sam H.
Robbins Music Corp. 1934
That's What The Rose Said To Me Edwards, Leo Gus Edwards Music Pub. Co. 1907
That's What We Do Over Here Heath, Hy
Lange, Johnny
Porter, Lew
L. Wolfe Gilbert Music Pub. Co. 1939
That's What You Mean To Me Davis, Benny
Coots, J. Fred
Mills Music Inc. 1936
That's What You Think from The Universal Picture "King Solomon Of Broadway" Tomlin, "Pinky"
Poe, Coy
Jasper, Raymond
Irving Berlin Inc. 1935
That's What's Wrong With Jimmy Carr, Leon Famous Music Corp. 1955
That's When Your Heartaches Begin Raskin, William
Brown, George
Fisher, Fred
Fred Fisher Music Co. Inc. 1940
That's Where I Came In DeRose, Peter Robbins Music Corp. 1946
That's Where I Meet My Girl VonTilzer, Albert Harry VonTilzer Music Pub. Co. 1926
That's Where The West Begins Schaeffer, Mary
Spitalny, Maurice
Red Star Songs Inc. 1939
That's Where You Come In Nelson, Steve Rainbow Music Pub. 1941
That's Why I'm Crying For You Turner, Jack
Tillman, Edwin
Edwin & Tillman Inc. 1928
That's Why I'm Falling For You Scolaro, George
Hummel, H.A.
Evan Georgeoff Music Pub. Co. 1938
That's Why Redskins Are Blue Scholl, Jack
Rich, Max
Bob Miller Inc. 1936
That's You, Baby Conrad, Con
Mitchell, Sidney D.
Gottler, Archie
DeSylva, Henderson & Brown Inc. 1929
That's You, Sweetheart Petkere, Bernice Crawford Music Corp. 1935
That's You, That's Me Whitney, Joan
Kramer, Alex
Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Them There Eyes Pinkard, Maceo
Tracy, William
Tauber, Doris
Irving Berlin Inc. 1930
Then Came The Indians Tobias, Harry
Stern, Jack
Tobias, Henry H.
Sam Fox Pub Co. 1936
Then Came The Rain Levant, Oscar T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1939
Then I'd Be Satisfied With Life Cohan, George Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1930
Then I'll Forget You Cibelli, Amalia Colonial Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1943
Then It Isn't Love Robin, Leo
Rainger, Ralph
Famous Music Corp. 1935
Then My Castles Came Tumb'ling Down Ward, Eddie George & Arthur Piantadosi Inc. 1929
Then We'll Have No Mussolinis In The Air Halls, J.C. E. Wayne Runyan 1937
Then You Came Into My Heart Velazco, Emil Bibo-Lang Inc. 1934
Then You Kissed Me Lawnhurst, Vee Chappell & Co. Inc. 1937
Then You Walked Into The Room Brown, Lew
Maxwell, Elsa
Akst, Harry
T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1935
Then You've Never Been Blue Fiorito, Ted Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1935
There Ain't Any Chorus Carroll, Irv
Livingston, Jerry
Mercer & Morris Inc. 1941
There Are No Wings On A Fox Hole Berlin, Irving Edwin H. Morris & Co. Inc. 1944
There Are Rivers To Cross Henderson, Ray T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1942
There Are Such Things Adams, Stanley
Baer, Abel
Meyer, George W.
Yankee Pub. Corp. 1942
There Are Yanks Duke, Vernon T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1943
There But For You Go I from "Brigadoon" Loewe, Frederick Sam Fox Pub Co. 1947
There Goes My Attraction Neiburg, Al J.
