KMOX Pop Sheet Music - "M"
Title Composer Publisher Year
Ma Conrad, Con Mills Music Corp. 1921
Ma Cherie, Cherie, Amie Klemm, Gustay Harold Flammer Inc. 1936
Ma Guitare Qui Chante DeLazzaro, E. Alfred Music Co. Inc. 1936
Ma Lady Lu Brill, Edwin S. Harry VonTilzer Music Pub. Co. 1931
Ma Ma Ma Ma Cavanaugh, James
Redmond, John
Weldon, Frank
Ideal Music Pub. 1940
Ma Ma Maria Lewis, Al
Stock, Larry
Rose, Vincent
Chappell & Co. Inc. 1941
Ma Ma Marie Fields, Irving Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1944
Ma, I Miss Your Apple Pie Lombardo, Carmen
Loeb, John Jacob
Loeb-Lissaner Inc. 1941
Mabellene Berry, Chuck
Fratto, Russ
Freed, Alan
Arc Music Corp. 1955
Macarthur Gonzalez, Leopoldo Peer International Corp. 1942
MaCarthur's Day Kean, Henry E. Excelsior Music Pub. Co. 1942
MacPherson Is Rehearsin' Sunshine, Marion
Fisher, Marvin
Pan-American Music Co. Inc. 1938
Mad About Him, Sad Without Him, How Can I Be Glad Without Him Blues Markes, Larry
Charles, Dick
Leeds Music Corp. 1942
Madam, Can You Still Remember? Abraham, Paul Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1941
Made Up My Mind Evans, Redd
Mann, Dave
Porgie, Debin & Friedman Inc. 1941
Madelaine Spitalny
Santly-Joy Select Inc. 1941
Mademoiselle We're on Our Way Erdmann, Marius Royal Crown Music Co. 1942
Madly In Love Kreisler, Fritz Chappell & Co. Inc. 1936
Madonna Mia Silver, Abner
Sherman, Al
Lewis, Al
T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1935
Madrid DeFrancesco, L.E. Sam Fox Pub. Co. 1930
Maggie's Always Happy Butler, Ralph
Box, Elton
Cox, Desmond
Mills Music Corp. 1937
Magic Is The Moonlight Grever, Maria Melody Lane Pub. 1944
Magic Moments Bacharach, Burt F. Famous Music Corp. 1957
Magic Music Dragon, D.
Leslie, N.
Broadcast Music Inc. 1945
Magic Of Love, The Blackstone, Harry
Byron, Thomas-Ken
Gem Music Corp. 1939
Magic Of Song, The Cunningham, Clarence E. C.E. Cunningham 1938
Magic Of You, The Rainger, Ralph Paramount Music Corp. 1935
Magical "V" Kellogg, Roger Regent Music Corp. 1941
Magnolia DeSylva, B.G.
Brown, Lew
Henderson, Ray
DeSylva, Brown & Henderson Inc. 1927
Magnolia's In The Moonlight Schertzinger, Vic Sam Fox Pub. Co. 1936
Maid Of The Mill Pontius, David W. Art Music Co. 1941
Mairzy Doats Drake, Milt
Hoffman, Al
Livingston, J.
Miller Music Corp. 1943
Major And The Minor, The Evans, Redd
Bostic, Earl
Famous Music Corp. 1942
Make A Wish Straus, Oscar Leo Feist Inc. 1937
Make Believe Shilkret, Jack Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1949
Make Believe Ball Room Razaf, Andy
Denniker, Paul
Joe Davis Inc. 1936
Make Believe Island Grosz, Will Miller Music Corp. 1940
Make Believe You're Happy Stamper, Dave Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1927
Make 'Em Say Uncle, Uncle Sam McEnery, A.
Bourn, Dwight
Peer International Corp. 1942
Make Ev'ry Day Thanksgiving Day Gaskill, Clarence Luz Brothers Music Pub. 1939
Make Her Mine Conn, Chester Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1954
Make Love To Me Roppolo, Leon
Mares, Paul
Pollack, Benny
Brunies, George
Stitzel, Mel
Melrose, Walter
Melrose Music Corp. 1953
Make Love With A Guitar Grever, Maria M. Witmark & Sons 1940
Make Me Happy Tonight Bransen, Walt Harmonia Edition Pub. Co. 1939
Make Me Love You Like I Never Loved Before Fischer, Fred Fred Fisher Music Co. Inc. 1939
Make My Day Complete Lewis, J.C. Jr.
Conlon, Jud
Lewcon Music Music Co. 1941
Make Up Your Mind About Me Cranford, Jack Indiana Song Bureau Inc. 1936
Make Way For Tomorrow Kern, Jerome Crawford Music Corp. 1944
Make With The Bullets, Benny Davis, Frank
Brookhouse, Win
Braverman, Sam
Cody, Charles
Cherio Music Pub. Inc. 1942
Make With The Kisses VanHeusen, Jimmy Mercer & Morris Inc. 1939
Make Yourself At Home Styne, Jule Mills Music Corp. 1940
Make Yourself Comfortable Merrill, Bob Rylan Music Corp. 1954
Makin' Love Ukulele Style Weirick, Paul Mayfair Music Corp. 1949
Malihini Mele Anderson, R. Alex Sherman Clay & Co. 1934
Malola Wayne, Mabel Chappell-Harms Inc.-New York 1935
Mama Devol, Frank
Bowne, Jerry
Encore Music Pub. 1941
Mama Ain't Home Tonight Furgatch, Sidney Sunnyside Music Pub. 1944
Mama Do I Gotta? Mizzy, Vic Miller Music Corp. 1947
Mama Don't Allow It Davenport, Charles Select Music Pub. Inc. 1929
Mama Don't Like Music Autry, Gene
Burnette, Smiley
M.M. Cole Pub. Co. 1935
Mama Don't Want No Peas An' Rice An' Coconut Oil Wolfe, L.
Charles, L.
Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1931
Mama From The Train Gordon, Irving Remick Music 1956
Mama I Wanna Make Rhythm Jerome, Jerome
Byron, Richard
Kent, Walter
Santly Brothers Joy Inc. 1937
Mama Look A Boo Boo Melody, Lord Duchess Music Corp. 1957
Mama Teach Me To Dance Hoffman, Al
Manning, Dick
Roncom Music Co. 1956
Mama That Moon Is Here Again Robin, Leo
Rainger, Ralph
Paramount Music Corp. 1937
Mama's Gone, Good Bye Bocage, Peter
Piron, A. J.
Clarence Williams Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1924
Mama's Gone, Good Bye Bocage, Peter Pickwick Music Corp.  
Mama's Got It Piron, A.J.
Williams, Clarence
Clarence Williams Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1942
Mamas With The Moolah, The Fain, Sammy Leo Feist Inc. 1942
Mambo Italiano Merrill, Bob Rylan Music Corp. 1954
Mambo Jambo Frado, Perez Peer International Corp. 1950
Mamie Dodd, Jimmie Shawnee Press Inc. 1952
Mammy Bong Norman, Jose Miller Music Corp. 1936
Mammy I'll Sing About You Warren, Harry M. Witmark and Sons 1935
Mammy O' Mine Pinkard, Maceo Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1919
Man And His Dream, A from "The Starmaker" Monaco, James V. Santly-Joy Select Inc. 1939
Man Could Be A Wonderful Thing, A Corday, Leo
Carr, Leon
Ritchie Music Co. 1947
Man From The South, The Bloom, Rube
Woods, Harry
Skidmore Music Co. Inc. 1930
Man I love, The Gershwin, George T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1924
Man In A Raincoat Webster, Warwick Associated Music Pub. Inc. 1955
Man In The Moon, The Morehead, Jim
Cassin, Jimmy
Autograph Recording & Pub. Corp. 1950
Man In The Moon, The Lawrence, Jerry
Gray, Terry
Brooks, John Benson
Mutual Music Society Inc. 1941
Man On The Flying Trapeze, The McClintock, Harry Villa-Moret Inc. 1933
Man Upstairs, The Morgan, Dorinda
Stanley, Harold
Manners, Gerry
Vesta Music Corp. 1954
Man Who Comes Around, The Tucker, Tommy
Lair, John
Green, Bud
Green Brothers & Knight Inc. 1940
Man Who Paints The Rainbow, The Coben, Cy
Melsher, Irving
Stock, Larry
Mutual Music Society Inc. 1947
Man Who Writes The Lyrics, The Murray, Don Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Man With A Horn Lake, Bonnie
Jenney, Jack
Crystal Music Publishers Inc. 1945
Man With The Lollypop Song, The from "Weekend In Havana" Warren, Harry Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1941
Man With The Mandolin, The Cavanaugh, James
Redmond, John
Weldon, Frank
Santly-Joy Select Inc. 1939
Man With The Whiskers, The DeLeath, Vaughn Dave Ringle Music Pub. 1936
Managua, Nicaragua Fields, Irving Encore Music Pub. 1946
Manana (Always Tomorrow) Brown, Keith Harold Flammer Inc. 1936
Manana (Is Soon Enough For Me) Lee, Peggy
Barbour, Dave
Barbour-Lee Music Corp. 1948
Manana Baby Kaye, Billy
Stewart, Sid
Hubert J. Braun Music Co. 1939
Manana from "Dancing On A Dime" Lane, Burton Famous Music Corp. 1940
Mandalay Burtnett, Lyman
Burtnett, Arnheim
Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1924
Mandolira Andrini, Lawrence
Andrini, Frank
Pan-American Music Co. Inc. 1942
Mandy Is Two McGrath, Fulton Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1942
Mangos Libbey, Dee Redd Evans Music Co. 1957
Manhattan from "Garrick Gaieties" Rodgers, Richard Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1925
Manhattan Moon from "Manhattan Moon" Hajos, Karl Chappell & Co. Inc. 1935
Manhattan Serenade Alter, Louis Robbins Music Corp. 1928
Manila Alemany, Bernardo Pan-American Music Co. Inc. 1942
Many A New Day from "Oklahoma" Rodgers, Richard Marlo Music Corp. 1943
Many A Slip, (Musical Score)
(8 Songs Listed On Separate Cards)
52nd Annual Production Of The Princeton University Triangle Club Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Many Dreams Ago Ahlert, Fred E. T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1939
Many Times Stahl, Felix Broadcast Music Inc. 1953
Maraciabo Sandor, Ralph Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
March Of Dimes Miller, Bob Bob Miller Inc. 1944
March Of The Cardinals Cohan, George M. Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1937
March Of The Regiment, The Burrull, Mario
Molina, Carlos
Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1961
Marcheta Schertzinger, Victor L. John Franklin Music Co. 1913
Marcheta Schertzinger, Victor L. M.M. Cole Pub. Co. 1940
Marching Thru' Mexico Wayne, Mabel M. Witmark & Sons 1934
Margarita Gregory, Bobby Bobby Gregory Music Pub. 1935
Margie Conrad, Con
Robinson, J. Russel
Mills Music Corp. 1932
Maria Hollingsworth, Thekla
Kaplan, Dave
Harold Flammer Inc. 1940
Maria Elena Barcelata, Lorenzo Peer International Corp. 1941
Mariachie from The MGM Picture "Girl Of The Golden West" Romberg, Sigmund Leo Feist Inc. 1938
Marianne Gilkyson, Terry
Miller, Frank
Dehr, Richard
Montclare Music Corp. 1955
Marianne from The Warner Brother Picture "Uncertain Glory" Lecuona, Ernesto
Myron, Josef
DeLange, Eddie
Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1944
Marie Berlin, Irving Irving Berlin Inc. 1928
Marilu Mariotti, Mario Sam Fox Pub. Co. 1938
Marimba Agustin, Lara Association of Mexican Authors & Composers 1935
Marinita Hull, Russ Bell Music Co. 1939
Mariutch VonTilzer, Harry Harry VonTilzer Music Pub. Co. 1907
Mark Twain's Goodbye (With Violin Part) Rottmann, Paul Paul Rottmann 1935
Marshmallow World, A DeRose, Peter Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1949
Marta Simons, Moses   1931
Martins And The Coys, The Weems, Ted
Cameron, Al
Irving Berlin Inc. 1936
Maru Knight, Paul Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Marvelous DeRose, Peter Bibo, Bloedon & Lang 1927
Mary Devol, Frank Vanguard Songs Inc. 1942
Mary And Mother Robertson, Dick Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1940
Mary Ann Silver, Abner Irving Berlin Inc. 1927
Mary Had A Little Jam Davis, Joe
Butterfield, Erskine
Beacon Music Co. 1941
Mary Had A Little Lamb Malneck, Matt Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1936
Mary Lou Lyman, Abe
Waggner, George
Robinson, J. Russel
Mills Music Corp. 1926
Mary Rose Scheffer, Pi
Vogel, Jan
Dunk, Han
Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1950
Mary's A Grand Old Name Cohan, George M. F.B. Haviland Pub. Co. Inc. 1932
Mary's Slumber Song Hamblen, Bernard Chappell & Co. Inc. 1937
Mashuga Drake, Ervin
Shirl, Jimmy
Katzman, Henry
Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1946
Masquerade In Mexico Wayne, Bernie Famous Music Corp. 1945
Masquerade Is Over, The Wrubel, Allie Crawford Music Corp. 1938
Masquerading In The Name Of Love Hoffman, Al
Goodhart, Al
Waggner, George
Kornheiser-Schuster Inc. 1933
Massachusetts Roberts, Lucky Miller Music Corp. 1942
Matilda, Matilda Thomas, Harry Duchess Music Corp. 1953
Matilda, Matilda Thomas, Harry Duchess Music Corp. 1953
Matilda, Matilda Thomas, Harry Duchess Music Corp. 1953
Matinee Sigman, Carl Edwin H. Morris & Co. 1948
Matter of Moments, A Shaw, Milt
Anderson, Ken
Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Maumee Valley Brown, Alfred Lavier Elsie Birt Byers 1941
May I Have My Gloves? Henderson, Ray T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1935
May I Have The Next Romance With You from The Gaumont-British Film "Head Over Heels In Love" Gordon, Mack
Revel, Harry
Leo Feist Inc. 1936
May I Never Love Again Marco, Sano
Erickson, Jack
Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
May I Share The Moon With You Tonight? DeSantis, Frances Frances DeSantis 1939
May I? from The Paramount Picture "We're Not Dressing" Revel, Harry DeSylva, Brown & Henderson Inc. 1934
May The Good Lord Bless And Keep You Willson, Meredith Pickwick Music Corp. 1950
Maybe Lombardo, Carmen
Loeb, John Jacob
Kogen, Harry
Donaldson, Douglas & Gumble Inc. 1937
Maybe Bunts, Howard
Frye, J. Franklyn
Lee, Henderson
Frye, Ryan & Frankel Inc. 1933
Maybe I Can Change Your Name Barth, Con National Songwriters 1943
Maybe I Had The Wrong Idea Nixon, Lee Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Maybe I Love You Too Much Berlin, Irving Irving Berlin Inc. 1933
Maybe It's All For The Best Tobias, Charlie
David, Lee
Advanced Music Corp. 1945
Maybe It's Because from The Musical Revue "Along Fifth Avenue" Scott, Johnnie Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1949
Maybe It's Because I Love You Too Much Berlin, Irving Irving Berlin Inc. 1933
Maybe It's Love Mitchell, Sidney D.