Levinson, Jerry
Bunch, Boyd
Ager, Yellen & Bornstein Inc. 1936
There Goes My Dream Heneker, David LaSalle Pub. Co. 1940
There Goes My Heart Silver, Abner Leo Feist Inc. 1934
There Goes That Song Again from The Columbia Picture "Carolina Blues" Styne, Jule Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1944
There I Go Weiser, Irving Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
There Is A Tavern In The Town Hills, William H.   1934
There Is No Breeze Alstone Robbins Music Corp. 1946
There Is No Christmas Like A Home Christmas Addy, Mickey J. Roncom Music Co. 1950
There Is No One To Compare With You Prosser, Ruth Prosser Music Pub. Co. 1924
There Is No One With Endurance Like The Man Who Sells Insurance Crumit, Frank
Burt, Ben
Curtis, Billy
Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1935
There Is One Grand Welcome Waiting For You Soldier Boy Beste, Anna Adams Anna Adams Beste 1942
There Isn't Any Limit To My Love Sigler, Maurice
Goodhart, Al
Hoffman, Al
Cinephonic Music Co. 1935
There Must Be A Way Gallop, Sammy
Saxon, David
Cook, Robert
Stevens Music Corp. 1945
There Must Be An Easier Way To Make A Living Woods, Harry
Tobias, Charlie
Stept, Sam H.
Leo Feist Inc. 1940
There Never Was A Night So Beautiful Rox, John Broadcast Music Inc. 1954
There Ought To Be A Society Erwin, Lee Dreyer Music Corp. 1947
There Shall Be No Night Silver, Abner Lincoln Music Corp. 1940
There She Goes David, Hal
Carr, Leon
Redd Evans Music Co. 1951
There They Go Gassaway, Betty
Brown, Thelma Mary
L.R. Master 1941
There Was A Time Manners, Zeke
Lee, Lester
Leeds Music Corp. 1942
There Will Always Be America Madison, George Peer International Corp. 1941
There Will Come A Time Child, Mike
Rathert, Herbert
Engle, Holland E.
T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1931
There Will Never Be Another You Warren, Harry Mayfair Music Corp. 1942
There Won't Be A Shortage Of Love Lombardo, Carmen
Loeb, John Jacob
Leo Feist Inc. 1942
There You Are Wilder, Alec Regent Music Corp. 1945
There You Go Livingston, "Fud" Embassy Music Corp. 1945
There! I've Said It Again Evans, Redd
Mann, Dave
Radio Tunes Inc. 1941
There'll Always Be An England Parker, Ross
Charles, Hughie
Irwin Dash Music Co. 1939
There'll Be A Day Atcher, Bob Peer International Corp. 1941
There'll Be A Jubilee Moore, Phil Leeds Music Corp. 1944
There'll Be A New Style Bonnet In The Easter Parade Douglass, Ruby Jane Leeds Music Corp. 1943
There'll Be A Time In Every Lifetime Richard, Leo
Richard, Hector
Lester Tiemann 1939
There'll Be No South from The Columbia Picture "The Music Goes 'Round" Akst, Harry
Richman, Harry
Irving Berlin Inc. 1936
There'll Be Some Changes Made Overstreet, W. Benton Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1947
There'll Be You And I Green, Bud
Stept, Sam H.
Green & Stept Inc. 1929
There'll Come A Day Miles, Helen D. Ben-et Songs 1943
There'll Come A Day White, Leroy "Lasses" Peer International Corp. 1942
There'll Never Be A Stain On Old Glory Zoeller, Loy
Dempsey, Tom
Zoeller Music Co. 1940
There'll Never Be Another War Cogane, Nelson
Schuster, Ira
Meyer, Joseph
Paull-Pioneer Music Corp. 1942
There'll Never Be Another You Miller, Ray
Meikel, Edward
Ossenbrink, Arkie
Peer International Corp. 1942
There'll Never Be Another You Bergner, Carl O.
Nelson, Ed. G.
Stasny-Lang Music Inc. 1927
There'll Never Be Another You Jacobs, Al Stasny-Lang Music Inc. 1939
There's A Big Blue Cloud Drake, Ervin
Lengsfelder, H.