Gottler, Archie
Meyer, George W.
T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1930
Maybe There's A Baby In The Moon Keitges, Isobel
Lutz, Allen
Perkins, Walton
Ted Browne Music Co. Inc. 1935
Maybe This Is All Maybe Stroube, Walter A. Walter A. Stroube 1942
Maybe This Is Love from The Musical "Three Cheers" DeSylva, B.G
Brown, Lew
Henderson, Ray
DeSylva, Brown & Henderson Inc. 1928
Maybe We'd Still Be Sweethearts Davis, Benny
David, Lee
Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1936
Maybe You'll Be There Bloom, Rube Triangle Music Corp. 1947
Maybe, Who Knows Tucker, Johnny
Schuster, Joe
Etting, Ruth
M. Witmark & Sons 1929
Maypole Dance from The Musical Play "Up In Central Park" Romberg, Sigmund Williamson Music Inc. 1945
Mazurka Caprice Krouse, Sylvester Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1932
McDougal, NcNabb And McKay Longfellow, Jimmy Mills Music Corp. 1937
Me Berlin, Irving Irving Berlin Inc. 1931 & 1955
Me An' My Bundle Berlin, Irving Irving Berlin Inc. 1949
Me And Columbus Marks, Gerald Mills Music Corp. 1939
Me And My Buddy Next Door Miller, Sydney
Cowan, Stan
Emcee Pub. Co. 1942
Me And My Burro Howard, Fred
Vincent, Nat
M.M. Cole Pub. Co. 1935
Me And My Heart Capano, Frank
Febbo, George
Valentino, Paul
Frank Capano 1935
Me And My Melinda Berlin, Irving Irving Berlin Inc. 1942
Me And My Smokey Roan Noble, Harry M. Baron Inc. 1938
Me And My Teddy Bear Coots, J. Fred Mutual Music Society Inc. 1950
Me And My Wonderful One Smith, Dick
Stride, Harry
Maltin, Bernard
Sherman Clay & Co. 1935
Me And The Blues Warren, Harry Harry Warren Music Inc. 1946
Me And The Girl Next Door Moll, Billy
Mencher, Murray
Me And The Man In The Moon Monaco, Jimmie Donaldson, Douglas & Gumble Inc. 1928
Me And The Moon Handman, Lou Santly Brothers Joy Inc. 1936
Me And The Sun Franklin, Dave Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1936
Me For You Forever Myers, Richard T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1933
Me Plus You Zoeller, Lou Zoeller Music Co. 1942
Me, Myself And I Gordon, Irving
Roberts, Allan
Kaufman, Alvin S.
Words & Music Inc. 1937
Meadowland Knipper, Lev. Leeds Music Corp. 1943
Meadowlands Grant, Harold Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1946
Meadows Of Heaven, The Meyer, Joseph Laurel Music Co. 1949
Mean To Me Turk, Roy
Ahlert, Fred E.
Fred Ahlert Music Corp. &
Cromwell Music, Inc.
Mean To My Ears Coots, J. Fred
Davis, Lou
Johnson, Arnold
DeSylva, Brown & Henderson Inc. 1929
Meanderin' Coben, Cy
Grean, Charles
Botsford, George
Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1951
Meanest Thing You Ever Did Was Kiss Me, The Lewis, Al
Newman, Chas.
Mencher, Murray
Ager, Yellen & Bornstein Inc. 1937
Meaning Of A Lonely Heart, The Nolan, Kathleen Blasco Music Inc. 1950
Meanwhile Alter, Louis M. Witmark & Sons 1953
Mecca Pinkard, Maceo
Jefferson, Maceo
Pinkard Publications 1939
Meet Me At The Football Game LaFreniere, E.P.
Haid, Billy
French, Charlie
Roy Music Co. Inc. 1935
Meet Me At The New York World's Fair Howard, Joseph E. Paull-Pioneer Music Corp. 1938
Meet Me In St. Louis, Louis Sterling, Andrew
Mills, Kerry
Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1935
Meet Me In The Moonlight Stillman, Al
Dillon, Will S.
Ernie, Val
Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1937
Meet Miss America Mercer, Johnny
Malneck, Matt
Irving Berlin Inc. 1935
Meet Mister Callaghan Spear, Eric Leeds Music Corp. 1952
Meet The Beat Of My Heart Gordon, Mack
Revel, Harry
Leo Feist Inc. 1938
Meet The Family Bernard, Felix L. Wolfe Gilbert Music Pub. Co. 1936
Meet The Future President Wayne, Mabel Popular Melodies Inc. 1936
Meet The Sun Half Way Monaco, James V. Santly-Joy Select Inc. 1940
Melancholy Segal, Jack
Bergman, Dewey
Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1947
Melancholy Lullaby Carter, Benny Paramount Music Corp. 1939
Melancholy Me Thomas, Joe
Biggs, Howard
Sheldon Music Inc. 1954
Melancholy Mood Schumann, Walt T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1939
Melancholy Nights Thorpe, Charles
Fields, Benny
Crawford Music Corp. 1935
Melancholy Twilight Rose, Fred T.S. Denison & Co. 1930
Mellow Mountain Moon Howard, Fred
Vincent, Nat
Vincent-Howard-Freeman Ltd. 1930
Melodie D'Amour Salvador, Henri Rayven Music Co. Inc. 1957
Melody Charles, Hugh
Miller, Sonny
Mills Music Corp. 1946
Melody Farm Kaper, Bronislaw
Jurmann, Walt
Leo Feist Inc. 1937
Melody For Two Warren Harry Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1937
Melody From The Sky, A Mitchell, Sidney D.
Alter, Louis
Famous Music Corp. 1936
Melody Hill Massey, Louise
Wesley, Walt
Chart Music Pub. House 1942
Melody Of Love Engelmann, H. Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1942
Melody Of The Plains Berlin
Sive, Leonard M.