McGrane, Paul
Spinlan Music Co. 1951
There's A Bit Of Paree In You Gorney, Jay Sam Fox Pub Co. 1934
There's A Blue Bird A Singin' Blue, Margaret Scott Zerse Brothers 1933
There's A Bold Bad Buccaneer In Town Weinbach, Ben Weinbach & Shatzman 1935
There's A Boy In Harlem from The Mervyn LeRoy-Warner Brothers Picture "Fouls For Scandal" Rogers, Richard T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1938
There's A Brand New Picture In My Picture Frame Friend, Cliff
Franklin, Dave
T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1938
There's A Brighter Dixie On High Finley, Chester
Udall, Lyn
Bell Music Co. 1941
There's A Castle In Spain Thomas, Millard King Music Pub. Co. 1934
There's A Cloud In My Valley Of Sunshine from Paramount's Picture "Son Of Paleface" Hope, Jack
Moraine, Lyle
Paramount Music Corp. 1952
There's A Cottage By The Shannon Sanders, Alma Brunjes, Carol & Sanders Inc. 1934
There's A Different You In Your Heart Fain, Sammy Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1934
There's A Far Away Look In Your Eye Mizzy, Vic Harry Tenney Inc. 1938
There's A Girl In The Heart Of Maryland Carroll, Harry Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1913
There's A Great Day Coming Manana Lane, Burton Chappell & Co. Inc. 1940
There's A Green Pasture In The Blue Heaven Hoffman, Al
Kent, Walter
Atlas Music Corp. 1939
There's A Harbor Of Dream Boats Burton, Nat
Sherman, Al
Altman, Arthur
Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1943
There's A Hole In The Old Oaken Bucket DeLong, Al
Stern, Jack
Larry Spier Inc. 1938
There's A Lamplight Burning In The Window Nelson, Steve Rainbow Music Pub. 1941
There's A Little Bit Of Irish In Us All Harper, Marjorie
Douglas, Carrick
Patrick, Fred
Modern Melodies Pub. Co. 1938
There's A Little Lane Without A Turning Meyer, George W. Broadway Music Corp. 1915
There's A Little Luck Charm Oppenheim, Dave
Raymond, Harold
Rich, Max
Superior Music Co. Inc. 1936
There's A Little Old Texas Town Duncan, Robert Syd Woodland Music Co. 1942
There's A Lot Of Blue Eyed Marys Down In Maryland Yellen, Jack
Ager, Milton
Meyer, George W.
Leo Feist Inc. 1919
There's A Lot Of Moonlight Being Wasted Simon, Nat Irving Berlin Inc. 1944
There's A Lovely Lake In Loveland Evans, Tolchard Mills Music Inc. 1949
There's A Lull In My Life from The 20th Century-Fox Picture "Wake Up And Live" Gordon, Mack
Revel, Harry
Robbins Music Corp. 1937
There's A Man In My Life Waller, "Fats" Advanced Music Corp. 1943
There's A Mile Between The Ess-es in Smiles DeRose, Peter Miller Music Corp. 1949
There's A New Fire Burning In The Old Fireplace Seiler, Eddie
Marcus, Sol
Mutual Music Society Inc. 1943
There's A New Flag On Iwo Jima McHugh, Jimmy Leeds Music Corp. 1945
There's A New Moon Over My Shoulder Davis, Jimmie
Whelan, Ekko
Blastic, Lee
Peer International Corp. 1944
There's A New Moon Over The Old Mill Wrubel, Allie Irving Berlin Inc. 1937
There's A Picture In Your Eyes Warner, Del
Perkins, Walton
Ted Browne Music Co. Inc. 1937
There's A Place In God's Heart Hamblen, Suzy Voss Music Inc. 1956
There's A Place In My Heart For You Fuller, Charles Richard Milton Weil Music Co. Inc. 1942
There's A Place In The Sun For You Fain, Sammy Green & Stept Inc. 1928
There's A Rainbow Shining For You Schneider, John J. Songtex Music Co. 1939
There's A Rainbow Smiling For You Moore, Mabel Robbins Music Corp. 1950
There's A Ranch In The Sky Goodwin, Joe
Holzer, Lou
Shay, Larry
Milton Weil Music Co. Inc. 1937
There's A Reason Why Hardy, Al VanBrunt Music Pub. Co. 1942
There's A Round Up On The Rainbow Trail Aldrich, Bob R.D. Row Music Co. 1939
There's A Secret In My Heart Metz, Theo A. Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1935
There's A Shadow In The Sunshine Of Your Smile Young, Joe
Lombardo, Carmen
Ahlert, Fred E.