M.M. Cole Pub. Co. 1940
Melody That Made You Mine, The Polla, W.C. Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1942
Melody Time Benjamin, Bennie
Weiss, George
Santly-Joy Select Inc. 1947
Memories VanAlstyne, Egbert Remick & Co. 1915
Memories Are Made Of This Gilkyson, Terry
Dehr, Rich
Miller, Frank
Montclare Music Corp. 1955
Memories Of France Robinson, J. Russel Waterson, Berlin & Snyder Co. 1928
Memories Of My Nebraska Home Conger, Zoa Tight Columbian Music Pub. Ltd. 1937
Memories Of You Blake, Eubie Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1930 & 1954
Memories, Sweet Memories Leight, Lew Radio Music Service Co.  
Mem'ries Of Mother Siegel, Irving Irving Siegel 1933
Mem'ries Of Mother Hibbeler, Ray Minnie A. Boger 1940
Mem'ry Of A Rose, The Young, Richard Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1940
Mem'ry Of This Dance, The Effros, Bob
Selvin, Ben
Broadcast Music Inc. 1942
Men Of The Merchant Marine, The Waring, Fred
Dolph, Jack
Words & Music Inc. 1942
Mention My Name In Sheboygan Hilliard, Bob
Sanford, Dick
Mysels, Sammy
Words & Music Inc. 1947
Merrily Song, The from Walt Disney's "Ichabod And Mr. Toad" Churchill, Frank
Wolcott, Charles
Edwin H. Morris & Co. 1949
Merrily We Roll Along Cantor, Eddie
Tobias, Charlie
Mencher, Murray
T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1935
Merry Christmas Loeb, John Jacob Famous Music Corp. 1945
Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year, A Dexter, Glen
Martin, Phil
Cavalcade Music Co. 1945
Merry Christmas Everyone Lenz, John N. Shelby Music Pub. Co. 1942
Merry Go Round Broke Down, The Friend, Cliff
Franklin, Dave
T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1937
Merry Go Round Waltz Kennedy, Jimmy
Finn, Arthur
Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1949
Merry Go Roundup, The Autry, Gene
Rose, Fred
Marvin, Johnny
Western Music Pub. Co. 1939
Merry Little Mermaid, The Zaret, Hy
Whitney, Joan
Kramer, Alex
Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Merry Old Land Of Oz, The from The MGM Picture "The Wizard of Oz" Arlen, Harold Leo Feist Inc. 1939
Merry Widow Waltz from The MGM Picture "The Merry Widow" Lehar, Franz Robbins Music Corp. 1934
Message From Home, A Beacon, Leslie Beacon Music Co. 1941
Message From The Man In The Moon, A from The MGM Picture "A Day At The Races" Kaper, Bronislaw
Jurmann, Walter
Robbins Music Corp. 1937
Message Got Through, The Mann, Paul
Weiss, Stephan
Leo Feist Inc. 1942
Mexicali Rose (Mexicali Rosa) Tenney, Jack B. M.M. Cole Pub. Co. 1951
Mexicalli Oomph D'Artega Associated Music Pub. Inc. 1941
Mexican Jumping Bean Hernandez, Rafael Peer International Corp. 1941
Mexican Moonlight Shilkret, Nathaniel
Parker, Ruth
W.A. Quincke & Co. 1939
Mexican Street Singer Miller, Charles Charles Miller 1941
Mexicana Ruiz, Gabriel Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1945
Mexico from The Walt Disney Picture "The Three Caballeros" Wolcott, Charles Peer International Corp. 1944
Mexico Joe Rene, Leon Harman Music Inc. 1943
Mexiconga Fain, Sammy Crawford Music Corp. 1939
Mi Pesame Berrios, Pedro Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1935
Mi Vida Trimarkie, D.
Andrini, Frank
Andrini, Lawrence
Peer International Corp. 1942
Mia Cara Malanga, Oscar Nola Music Pub. 1938
Mia Venezia LaFreniere, E.P. Roy Music Co. Inc. 1939
Miami Beach Rumba Fields, Irving Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1946
Mickey Moret, Neil Charles N. Daniels Inc. 1918
Mickey Mouse's Birthday Party Tobias, Charlie
Rothberg, Bob
Meyer, Joseph
Irving Berlin Inc. 1936
Mickey The Chickey Lenay, Will
Roberts, Kenny
Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1951
Midnight Hullond, Michael Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Midnight Bells from The Musical Play "Song Of The Flame" Gershwin, George T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1925
Midnight Blue Burke, Joe Robbins Music Corp. 1936
Midnight Butterfly Brito, Julio Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1938
Midnight from The Paramount Picture "Midnight" Hollander, Frederick Famous Music Corp. 1939
Midnight In Paris Conrad, Con
Magidson, Herb
Sam Fox Pub. Co. 1935
Midnight Kiss Clow, O.B. Radiotone Recording Studio 1940
Midnight Masquerade Bierman, Bernard
Berman, Arthur
Manus, Jack
Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1946
Midnight On The Trail Boland, Clay Leo Feist Inc. 1938
Midnight Serenade Casanova, Julio Pan-American Music Co. Inc. 1942
Midnight Waltz, The Walter Donaldson Leo Feist Inc. 1925
Midnight With The Stars And You Woods, Harry
Campbell, Jimmy
Connelly, Reg.
Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1934
Midsummer Matinee Kaye, Buddy
Wise, Fred
Lippman, Sidney
Embee Music Inc. 1942
Mighty Like The Blues Feather, Leonard American Academy Of Music Inc. 1938
Mighty Pretty Waltz, A Hoffman, Al
Gimbel, Norman
R.F.D. Music Pub. Co. 1952
Mile A Minute, A Petkere, Bernice Famous Music Corp. 1934
Miles Apart Brevig, Walt
Dornberger, Charles
Davis, Joe
Joe Davis Inc. 1937
Military Man from The Fox Production "Poor Little Rich Girl" Gordon, Mack
Revel, Harry
Robbins Music Corp. 1936
Military Polka, The Hamilton, Bob Jewel Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1943
Milkman, Keep Those Bottles Quiet from The MGM Picture "Broadway Rhythm" Raye, Don
DePaul, Gene
Leo Feist Inc. 1944
Milky Way, The Lawnhurst, Vee Popular Melodies Inc. 1935
Mill On The Missouri Grobling, John John Grobling 1942
Miller's Daughter Marianne, The Kennedy, Jimmy
Grosz, Will
Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1936
Million Dreams Ago, A Green, Bud
Wood, Guy
Green Brothers & Knight Inc. 1938
Million Miles From Manhattan, A Revel, Harry Greene-Revel Inc. 1942
Million Tears, A Winkler, S.
Goldsborough, J.
Jubilee Music Inc. 1952
Million Times A Day, A Tarraza, Juan B. Peer International Corp. 1941
Mimi Rodgers, Richard Famous Music Corp. 1932
Mimi With The Dark Brown Eyes Parker, Terry Will Lewis Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1943
Minaret Sanders, George H. Kelman Music Corp. 1942
Mindin' My P's and Q's Stillman, Al
Newell, Roy
Simon, Nat
Superior Music Co. Inc. 1938
Mine Romberg, Sigmund Lombardo Music Inc. 1951
Mine Hanley, James F. Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1927
Mine Alone Wrubel, Allie M. Witmark & Sons 1935
Minka Milton, Jay Republic Music Corp. 1941
Minnequa Erwin, Lee Erwin Howard Music Co. 1951
Minnesota Polka Martin, Perry M.M. Cole Pub. Co. 1948
Minnie From Trinidad Edens, Roger Leo Feist Inc. 1941
Minnie My Mountain Maiden Thornton, Graydon
Kreiner, Robert
Ted Browne Music Co. Inc. 1939
Minnie Skavinsky Skavar Crumit, Frank F.B. Haviland Pub. Co. Inc. 1933
Minnie's In The Money Warren, Harry Triangle Music Corp. 1943
Minute Minuet, The Shalit, Joseph
Sheppard, Buddy
Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Miracle of the Bells, The Norman, Pierre Leo Feist Inc. 1948
Mirrors Don't Tell Lies Levant, Oscar T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1938
Misirlou Roubanis, N. Colonial Music 1941
Miss Americana Petrillo, C.
Mangus, M.
Forster Music Pub. Inc. 1942
Miss Brown To You Robin, L.
Whiting, R.
Rainer, R.
Famous Music Corp. 1935
Miss Hallelujah Brown Coots, J. Fred Mills Music Corp. 1938
Miss You Tobias, Henry M. Santly-Joy Select Inc. 1941
Miss You Tobias, Henry M. Santly-Joy Select Inc. 1941
Missing You Stevenson, Maud Miller M.M. Stevenson 1936
Mission In Santa Maria, A Jerome, M.K. Saunders Pub 1941
Missisippi Dream Boat Fain, Sammy Leo Feist Inc. 1943
M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I Williams, Curley
Simmons, Billy
Acuff-Rose Pub. 1950
Mississippi, Here I Am Sizemore, Arthur Grossman-Lewis Music Pub. 1928
Missouri Lullaby Carrol, Eddie Eddie Carrol 1934
Missouri March James, Floyd Duke F.D. James 1947
Missouri Moon Hager, M.R. M.R. Hager 1941
Missouri, Dear Homeland Pleger, Karl Eden Pub 1936
Missouri, My Home Sweet Home Lee, Marvin
Zahen, Ray
Marvin Lee 1933
Missus Mose Has A Million Beaus, Since Old Man Mose Is Dead McCarthy, Charles J.
Redmond, J.
David, Lee
Stasny-Lang Music Inc. 1939
Mist Is Over The Moon, A Oakland, Ben ABC Music Corp. 1938
Mist On The Mirror Romberg, Sigmund T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1935
Mistakes Nicholls, Horatio Mills Music Corp. 1929
Mister And Mississippi Gordon, Irving Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1951
Mister Aristocrat Jacobs, Roy
DePaul, Gene
Peer International Corp. 1941
Mister Five By Five Raye, Don
DePaul, Gene
Leeds Music Corp. 1942
Mister Franklin D. And Mister Winston C. Patouhas, Harry
Mayhams, Norris
Mayhams Music 1940
Mister Lee Dixon, H.
Gathers, H.
Pought, E.R.
Webb, L.
Pought, J.
Progressive Music Corp. 1957
Mister Lucky Me MacGregor, Chummy Mutual Music Society Inc. 1943
Mister Rain Frog Timberlake, Evelyn E. Timberlake 1938
Mister Rainbow Mills, Billy Melody Lane Pub. 1941
Mister Sandman Ballard, Pat Edwin H. Morris & Co. 1954
Mister Snow Rodgers, Richard Williamson Music Inc. 1945
Mistletoe Kiss, The Kennedy, Jimmy Cambell & Connelly Inc. 1948
Misto Cristofo Columbo Livingston, J.
Evans, R.
Burke & VanHeusen Inc. 1951
Mistook In The Woman I Loved Miller, Bob Bob Miller Inc. 1937
Misty Islands Of The Highlands Kennedy, Jimmy
Carr, Michael
Chappell & Co. Inc. 1935
Mix Me A Dream Vail, M.
Lambert, E.
Ray, M.
Robert Music 1942
Mixed Emotions Louchheim, Stuart F. Roger Music 1951
Miz' O'Reilly's Daughter Hail, Ewen Bob Miller Inc. 1942
Moanin' Low from "The Little Show" Rainger, Ralph T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1929
Mobile Wells, Bob
Holt, David
Ardmore Music Corp. 1953
Mockin' Bird Hill Horton, Vaughn Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1949
Modern Cannon Ball Carter, A.P.
Boyd, Bill
Nunn, Earl
Peer International Corp. 1942
Molasses Davenport, Pem Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Moment I Met You, The Ram, Buck
Meredith, Gail
Embassy Music Corp. 1945
Moment In The Dark, A Molina, Carlos
Shahin, Paul
Gama, Rafael
Mills Music Corp. 1935
Moment That I Saw You, The Alberts, Ackie Shelby Music Pub. Co. 1941
Moments In The Moonlight Himber, Richard
Gordon, Irving
Kaufman, Al
Miller Music Corp. 1940
Moments Like This from The Paramount Picture "College Swing" Lane, Burton Famous Music Corp. 1938
Moments To Remember Allen, Robert Larry Spier Inc. 1955
Mon Ami Miller, Harry
Pollock, Lew
Sherman Clay & Co. 1935
Mon Ami, My Friend Weill, Kurt   1936
Mona Lisa Livingston, Jay
Evans, Ray
Famous Music Corp. 1949
Monday In Manhattan Himber, Richard Sherman Clay & Co. 1935
Monday Morning Worrell, Frank M. Witmark & Sons 1938
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Parker, Ross Leeds Music Corp. 1949
Monday's Wash (Piano Solo) Butterfield, Erskine Beacon Music Co. 1941
Money Money You Spent Was Mind Song, The Dexter, Al
Gass, Aubrey
Peer International Corp. 1942
Money Song, The Rome, Harold Chappell & Co. Inc. 1948
Monopoly Loeb, John Jacob Words & Music Inc. 1936
Monstro The Whale Harline, Leigh Irving Berlin Inc. 1939
Montague The Terrific Dennis, George Republic Music Corp. 1941
Montana May Thayer, Edna Nattrass-Schenck Inc. 1942
Montana Moon Beacon, Leslie Beacon Music Co. 1941