Leo Feist Inc. 1935
There's A Sign On The Old Ranch "For Sale" Gregory, Bobby
Denniker, Paul
Davis, Joe
Joe Davis Inc. 1937
There's A Silver Moon On The Golden Gate Tobias, Charles
Rothberg, Bob
Meyer, Joseph
Irving Berlin Inc. 1936
There's A Small Hotel from "On Your Toes" Rodgers, Richard Chappell & Co. Inc. 1936
There's A Song In My Heart McNeil, J. Charles Wesley Webster 1936
There's A Spell On The Moon Gorney, Jay Sam Fox Pub Co. 1935
There's A Star Spangled Banner Waving Somewhere Roberts, Paul
Darnell, Shelby
Bob Miller Inc. 1942
There's A Sunny Smile Waiting For Me Edwards, Leo M. Witmark & Sons 1930
There's A Village In A Valley Silver, Abner Robbins Music Corp. 1938
There's A Voice In The Valley Skyler, Sonny Esquire Music Co. 1941
There's A Wah-Wah Gal In Agua Caliente Donaldson, Walter Donaldson, Douglas & Gumble Inc. 1930
There's A Whistle In The Thistle Burke, Joe Leo Feist Inc. 1935
There's Always A Way To Remember Fain, Sammy
Pollack, Lew
M. Witmark & Sons 1927
There's Always Tomorrow Silver, Abner
Sigler, Maurice
Hoffman, Al
Superior Music Co. Inc. 1933
There's An "FDR" In Freedom Kelley, Clarence
Stanton, Frank H.
Matthews, Bob
Nationwide Songs Inc. 1942
There's An "X" In The Middle Of Texas Raskin, Albert
Rich, Murray
Simon House Inc. 1950
There's An Empty Cot In The Bunkhouse Tonight Autry, Gene M.M. Cole Pub. Co. 1934
There's An Old Easy Chair By The Fireplace Poulton, Curt Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
There's Beauty Ev'rywhere Warren, Harry Triangle Music Corp. 1944
There's Danger In Your Eyes, Cherie! Richman, Harry
Meskill, Jack
Wendling, Pete
Bourne Inc. 1929
There's Doubt In My Mind, But There's Hope In My Heart Lafett, Al Broadcast Music Inc. 1952
There's Everything Nice About You Wendling, Pete Henry Waterson Inc. 1927
There's Frost On The Moon Young, Joe
Ahlert, Fred E.
Irving Berlin Inc. 1936
There's Gold In The Moon Tonight Norberto, Jack
King, Hadi
N.K. Music Co. 1942
There's Gonna Be A Shindig Swander, Don Cross & Winge Inc. 1937
There's Gonna Be A Wedding In The Band Baxter, Phil Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1934
There's Gonna Be The Devil To Pay Emmerich, Bob Clarence Williams Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1935
There's Good Blues Tonight Osser, Edna
Osser, Abe
Embassy Music Corp. 1946
There's Got To Be Swing Kinney, Norman B.