Montana Moon Siegel, Iving
Brix, Al
Twentieth Century Music Pub. 1937
Montana Skies Byers, Elsie Birt Elsie Birt Byers 1941
Monte Carlo Fisher, Fred Fred Fisher Music Co. Inc. 1937
Montevideo McCray, Don
Sour, Robert
Gold, Ernest
Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Month Of June Is A Song Of Love, The Boy, Kahn & Le Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1911
Montmartre Rose Lyman, Tommy Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1932
Mood Indigo Ellington, Duke
Irving, Mills
Bigard, Albany
Gotham Music Service Inc. 1931
Mood That I'm In, The Silver, Abner
Sherman, Al
Broadcast Music Inc. 1937
Moon About Town Suesse, Dana T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1933
Moon And Myself And You, The Kempner, Nicholas Brunjes, Carlo & Sanders Inc. 1934
Moon And Sand Wilder, Alec
Palitz, Morty
Regent Music Corp. 1941
Moon And Sixpence, The Harry Miller Music Products Inc. 1942
Moon And The Water And Miz O'Reilly's Daughter, The Hail, Ewen Bob Miller Inc. 1942
Moon And The Willow Tree, The from The Paramount Picture "The Road To Singapore" Schertzinger, Victor Paramount Music Corp. 1940
Moon And You And I, The Shaw, Milton Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Moon At Sea Pease, Harry
Stock, Larry
Rose, Vincent
Mills Music Corp. 1937
Moon Belongs To You And Me Tonight, The Calvert, George Cine-Mart Music Pub. Co. 1939
Moon Faced, Starry Eyed Weill, Kurt Chappell & Co. Inc. 1947
Moon Fell In The River, The DeRose, Peter Robbins Music Corp. 1940
Moon Got In My Eyes, The from The Paramount Picture "Double Or Nothing" Johnston, Arthur Select Music Pub. Inc. 1937
Moon Has Gone From Heaven, The Melsher, Irving Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Moon Has His Eyes On You, The VonTilzer, Albert Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1933
Moon In The Parlor Fairchild, Edgar Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1935
Moon Is A Silver Dollar, The Fain, Sammy Robbins Music Corp. 1939
Moon Is Always Bigger On A Saturday Night, The Roberts, Ruth Laurel Music Co. 1948
Moon Is Blue, The from The Preminger-Herbert Picture "The Moon Is Blue" Gilbert, Herschel Burke Santly-Joy Select Inc. 1953
Moon Is Full Tonight, The Hahle, John Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Moon Is Grinning At Me, The Hudson, Will
Jones, Dale
Mills, Irving
Mills Music Corp. 1936
Moon Is In The Sky, The Ruby, Harry Movietone Music Corp. 1936
Moon Is Low, The Brown, Nacio Herb Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Corp. 1930
Moon Is Upside Down, The Arnold, Buddy
Gould, Jack
Skye, Irving
Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Moon Kissed The Mississippi, The Pollack, Lew Miller Music Corp. 1943
Moon Looks Down And Laughs, The Ruby, Harry Kalmar & Ruby Music Corp. 1938
Moon Looks Sad Tonight, The Davis, Joe Georgia Music Corp. 1939
Moon Love from Tschaikowsky's 5th Symphony "2nd Movement" David, Mack
Davis, Mack
Kostelanetz, Andre
Famous Music Corp. 1939
Moon Mist Gange, Marion Regent Music Corp. 1941
Moon Mist Ellington, Mercer Tempo Music Inc. 1942
Moon Nocturne Woode, Henri Melo-Art Music Pub. 1941
Moon Of Manakoora, The from The Sam Goldwyn Picture "The Hurricane" Newman, Alfred Kalmar & Ruby Music Corp. 1937
Moon Of Many Memories Canaro, Francisco Peer International Corp. 1941
Moon On My Pillow Tobias, Charlie
Tobias, Elliott
Tobias, Henry
Edwin H. Morris & Co. 1942
Moon Or No Moon Lerner, Sam
Goodhart, Al
Hoffman, Al
Mills Music Corp. 1937
Moon Over Brooklyn Matthews, Jason
Shand, Terry
London Music Corp. 1946
Moon Over Burma from The Paramount Picture "Moon Over Burma" Hollander, Frederick Paramount Music Corp. 1940
Moon Over County Fair Roe, Gilbert
Krippene, Kenneth
Roe-Krippene Music Pub. Inc. 1941
Moon Over County Jail Roe, Gilbert
Krippene, Kenneth
Roe-Krippene Music Pub. Inc. 1940
Moon Over London Heagney, Will
Reed, Bert
Gene Labarre Inc. 1935
Moon Over Manila Jacoby, Sam
Stern, Jack
Harmony Music Pub. Co. 1942
Moon Over Miami Burke, Joe Bourne Inc. 1935
Moon Over Miami Burke, Joe Irving Berlin Inc. 1935
Moon Over Missouri Barnes, H.F. Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Moon Over Naples Kaempfert, Bert Roosevelt Music Co. Inc. 1965
Moon Ray Shaw, Artie
Madison, Paul
Arthur, Quenzer
Lincoln Music Corp. 1939
Moon Remembers, The Kerr, Carl Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Moon River Maule, LeRoy L. Whitney Blake Music Pub. 1941
Moon Rose Rose, Fred
Fisher, Fred
Joe Davis Inc. 1936
Moon Shines Through My Window, The Tomerlin, Lysle Distinctive Songs 1941
Moon Talk Hoffman, A.
Manning, D.
Roncom Music Co. 1958
Moon Talk Hoffman, A.
Manning, D.
Roncom Music Co. 1958
Moon Time LaFreniere, E.P. Roy Music Co. Inc. 1941
Moon Won't Talk, The Hathaway, Charlie
Bliss, Helen
Regent Music Corp. 1940
Moon, June, Spoon Hoffman, Al
Alfred, Roy
Spinlan Music Corp. 1951
Moonbeams On The River Osterhoudt, Bessie Dixie Music Pub. Co. 1942
Moonflower Elliott, Zo Harmony House 1940
Moonlight Moret, Neil Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1905
Moonlight Conrad, Con Mills Music Corp. 1921
Moonlight Conrad, Con Mills Music Corp. 1931
Moonlight And Magnolias DeRose, Peter Forster Music Pub. Inc. 1935
Moonlight And Palm Trees Samuels, Walter G.
Whitcup, Leonard
Powell, Teddy
Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1936
Moonlight And Roses Lemare, Edwin H.
Black, Ben
Moret, Neil
Villa-Moret Inc. 1925
Moonlight And Shadows Robin, Leo
Hollander, Frederick
Popular Melodies Inc. 1936
Moonlight And Tears Roemheld, Heinz M. Witmark & Sons 1940
Moonlight And Violins Tobias, Charlie
Newman, Charles
Mencher, Murray
T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1935
Moonlight For Two Burke, Joe T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1932
Moonlight In Hawaii Werbow, Michael Peer International Corp. 1945
Moonlight In Hilo Friend, Cliff
Erickson, Jack
Crawford Music Corp. 1936
Moonlight In Vermont Suessdorf, Karl Capitol Songs Inc. 1945
Moonlight In Waikiki Friend, Cliff
Franklin, Dave
T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1938
Moonlight March, The Lombardo, Carmen Milton Weil Music Co. Inc. 1929
Moonlight Masquerade Jerome, Richard
Kent, Walter
Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1936
Moonlight Masquerade Camarata, Toots T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1941
Moonlight Mood DeRose, Peter Fred Fisher Music Co. Inc. 1942
Moonlight On The Campus Whiting, Richard A. T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1937
Moonlight On The Hudson Morgan, D. H.B. Morgan 1934
Moonlight On The Mississippi Hoffmeister, Roy
Merl, Maurrie
Capano, Frank
Tin Pan Alley 1938
Moonlight On The Prairie Nolan, Bob
Spencer, Vernon
M. Witmark and Sons 1934
Moonlight On The Sunset Trail from The Paramount Picture & Harry Sherman Production "Partners Of The Plains" Lane, Burton Famous Music Corp. 1938
Moonlight Parade, The Coots, J. Fred
Baer, Abel
Klages, Ray
Leo Feist Inc. 1934
Moonlight Propaganda from The 20th Century-Fox Picture "Do You Love Me" Malneck, Matty Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1946
Moonlight Reverie Nutter, Carl
Garreau, Claude
Melo-Art Music Pub. 1939
Moonlight Rhapsody, A Martin, Phil
Dexter, Glen
Cavalcade Music Co. 1946
Moonlight Serenade Miller, Glen Robbins Music Corp. 1939
Moonlight Tango Prosen, Sidney
Carrol, Raymond
Village Music Co. 1953
Moonlight, The Rose And You, The Schmid, Johann C. Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1938
Moonlight, The Rose And You, The Schmid, Johann C. Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1937
Moonlit Waltz, The Pollack, Lew Movietone Music Corp. 1936
Moonlit Waters Brown, Nacio Herb Villa-Moret Inc. 1927
Moonrise Cooke, Harold Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Moonrise On The Lowlands Levinson, Jerry Broadway Music Corp. 1936
Moonshine Over Kentucky Pollack, Lew Robbins Music Corp. 1938
More And More from The Universal Picture "Can't Help Singing" Kern, Jerome T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1944
More Beer Miller, Julian H. Biltmore Music Co. 1948
More I Go Out With Somebody Else, The Wayne, Bernie Stanwood Music Corp. 1946
More I Know You, The Coots, J. Fred Donaldson, Douglas & Gumble Inc. 1936
More I See You, The from The 20th Century-Fox Picture "Diamond Horseshoe" Warren, Harry Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1945
More Power To You from The Universal Picture "Merry-Go-Round Of 1938" McHugh, Jimmy Miller Music Corp. 1937
More Than Anything In The World Lowe, Ruth Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1943
More Than Ever Jones, Isham Miller Music Corp. 1938
More Than Ever Greer, Jesse Rytvoc Inc. 1943
More Than Ever Before Reid, Don United Music Corp. 1948
More Than I Care To Remember Johnson, Ted Spitzer Songs Inc. 1950
More Than Love Bottero, Schreier Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1932
More Than That Williams, Clarence Clarence Williams Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1936
More Than Yesterday Ram, Buck
Ullman, Dick
Simon, Bernie
Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1945
More Than You Know Youmans, Vincent Miller Music Corp. 1946
Morning Battram, Florence Colby Florence Colby Battram 1933
Morning After, The Dorsey, Tommy
Jaffe, Moe
Boland, Clay
ABC Music Corp. 1937
Morning After, The  Wainer, Lee Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Morning After, The from The Paramount Picture "Hands Across The Table" Coslow, Sam Famous Music Corp. 1935
Most Any Day Denning, Frank Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Most Important Guy In Town Frey, Fran Fran Frey & Co. 1942
Most Important Thing Is Love, The Somerville, Kerwin
Wellman, Howard
Excelsior Music Pub. Co. 1942
Most Of All Fulton, Jack
Irwin, Lee
Regent Music Corp. 1941
Mother America Meadows, Fred Peer International Corp. 1941
Mother Dear Brandon, C.E. Stark Music Co. 1941
Mother Is Gone Fritzen, Carl Carl Fritzen 1935
Mother Mine, I Miss You Novak, Les Les Novak 1937
Mother Pin A Rose On Me Lewis, Dave
Schindler, Paul
Adams, Bob
Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1937
Mother, The Rose Of My Heart Cabell, Geraldine Geraldine Cabell 1927
Mother's Crazy Quilt Conrad, Con
Oakland, Ben
Drake, Milton
M. Witmark & Sons 1934
Mother's Day Williams, Clarence
Smith, Willie
(The Lion)
Hammed, Tausha
Clarence Williams Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1935
Mother's Day Ermantraut, Joe Louis Retter Music Co. 1941
Mother's Little Sweetheart Rosoff, Charles Cross & Winge Inc. 1935
Mother's Love Bauersachs, Hubert E. Marie Cooper 1933
Mother's Lullaby, A Norris, Arthur Richard T. Penn 1941
Mountain Greenery from "The Garrick Gaieties 1926" Rodgers, Richard T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1926
Mountain Music from Paramount's Picture "Mountain Music" Coslow, Sam Famous Music Corp. 1937
Mountain Of Blue Staal, Rosalie Ted Browne Music Co. Inc. 1937
Mountain Stream Lullaby Jacobs, Bobbie
Shay, Larry
Milton Weil Music Co. Inc. 1935
Mountains Of September, The Rock, Jack Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Move It Over Skylar, Sunny Santly-Joy Select Inc. 1942
Moving Day VonTilzer, Harry Harry VonTilzer Music Pub. Co. 1906
Mr. And Mrs. America Henderson, Ray
Webster, Paul
Henderson & Webster 1939
Mr. And Mrs. Is The Name Wrubel, Allie M. Witmark and Sons 1934
Mr. Banjo Man Livingston, Jay
Evans, Ray
Famous Music Corp. 1953
Mr. Franklin D. DeKarlo, Sergio Latin American Music 1942
Mr. Ghost Goes To Town Hudson, Will Exclusive Pub. Inc. 1936
Mr. Moon Curry, Clifford, Jr. Hill & Range Songs Inc. 1956
Mr. Rainbow Man O'Leary, Gene Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1959
Mr. Success Greines, Edwin
Sanicola, Henry
Sinatra, Frank
Barton Music Co. 1958
Mr. Sweeney's Learned To Swing Hudson, Will Exclusive Pub. Inc. 1938
Mr. Volunteer Dresser, Paul Paull-Pioneer Music Corp. 1942
Mrs. Astor's Horse Cavanaugh, J.
Sanford, Dick
Simon, Nat
Schuster & Miller Inc. 1935
Mrs. Astor's Horse, Is A Very Cross Horse Today Cavanaugh, J.