Wrightman, Neale
Neal Wrightman Music 1941
There's Gotta Be A Weddin' VanHeusen, James Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1939
There's Honey On The Moon Tonight Coots, J. Fred Miller Music Corp. 1938
There's Love In My Heart Kaye, Karl M. Mendelson  
There's Love In Your Eyes Tonight Burman, Jack Rainbow Melodies Music 1941
There's Music In A Kiss Sherman, Al
Lewis, Al
Silver, Abner
T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1935
There's Music In The Land Styne, Jule T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1948
There's Never Been A Love Like Ours Hamilton, George Evan Georgeoff Music Pub. Co. 1939
There's No Country Like My Country Herbert, Jean Herbert Pub. 1940
There's No Depression In Love Dougherty, Dan Ager, Yellen & Bornstein Inc. 1931
There's No Harm In Dreaming My Dreams Blackledge, Dick Dick Blackledge 1937
There's No Harm In Hoping Woods, Harry
Campbell, Jimmy
Connelly, Peg
Campbell, Connelly & Co. Ltd. 1933
There's No Holding Me Schwartz, Arthur Putnam Music 1946
There's No One But You Croom-Johnson, Austen Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1946
There's No Place Like Your Arms Boland, Clay Lincoln Music Corp. 1938
There's No Substitute For You Gordon, Lee Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1936
There's No Tellin' Pinkard, Maceo Pinkard Pub. 1939
There's No Tomorrow Walton, Kenneth Clef Music Co. 1941
There's No Two Ways About It McHugh, Jimmy Leo Feist Inc. 1936
There's No Two Ways About Love Johnson, James P. Mills Music Inc. 1943
There's No Use In Feeling Blue Holmes, Salty
Anderson, Walter, M.
Peer International Corp. 1942
There's No Use Worrying Rice, Hoke
Davis, Jimmie
Peer International Corp. 1942
There's No You Hopper, Hal Barton Music Co. 1944
There's Nobody Else But You Shaw, King Carl Sobie Music Pub. 1942
There's Not A Moment To Spare Watt, Douglas
Zigfeld, Roy
Circle Music Pub. 1938
There's Nothing Like A Song Frederick, Virginia T.S. Denison 1941
There's Nothing Like The Smile Of The Irish Ross, Lanny Fred Fisher Music Co. Inc. 1941
There's Nowhere To Go But Up Weill, Kurt Crawford Music Corp. 1938
There's Only One Girl Michaluk, Leo
Merl, Maurrie
Tin Pan Alley 1938
There's Only One In Love Rossi, Pat
Bishop, Walter
LaFreniere, E.P.
Roy Music Co. 1939
There's Only One Love In A Lifetime Autry, Gene
Tobias, Harry
Marvin, Johnny
Robbins Music Corp. 1940
There's Rain In My Eyes Ager, Milton
McCarthy, Joe
Schwartz, Jean
Ager, Yellen & Bornstein Inc. 1938
There's Something About An Old Love Hudson, Will Mills Music Inc. 1938
There's Something About You Hibbeler, Ray Alma Fuller Wittich 1936
There's Something About You Bergman, Dewey London Music Corp. 1941
There's Something In My Eye Howard, Joe
Randolph, Bob
Romay, Lina
Bird, Bill
Joe Howard Music House 1942
There's Something In The Air McHugh, Jimmy Robbins Music Corp. 1936
There's Tears In My Heart Rice, Hoke S.
Davis, Jimmie
Peer International Corp. 1942
There's Two Sides To Ev'ry Story Ahlert, Fred E. Words & Music Inc. 1936
There's Yes, Yes, In Your Eyes Santly, Joseph H. M. Witmark & Sons 1940
These Are The Things We'll Share Wolfson, Mack
White, Edward R.
Koslo, Ira
Famous Music Corp. 1954
These Empty Arms Of Mine Lyman, Abe
Graham, Berkeley
Mills, Carley
Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1943
These Hands Noack, Eddie Hill & Range Songs Inc. 1955
These 'N' That 'N' Those 'N' Fairchild, Edgar Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1935
These Things I Offer You Nevins, Morty
Benjamin, Bennie
Weiss, George
Valando Music Corp. 1951
These Things Shall Pass Hamblen, Stuart Duchess Music Corp. 1951
These Things You Left Me Lippman, Sidney Regent Music Corp. 1940
These Will Be The Best Years Of Our Lives Hilliard, Bob
Mann, Dave
Robbins Music Corp. 1947
They All Laughed Gershwin, George Gershwin Pub. Co. 1937
They All Wanted You For Me Weiss, Georgy
Reif, Paul
Cherio Music Pub. Inc. 1942
They Call The Wind Maria Loewe, Frederick Chappell & Co. Inc. 1951
They Can't Black Out The Stars And Stripes Jacoby, Elliot
Goldstein, Jacob Pvt.
Broadcast Music Inc. 1942
They Can't Convince Me from The Columbia Picture "Down To Earth" Roberts, Allan
Fisher, Doris
Mood Music Co. Inc. 1946
They Can't Shoot Me In The Morning David, Lee
Redmond, John
McCarthy, Charles
Joe Davis Inc. 1939
They Can't Take That Away From Me from The MGM Picture "The Barkleys Of Broadway" Gershwin, George Chappell & Co. Inc. 1937
They Drew My Number Spencer, Vern (Tim) American Music Inc. 1941
They Just Chopped Down The Old Apple Tree from The RKO Picture "Around The World" McHugh, Jimmy Miller Music Corp. 1943
They Say It's Wonderful from "Annie Get Your Gun" Berlin, Irving Irving Berlin Inc. 1946
They Started Somethin' Sour, Robert
McCray, Don
Gold, Ernest
Broadcast Music Inc. 1942
They Were Doin' The Mambo Burke, Sonny
Raye, Don
Mayfair Music Corp. 1954
They're Either Too Young Or Too Old Schwartz, Arthur M. Witmark & Sons 1943
They're Gonna Be Blowin' Taps For All The Japs Bishop, Walter Walter Bishop 1942
They're Sendin' The Judge To Jail Meadows, Fred Cherio Music Pub. Inc. 1943
Things Are Different Now Alley, Shelly Lee Peer International Corp. 1942
Things Are Looking Up Gershwin, George Gershwin Pub. Co. 1937
Things I Didn't Do, The Jay, Fred
Reid, Irving
Kosloff, Ira
Hill & Range Songs Inc. 1954
Things I Love, The Harris, Lewis Campbell Music Co. 1941
Things I Might Have Been, The Sherman, Robert B.
Sherman, Richard M.
Meridian Music 1952
Things I Want, The Kern, Jerome Chappell & Co. Inc. 1937
Things Might Have Been So Different Coots, J. Fred Leo Feist Inc. 1935
Things That Mean So Much To Me, The Wayne, Bernie Broadcast Music Inc. 1943
Things That Were Made For Love, The Tobias, Charles
Kahal, Irving
DeRose, Peter
Things That You Promised To Do, The Gibbs, George A. Jr. Norman Spencer & Son 1939
Things We Did Last Summer, The Styne, Jule Edwin H. Morris & Co. Inc. 1946
Think It Over Meyer, Joseph
Bernier, Buddy
Emmerich, Bob
Marlo Music Corp. 1938
Think Of Me Loring, Richard
Cross, Steven
Rodgers, Roy
Peer International Corp. 1942
Thinkin' About The Wabash Styne, Jule Melrose Brothers Music Co. Inc. 1943
Thinking It Over Stewart, Sid Hubert J. Braun Music Co. 1936
Thinking Of You, Night And Day Brown, DeWitt Art Music Co. 1942
Thirsty For Your Kisses Morris, Lee Mutual Music Society Inc. 1950
Thirsty For Your Kisses Morris, Lee Mutual Music Society Inc. 1950
Thirty Days Has September Emmerich, Bob Modern Melodies Pub. Co. 1937
This Above All Kruger, Joseph Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
This Changing World Suesse, Dana Robbins Music Corp. 1939
This Christmas Styne, Jule T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1944
This Could Be The Start Of Something Allen, Steve Rose Meadow Music Pub. Corp. 1956
This Day Carle, Frankie Jewel Music 1943
This Funny Little Love Of Ours Metzger, Ros
Lang, Marilyn
Triangle Music Corp. 1945
This Heart Of Mine Ruby, Harry Mills Music Inc. 1939
This Heart Of Mine Warren, Harry Triangle Music Corp. 1944
This I Love Above All Ager, Milton Dorsey Brothers Music Inc. 1944
This Is A Happy Little Ditty Spina, Harold Robbins Music Corp. 1938
This Is A Lovely Winter Blade, Jimmy Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1945
This Is Always Warren, Harry Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1946
This Is God's War Bergersen, Baldwin Associated Music Pub. Inc. 1942
This Is It Marino, Frankie Chelsea Music Corp. 1945
This Is It O'Connell, Louis
Meyer, Johnny
Garber, Emil
O'Kay Music Co. 1942
This Is Madness, To Love Like This VanHeusen, Jimmy Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1938
This Is More Than Love Worth, Bobby Peer International Corp. 1942
This Is My Country Raye, Don
Jacobs, Al
Words & Music Inc. 1940
This Is My Holiday Loewe, Frederick Leo Feist Inc. 1945
This Is My Night To Dream Monaco, James V. Select Music Pub. Inc. 1938
This Is My Song Kahn, Gus
VanAlstyne, Egbert
Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1938
This Is My Wish Creore, Phyllis J. Fortune Music Inc. 1942
This Is New Weill, Kurt Chappell & Co. Inc. 1941
This Is No Dream Davis, Benny
Dorsey, Tommy
Shapiro, Ted
Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1939
This Is No Laughing Matter Frisch, Al Martin Block Music Pub. Corp. 1941
This Is Only The Beginning Arlen, Harold Irving Berlin Inc. 1933
This Is Our Dance, Sweetheart Tatman, Lawrence S. Jr.
Erickson, Jack
Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
This Is Our Side Of The Ocean Cohan, George M. Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1940
This Is Romance Martin, Phil
Dexter, Glen
Cavalcade Music Co. 1943
This Is Romance Martin, Phil
Dexter, Glen
Cavalcade Music Co. 1943
This Is Romance Duke, Vernon T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1933
This Is So Nice Waller, "Fats" Advanced Music Corp. 1943
This Is The Army, Mister Jones Berlin, Irving This Is The Army Inc. 1942
This Is The First Time Peterson, Wally Lawrence Wright Music Co. 1949
This Is The Inside Story Manus, Jack
Bierman, Bernard
Stevens Music Corp. 1947
This Is The Kiss Of Romance Delettre, Jean Mills Music Inc. 1935
This Is The Missus Brown, Lew
Henderson, Ray
DeSylva, Henderson & Brown Inc. 1931
This Is The Moment Hollander, Frederick Miller Music Corp. 1948
This Is The Night Evans, Redd
Bellin, Lewis
Jefferson Music Co. Inc. 1946
This Is The Real Thing Petrillo, Caesar
Walton, Claudia
Regent Music Corp. 1941
This Is War Lenz, John N. Carl Sobie Music Pub. 1942
This Is What They Call Real Love Clow, O.B. O.B. Clow 1940
This Is Where I Came In Scadron, Mimi
Wartels, Helen
Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
This Is Worth Fighting For DeLange, Edgar
Stept, Sam H.
T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1942
This Little Ripple Had Rhythm Robin, Leo
Rainger, Ralph
Paramount Music Corp. 1937
This Little Rosary Walker, Cindy American Music Inc. 1942
This Love Of Mine Parker, Sol
Sanicola, Henry
Embassy Music Corp. 1941
This May Be The Night Gordon, Mack
Revel, Harry
Leo Feist Inc. 1938
This May Not Be Love Manners, Henry Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
This Melody Franklin, Jimmie Jimmie Franklin 1941
This Never Happened Before McHugh, Jimmy Robbins Music Corp. 1937
This Night Warren, Harry Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1939
This Time Weston, Paul Dorsey Brothers Music Inc. 1946
This Time I Know from "Many A Slip" Davis, Carl E. Jr. Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
This Time It's Love Coots, J. Fred Leo Feist Inc. 1933
This Time It's Real Shivers, Walter
Bernier, Buddy
Emmerich, Bob
Spier Music Co. 1938
This Time The Dream's On Me Arlen, Harold T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1941
This Will Be A Very Merry Christmas Pearl, Lee
Schuster, Joe
Gaumont, Irving
Gaumont Music Pub. 1945
This Year's Kisses Berlin, Irving Irving Berlin Inc. 1937
Tho' You're Only A Buck In The Army Jenkins, Herb
Wedewen, Herb
Harold Dellon Music Co. 1942
Those Good Old Horse And Buggy Days Goldstein, Nat Cross & Winge Inc. 1935
Those Troubled Waters Robison, Willard Donaldson, Douglas & Gumble Inc. 1929
Those Were Wonderful Days Tobias, Charles
Scholl, Jack
Mencher, Murray
M. Witmark & Sons 1933
Thought, A Rogers, Grace
McDonough, Halloran
Halloran McDonough Parmack 1940
Thoughtless Lampl, Carl Leo Feist Inc. 1948
Thoughtless Lampl, Carl Leo Feist Inc. 1948
Thousand And One Nights, A Mossman, Ted
Segal, Jack
Barton Music Co. 1947
Thousand Dreams Of You, A Alter, Louis Robbins Music Corp. 1936
Thousand Islands Song, The Hilliard, Bob
Sigman, Carl
Edwin H. Morris & Co. Inc. 1947
Thousand Violins, A Livingston, Jay
Evans, Ray
Paramount Music Corp. 1949
Three "B's", The Martin, Hugh
Blane, Ralph
Chappell & Co. Inc. 1941
Three Blind Mice Mizzy, Vic Harry Tenney Inc. 1938
Three Caballeros, The Esperon, Manuel Charles K. Harris Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1941
Three Cheers For Anything Harline, Leigh Irving Berlin Inc. 1940
Three Cheers For Our President Davis, Joe Joe Davis Inc. 1942
Three Dreams Styne, Jule Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1942
Three Foot Skipper Jones Whiting, George
Byron, Ken
Gem Music Corp. 1939
Three Handed Woman Raleigh, Ben
Taylor, Hilda
Edwin H. Morris & Co. Inc. 1951
Three Little Bears, The Vidal, Pedro
Arthur, Gene
Apex Music Inc. 1942
Three Little Fishies Dowell, Saxie Santly-Joy-Select Inc. 1939
Three Little Sisters Mizzy, Vic Santly-Joy-Select Inc. 1942
Three Little Words Ruby, Harry T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1930
Three Ring Circus Scharf, Walter Paramount Music Corp. 1954
Three Thousand One Hundred And Twenty One (3,121) Miles Away Pease, Harry
Nelson, Ed. G.
Reid, Reidy
Leeds Music Corp. 1942
Three Trees, The McNaughton, Tom Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1939
Thrill Of A Lifetime Hollander, Frederick
Coslow, Sam
Lombardo, Carmen
Famous Music Corp. 1937
Thrill Of A New Romance, The Cugat, Xavier
Curbelo, F.
Robbins Music Corp. 1939
Thrilled Barris, Harry Crawford Music Corp. 1935
Throne For Love, A Moore, John B. John B. Moore Music Co. 1937
Through A Long And Sleepless Night Newman, Alfred Miller Music Corp. 1949
Through A Thousand Dreams Schwartz, Arthur Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1946