Sanford, Dick
Simon, Nat
Schuster & Miller Inc. 1935
Muchacha Warren, Harry Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1935
Muchachita Armengol, Mario Ruiz
Fernando, Fernandez
Monterrey Music 1947
Muddy Water DeRose, Peter
Richman, Harry
Broadway Music Corp. 1926
Mule Skinner Blues Rodgers, Jimmie
Vaughn, George
Peer International Corp. 1931
Mumble Jumble Osborne, Will
Swartz, Marty
Rytvoc Inc. 1942
Murder In The Moonlight Wendling, Pete Leo Feist Inc. 1935
Murder, He Says McHugh, Jimmy Paramount Music Corp. 1943
Music And Mem'ries Ross, Lanny
Giles, Avery
Uhl, Dick
Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Music And Moonlight Stevens, Bert Avalon Music Pub. Co. 1941
Music For Madame from The RKO Picture "Music for Madame" Wrubel, Allie Irving Berlin Inc. 1937
Music Goes 'Round And 'Round, The Farley, Edward
Riley, Michael
Select Music Pub. Inc. 1935
Music In My Heart Meyer, Don
Bretton, Elise
Edwards, Sherman
Regent Music Corp. 1951
Music In My House, The Schwartz, Jean S & G Music Co. 1939
Music Master's Melody, The Riskin, Irving
Coleman, G. McKinley
New York Music Pub. Co. 1936
Music Puts Me In The Strangest Mood Cleary, Michael H. Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1934
Music Southern Style Erwin, "Pee Wee"
Douglas, Ralph
Whalen Music 1950
Music Stopped, The from The RKO Picture "Higher And Higher" McHugh, Jimmy Robbins Music Corp. 1943
Music, Maestro, Please Wrubel, Allie Bourne Inc. 1938
Music, Maestro, Please Wrubel, Allie Irving Berlin Inc. 1938
Musicians, The Glazer, Tom
Grean, Charles
Leeds Music Corp. 1951
Must We Say Goodbye Linet, Bea Banner Music Co. 1941
Must We Say Goodnight Vann, Al Donaldson, Douglas & Gumble Inc. 1934
Must You Be So Mean Livingston, Fred Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Mutiny In The Nursery Mercer, Johnny M. Witmark & Sons 1938
Mutiny In The Parlor Lawnhurst, Vee Famous Music Corp. 1936
My Adobe Hacienda Massey, Louise
Penny, Lee
Peer International Corp. 1941
My Baby (I'd Like To Be Back On Mother's Knee) Hibbeler, Ray Mariam M. Owens 1940
My Baby Didn't Even Say Goodbye Hilliard, Jim
Fulton, Jack
PIC Music Corp. 1947
My Baby Just Cares For Me Donaldson, Walter Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1930
My Baby Said Yes Walters, Teddy
Robin, Sid
Leeds Music Corp. 1945
My Baby Says Maybe Cosser, J.E.
Hughes, H.F.
Transradio Music Inc. 1944
My Baby's Comin' Home Leavitt, William G.
Grady, John C.
Feller, Sherman
Roxbury Music Co. 1952
My Baby's Hands Arnaud, William E. American Music Pub. 1938
My Basket Of Memories Edwards, Leo Manning Music Co. 1935
My Beloved Livingston, Jay
Evans, Ray
Famous Music Corp. 1941
My Best To You Jones, Isham Forster Music Pub. Inc. 1942
My Best Wishes Pokrass, Sam Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1938
My Birmingham Rose Reynolds, Dick Peer International Corp. 1942
My Blackbirds Are Bluebirds Now Friend, Cliff Leo Feist Inc. 1928
My Blue Star Millburn, Larry Millburn Music Pub. 1942
My Bluebird Was Caught In The Rain Rich, Max Irving Berlin Inc. 1930
My Bluebird's Back Again Friend, Cliff Phil Kornhieser Inc. 1931
My Bolero Kennedy, Jim
Nat Simon
Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1949
My Bonnie Lassie Bennett, Roy C.
Tepper, Sid
McClurg, Marion
Blossom Music Corp. 1952
My British Buddy Berlin, Irving Irving Berlin Inc. 1943
My Buddy Donaldson, Walter Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1922
My Bundle Of Love Price, George
Silver, Abner
Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1926
My Cabin Of Dreams Kenny, Nick
Frazzini, Al
Madison, Nat
Back Bay Music Co. 1937
My California Girl Moore, R.V. R.V. Moore Music Pub. 1934
My Campfire Dreams Alter, Louis Leo Feist Inc. 1937
My Carolita White, Joe
Adams, Chick
Alfred Music Co. Inc. 1930
My Cathedral McNeil, Don
Blaufuss, Walter
Will Rossiter 1936
My Christmas Song For You Carmichael, Hoagy Carmichael Music Pub. 1944
My Confession Wills, Bob Irving Berlin Inc. 1942
My Cotton Pickin' Darlin' St. Wrba, John Wrba Pub. House 1935
My Country Calls Reid, Nellie Carrie Hoffman Music Co. 1942
My Cousin In Milwaukee Gershwin, George New World Music Corp. 1932
My Cousin Louella Bierman, Bernard
Manus, Jack
Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1947
My Cumberland Mountain Home Brooks, Ernie Brooks Music Pub. Co. 1932
My Daddy's Buddies Tam, Gene H. Claude Steininger 1940
My Dance Mandell, Herbert
King, Henry
Littau, Frank
M. Witmark & Sons 1935
My Darling Grossman, Bernie
Lombardo, Guy
Sizemore, Arthur
Randolph Music Pub. 1928
My Darling Myers, Richard T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1932
My Darling, My Darling Loesser, Frank Edwin H. Morris & Co. 1948
My Dear Marie Diehm, Ella Harold Dellon Music Co. 1942
My Dear Old Arizona Home Howard, Fred
Vincent, Nat
M.M. Cole Pub. Co. 1935
My Dear Old Southern Home Shafer, Charles E. Stark Music Co. 1905
My Delta Sigma Phi Sweetheart Taylor, Bill Bill Taylor 1931
My Desert Caravan Hayden, F.F. Hubert J. Braun Music Co. 1937
My Design For Living Revel, Harry DeSylva, Brown & Henderson Inc. 1933
My Desire DiLazzaro, E.
Small, Allan
Alfred Music Co. Inc. 1951
My Destiny Livingston, Jerry Walt Disney Music Co. 1950
My Devotion Hillman, Roc
Napton, John
Santly-Joy Select Inc. 1942
My Disposition Emmerich, Bob Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1940
My Dream Book Of Memories Rose, David Sgt. Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1943
My Dream Is Yours Warren, Harry M. Witmark & Sons 1949
My Dream Memory Levant, Oscar T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1929
My Dream Of The Big Parade McHugh, Jimmy Jack Mills Inc. 1926
My Dream Of The USA Chick, Leonard
Roth, Charles
Snyder, Ted
Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1936
My Dream Rendezvous Gordon, Gray
MacKinnon, George C.
Byron, Ken
Gem Music Corp. 1939
My Dream Sweetheart Hall, Wendell Paull-Pioneer Music Corp. 1938
My Dreamland Rendezvous Reid, James V. James V. Reid 1940
My Dreams Martin, Paul Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
My Dreams Are Getting Better All The Time Mizzy, Vic Santly-Joy Select Inc. 1944
My Dreams Of Tomorrow Mizzy, Vic
Taylor, Irving
Santly-Joy Select Inc. 1943
My Face Is Dirty With Kisses Reiff, Paul Cherio Music Pub. Inc. 1941
My Fair Lady Hilliard, Bob
Sigman, Carl
United Music Corp. 1948
My Fate Is In Your Hands Waller, Thomas Santly Brothers Joy Inc. 1929
My Favorite Girl Meyer, George W. Popular Melodies Inc. 1936
My Favorite Song Charlap, Moose Jack Gold Music Co.
& Rinn Music Co. Inc.
My Fine Feathered Friend McHugh, Jimmy Robbins Music Corp. 1937
My First Edition Bailey, Carrol Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
My First Impression Of You Stept, Sam H. Chappell & Co. Inc. 1937
My First Love Lowe, Ruth Dorsey Brothers Music Inc. 1943
My First Love Lara, Agustin Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc.