KMOX Pop Sheet Music - "L"
Title Composer Publisher Year
La Bamba De Vera Cruz Tucci, Terig Paull-Pioneer Music Corp. 1947
La Carumba Harper, M.
Livingston, B.
Paisley, B.
Alfred Music Co. Inc. 1937
La De Doody Doo Ellington, Duke
Lambert, E.
Richard, S.
Mills Music Co. Inc. 1938
La Petite Trianon Warren, Harry Four Jays Music 1953
La Veeda Alden, John Remick 1920
Ladies Who Sing With A Band, The Waller, Fats Advanced Music Corp. 1943
Lady From Broadway, The Oppenheim, Dave
Rich, Max
Sherman, Clay & Co. 1935
Lady From Fifth Avenue, The Samuels, W.
Whitcup, L.
Powell, T.
Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1937
Lady From Mayfair Carr, Michael Peter Maurice Music Co. Ltd. 1937
Lady From Twenty Nine (29) Palms, The Wrubel, Allie Martin Music 1947
Lady I Love, The Petkere, B. Irving Berlin Inc. 1932
Lady In Red, The Wrubel, Allie Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1935
Lady Insists, The Hall, Ray
Zamrzla, Steve
Mills Music Co. Inc. 1939
Lady Is A Tramp, The Rodgers, R. Chappell & Co. Inc. 1937
Lady Likes To Love, The Grenet, Eliseo Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1937
Lady Lou Moret, Neil Sherman, Clay & Co. 1933
Lady Love Russell, Bob
Lee, Lester
Cromwell Music 1952
Lady Lovely Spina, Harold Chappell & Co. Inc. 1944
Lady Of My Dreams Taught Me How To Play The Second Fiddle, The Moder, Dick
Lindhart, John
Dahl, Ted
Con Conrad 1931
Lady Of Spain Evans, Tolchard Sam Fox Pub. Co. 1944
Lady On The Two Cent Stamp, The Warren, Harry T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1938
Lady Said "Yes", The Clinton, L. Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Lady Who Couldn’t' Be Kissed, The Warren, Harry Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1937
Lady Who Didn't Believe In Love, The Styne, Jule Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1942
Lady With Red Hair, The Wood, Guy Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1940
Lady With The Fan Calloway, C.
Burns, J.
Brackman, A.
Exclusive Pub. Inc. 1933
Lady, Play Your Mandolin Levant, Oscar T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1930
Lady's In Love With You, The Lams, Burton Paramount Music Corp. 1939
Lady's On The Job, The Rome, Harold Kaycee Music 1943
Laguna Laudino, B.N. Zaboy-Landino Music Co. 1942
Lalapaluza Lu Drake, M.
Hoffman, A.
Livingston, J.
Words & Music Inc. 1942
Lambeth Walk Gay, Noel
Furber, Doug
Cinephonic 1937
Lament To Love Torme, Mel Rue-Krippene 1941
Lamento Gitano Grever, Maria Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1936
Lamp Is Low, The DeRose, Peter
Shefter, Bert
Robbins Music Corp. 1939
Lamp Of Faith, The Fenne, Shirley Lee Finburgh 1951
Lamp Of Memory, The (American Version Of The Huge Mexican Success Incertidumbre) Curiel, Gonzalo Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1940
Lamp On The Corner, The Washington, Ned
Lara, Agustin
Paramount Music Corp. 1938
Lamplighter's Serenade, The Carmichael, Hoagy Robbins Music Corp. 1942
Lana Turner Blues, The Hayes, B.
Gunther, C.
Charles Gunther Pub. 1942
Land Of Dreams Reid, Don Dorsey Brothers Music Inc. 1946
Land Of Liberty Formica, R.M. Salamanca Music 1940
Land Of Love Ahbez, Eden Leo Feist Inc. 1949
Land Of Mine MacDermid, James G. J. MacDermid 1917
Land Of My Sunset Dreams Hall, Wendell Woods Forster Music Pub. Inc. 1924
Land Of Our Choice, The VanSickle, Robert J.S. Hage 1941
Land We Love Hamblen, Bernard Gordon V. Thompson Limited 1942
Land We Love, The Westphal Rubank Inc. 1939
Landslide Of Love Hayes, Billy
Cook, Shorty
Leggo, Joe
Dawn Music 1952
Lantern Of Love from "Castles In The Air" Peck, R.
Locke, E.
Wenrick, P.
Leo Feist Inc. 1925
Lantern Of The Night Martell, Paul
Corrigan, Hugh
Palomar Music 1942
Lantern On The Levee Gerald, John Remarque Music Pub. Co. 1941
Laroo, Laroo, Lilli Bolero Lippman, Sidney Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1948
Last Call For Love, The Harburg, E.Y.
Cummings, Margery
Lane, Burton
Leo Feist Inc. 1942
Last Letter, The Griffin, Rex M.M. Cole Pub. Co. 1939
Last Mile Home, The Kent, Walter
Farrar, Walton
Peter Maurice Music Co. Ltd. 1949
Last Night Croom-Johnson, Austen Leo Feist Inc. 1939
Last Night A Miracle Happened Levant, Oscar
Lawrence, Jack
Larry Spier Inc. 1939
Last Night I Kissed A Dream Josefovits, Teri Raleigh Music Co. 1945
Last Night I Said A Prayer Fulton, Jack
Erwin, Lee
DeFur, Paul
Martin Block Pub. Co. Inc. 1941
Last Night In Heaven Merritt, Charles E. Merritt Pub. 1939
Last Night In Town Keller, Hal Sage & Sand Music Pub. 1957
Last Night It Happened To Me Turkisher, Arthur Music Products Co. Inc. 1943
Last Night Was The End Of The World Von Tilzer, Harry Harry VonTilzer Music Pub. Co.  
Last Thing At Night, The Davis, Joe
Higginbotham, Irene
Beacon Music Co. 1941
Last Think I Want Is Your Pity, The Loesser, Frank Susan Pub. Inc. 1948
Last Time I Saw Paris, The Kern, Jerome Chappell & Co. Inc. 1940
Last Time I Saw You, The Goetschius, Marjorie
Osser, Edna
Barton Music Co. 1945
Last Trip On The Old Ship, The Redmond, John
McCarthy, Charles J.
David, Lee
Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1939
Last Two Weeks In July, The Baer, Abel Irving Berlin Inc. 1939
Last Waltz, The Bellis, Berton Berton Bellis 1931
Last Year's Girl Alter, Louis Leo Feist Inc. 1933
Lasting Love LaBarre, Gene
Peck, Ted
Labarre-Peck Pub. Co. 1935
Later Tonight Brown, Nachio H. Robbins Music Corp. 1943
Latin American Serenade, A Roffman, Maurice A-1 Music Pub. Of America 1942
Latin Magic Dufault, Buddy Pemora Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1949
Latin Quarter, The Warren, Harry Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1938
Laugh And The World Laughs With You Beacon, Leslie Beacon Music Co. 1942
Laugh Your Way Thru Life Gordon, Mack
Revel, Harry
Robbins Music Corp. 1937
Laughing Irish Eyes Stept, Sam H. Sam Fox Pub. Co. 1936
Laughing On The Outside Wayne, Bernie Broadcast Music Inc. 1946
Laughter In The Afternoon Adams, Stanley
Adams, Stanley
Cavanaugh, James
Stock, Larry
Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1935
Laughter In Your Eyes, The Wainer, Lee Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Laura Ann Harrington, Clare Clare Harrington 1941
Lavender Blue Daniel, Eliot Santly-Joy-Select Inc. 1948
Lavender Coffin Albert, Shirley Leeds Music Corp. 1949
Law Is Comin' Fer Ya, Paw, The Tepper, Sid
Brodsky, Roy
Mills Music Co. Inc. 1948
Lawd' Amighty, Pappy Wentzlaff, Carl P. Enterprise Pub. 1941
Lawd' Please Take Me Back Hayden, F. Francis Hubert J. Braun Music Co. 1937
Lay Down Your Arms Land, Leon
Gerhard, Ake
Ludlow Music Inc. 1956
Lay Me Down To Sleep In Carolina Ager, Milton Ager, Yellen & Bornstein Inc. 1926
Lay My Head Beneath A Rose Falkenstein, G. Villa-Moret Inc. 1926
Lazy Afternoon Moross, Jerome John Latouche & Jerome Moross 1954
Lazy Bones Gotta Job Now Robin, Leo
Gensler, Lewis
Famous Music Corp. 1935
Lazy Countryside Worth, Bobby Santly-Joy-Select Inc. 1947
Lazy In' Along Davis, Louis A.
Mason, Al
Davis & Ostergard Music Pub. 1940
Lazy Little Daisy Wohl, Joseph Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Lazy Lullaby Tillman, Edwin
Brown, Ed E.
Mack, Katherine
Edwin Tillman  
Lazy Lullaby Kaye, Buddy
Ram, Buck
Ebbins, Milt
Noble Music Co. 1942
Lazy Mississippi Moon Nelson, Kennedy Hubert J. Braun Music Co. 1928
Lazy River Reverie Haines, Whitey Irving Caeser Inc. 1934
Lazy Rolls The Rio Grande Ohman, Phil Paramount Music Corp. 1939
Lazy Summer Evening King, Ralph Ted Browne Music Co. Inc. 1938
Lazy Summer Moon Muldowney, Johnny
Yoell, Larry
Shilkret, Jack
Sherman, Clay & Co. 1936
Lazy Weather Levant, Oscar Marlo Music Corp. 1936
Le Seguire' Snowhill, George Modern Melodies Pub. Co. 1941
Lean Baby May, Billy Ardmore Music Corp. 1953
Leanin' On The Ole Top Rail Kenny, Nick
Kenny, Charles
Leo Feist Inc. 1939
Learn A Little Latin Lingo Cavanaugh, James
Redmond, John
Simon, Nat
Georgia Music Corp. 1941
Learn To Croon Arlen, Harold Ager, Yellen & Bornstein Inc. 1930
Learn To Fly Little Boy Pezzopane, Sam Miller Music Corp. 1940
Learn To Sing Spickers, John Power
Wynn, Charles
Broadway Music Inc. 1939
Learnin' The Blues Silvers, Dolores Vicki Barton Music Co. 1955
Learnin' To Love Graham, Berkeley
Mills, Carley
Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1941
Learning Symes, Marty
Neiburg, Al J.
Levinson, Jerry
Irving Berlin Inc. 1934
Learning To Love Harper, John Trinity Music Inc. 1955
Leave It To Katarina Benes, Jara Chappell & Co. Inc. 1936
Leave Me Something To Remember DeSantis, Frances Frances DeSantis 1939
Leave Me With A Smile Koehler, Charles
Burtnett, Earl
Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1921
Leave Me With Your Kisses Whitney, Joan
Kramer, Alex
Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Leave The Dishes In The Sink Ma Jones, Spike
Berle, Milton
Doyle, Gene
Pyramid Music Co. 1945
Leave Us Face It Loesser, Frank Famous Music Corp. 1944
Legend Of The Robin's Red Breast, The Kincaid, Bradley
Jones, Blanche Preston
Peer International Corp. 1941
Lemon In The Garden Of Love, A Carle, Richard Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1935
Leona Siegel, Irving
Lang, Frank H.
Siegel & Lang 1936
Lest You Forget Horn, Les
Lescsak, Joe
Truxell, Earl
Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Let A Smile Be Your Umbrella On A Rainy Day Fain, Sammy Mills Music Co. Inc. 1927
Let By Gones Be By Gones Grant, Bert Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1942
Let Come What May Ascher, Leo Associated Music Pub. Inc. 1941
Let 'Er Go Clinton, Larry
Kay, Julian
Lincon Music Corp. 1937
Let Ev'ry Day Be Mother's Day Williams, Clarence
Smith, Willie (The Lion)
Hammed Tausha
Clarence Williams Pub. Co. 1935
Let Ev'ry Day Be Mother's Day Stept, Sam H. Harman Music Inc. 1950
Let Him Go, Let Him Tarry Gordon, Cliff
Maurice, Max
Yale, Carl
Yale Music Corp. 1944
Let It Be Carpenter, Charles
Woode, Jimmie
Woode, Henri
Leeds Music Corp. 1952
Let It Be Me Wrubel, Allie Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1935
Let It Be Me Becaud, Gilbert Leeds Music Corp. 1957
Let It End Piron, Al
Piron, A.J.
Clarence Williams Pub. Co. 1942
Let It Go Sisson, Kenn Cason Music Corp. 1941
Let Me Borrow An Hour Of Tomorrow Levant, Oscar Chappell & Co. Inc. 1938
Let Me Confess Mathieson, Hugh Hugh Mathieson 1941
Let Me Dance "Lights Out" With You Miller, Charles Frederick Ted Browne Music Co. Inc. 1938
Let Me Day Dream Donaldson, Walter Leo Feist Inc. 1937
Let Me Dream Mathieson, Hugh Hugh Mathieson 1941
Let Me Dream Of Havana Wayne, Mabel Words & Music Inc. 1936
Let Me Go, Lover Carson, Jenny Lou Hill & Range Songs Inc. 1953
Let Me Grow Old With You Kapp, David   1949
Let Me Have My Dreams Akst, Harry M. Witmark & Sons 1929
Let Me Hold You, Dear Newell, Robert Broadcast Music Inc. 1949
Let Me In Merrill, Bob Oxford Music Corp. 1951
Let Me Love You Tonight Touzet, Rene Robbins Music Corp. 1944
Let Me Off Uptown Evans, Redd
Bostic, Earl
Reis & Taylor Inc. 1941
Let Me Sing You To Sleep With A Love Song from The Paramount Picture "Love In Bloom" Gordon, Mack
Revel, Harry
Crawford Music Corp. 1935
Let Me Whisper Rosell, Electo
Del Rio, Manuel
Gasparre, Richard
Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1938
Let My Conscience Be Your Guide Mooney, Harold Luz Brothers 1937
Let Our White House Be Our Lighthouse McNeil, J. Charles Joe McDaniel Music Co. 1942
Let That Be A Lesson To You Whiting, Richard A. T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1937
Let The Rest Of The World Go By Ball, Ernest R. M. Witmark & Sons 1919
Let The Sunshine Live In Your Heart Prosser, Ruth Prosser Music Pub. Co. 1941
Let There Be Love Rand, Lionel Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1940
Let There Be You Young, Vicki
Cavanaugh, Dave
Duchess Music Corp. 1956
Let Us All Sing Auld Lang Syne Brown, Lew
Henderson, Ray
Brown & Henderson Inc. 1945
Let Us Waltz As We Say Goodbye Beiner, Art L.
Clark, Kenneth S.
Paull-Pioneer Music Corp. 1934
Let Yez All Be Irish Tonight McKenna, W.J. F.B. Haviland Pub Co. Inc. 1917
Let Your Heart Make Up Your Mind Caesar, Irving
Lerner, Sammy
Marks, Gerald
Leo Feist Inc. 1935
Let Yourself Go from The RKO Picture "Follow The Fleet" Berlin, Irving Irving Berlin Inc. 1936
Let's All Say A Prayer Tonight Nelson, Steve Rainbow Music Pub. 1943
Let's All Sing Together Audino, Joe
DiRocco, Nick
Keeshan, Bill
Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1940
Let's Back All The Boys Schofer, Kitty James Kitty James Schofer 1942
Let's Be Buddies Porter, Cole Chappell & Co. Inc. 1940
Let's Be Sweethearts Again Marlowe, Jerry
Maxwell, Eddie
Campbell-Porgie Inc. 1947
Let's Be Thankful Russell, Benee
Oakland, Ben
Clifford, Gordon
Robbins Music Corp. 1934
Let's Bowl Janis, Stephen Stephen Janis 1953
Let's Break The Good News Denniker, Paul
Davis, Joe
Joe Davis Inc. 1938
Let's Break The Ice Peretti, Hugo
Pine, Herb
Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Let's Bring New Glory To Old Glory Warren, Harry Mayfair Music Corp. 1942
Let's Build A Dream MacCormack, Franklyn
VanDyne, Wayne
Peer International Corp. 1942
Let's Call A Heart A Heart from The Columbia Picture "Pennies From Heaven" Johnston, Arthur Select Music Pub. Inc. 1936
Let's Call The Whole Thing Off from The RKO Picture "Shall We Dance" Gershwin, George Chappell & Co. Inc. 1937
Let's Carve A "V" On Every Maple Tree Grant, Freddy Gordon V. Thompson Limited 1942
Let's Comb Beaches Green, Johnny Crawford Music Corp. 1942
Let's Disappear Mann, Paul
Weiss, Stephan
Words & Music Inc. 1939
Let's Do Something About It Tomlin, "Pinky"
Tobias, Harry
L. Wolfe Gilbert Music Pub. Co. 1939
Let's Do Something Different Tonight Frisch, Billy
Motzan, Otto
DeSylva, Brown &  Henderson Inc. 1930
Let's Draw Straws Braine, Robert Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Let's Dream In The Moonlight Walsh, Raoul
Malneck, Matt
Famous Music Corp. 1938
Let's Dream This One Out Reed, Robert Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Let's Fall In Love Arlen, Harold Irving Berlin Inc. 1933
Let's Get Away From It All Dennis, Matt Embassy Music Corp. 1941
Let's Get Goin' Hurley, Glen Bomart Music Corp. 1942
Let's Get It Over, Over There Semsey, Leslie
Nemethy, Frank
Stanton, Frank H.
Nationwide Songs Inc. 1943
Let's Get It Over, Over There Crocker, Al Progressive Music Pub. 1942
Let's Get The Guy Who Blows The Bugle Sloane, Ira
Fryberg, Mart
Colonial Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1942
Let's Get Together Lewis, Warren Vanguard Songs Inc. 1941
Let's Give Love Another Chance from The RKO Picture "Hitting A New High" McHugh, Jimmy Robbins Music Corp. 1937
Let's Give Three Cheers For Love Gordon, Mack
Revel, Harry
DeSylva, Brown &  Henderson Inc. 1934
Let's Go Humfeld, Charles A. Charles A. Humfeld 1942
Let's Go America Brown, Frederick W. Lieut. Ben-et Songs 1942
Let's Go Back And Kiss The Girls Good Night Again Stept, Sam H.
David, Mack
Stept & Powers Inc. 1946
Let's Go Home Williams, Sande
Holland, "Peanuts"
Regent Music Corp. 1941
Let's Go Meet The Moon In The Valley VanBuren, Burrell Emil F. Isenberg Music Pub. Co. 1937
Let's Go Rockin' On The Moon McCaffrey, James
Carmel, Yvonne
Ringle, Dave
Dave Ringle Music Pub. 1936
Let's Go To Church Allen, Steve Beechwood Music Corp. 1950
Let's Go Too Far Walker, Don Chappell & Co. Inc. 1944
Let's Go, America Logan, Walter Sam Fox Pub. Co. 1933
Let's Go, America Agay, Denes Sheldon-Mitchell Pub. Corp. 1942
Let's Go, USA Phelps, Phil F.   1942
Let's Go, USA Lauer, Clarence
Hays, Will
Miracle Music Co. 1941
Let's Grow Old Together Brown, Sid Davis & Schwegler 1939
Let's Grow Old Together Brockman, James
Oakland, Will
Schuster, Ira
Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1939
Let's Harmonize Twomey, Kay
Wise, Fred
Frisch, Al
Oxford Music Corp. 1949
Let's Have A Drink Sisson, Kenn
Reynolds, Don
Edwards, Rene
Cason Music Corp. 1941
Let's Have An Old Fashioned Christmas Solomon, Joe Joe Davis Inc. 1939
Let's Have Another Cigarette from The RKO Film "Life Of The Party" Wrubel, Allie Irving Berlin Inc. 1937
Let's Have Another One Raye, Don
Prince, Hughie
Leeds Music Corp. 1940
Let's Have Breakfast In Bed Stept, Sam H. M. Witmark & Sons 1934
Let's Help The Red Cross Save A White Cross McHugh, Jimmy Robbins Music Corp. 1944
Let's Hit The Dream Trail Together Converse, Rip R.D. Row Music Co. 1939
Let's Honeymoon Again Carsten, Bert Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1934
Let's Keep The Wolf Away From Our Door Langman, David
Ingham, Nelson
Dave Langman & Nelson Ingham 1941
Let's Leave It To Love Malneck, Matt Mills Music Co. Inc. 1935
Let's Light The Christmas Tree Lyons, Ruth Broadcast Music Inc. 1946
Let's Make A Wish from The RKO Picture "Walking On Air" Ruby, Harry Irving Berlin Inc. 1936
Let's Make Believe We're In The Movies Sacco, Tony Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1935
Let's Make It A Life Time Jacobs, Al Jacobs Pub. 1938
Let's Make Memories Tonight Brown, Lew
Tobias, Charlie
Stept, Sam H.
Chappell & Co. Inc. 1939
Let's Make The Most Of Tonight Marini, Frank Melody Music Pub. 1943
Let's Make With The Love Shapiro, Dan
Seelen, Jerry
Lee, Lester
Cameron Music Co. 1941
Let's Not Lose A Moment Fleck, Bill
Watson, O.M.
Vanguard Songs Inc. 1938
Let's Not, And Say We Did Whitney, Joan
Kramer, Alex
Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Let's Park In The Park Ross, Ben Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Let's Pitch A Little Woo Mineo, Sam
Prussin, Sidney
Major Music Inc. 1937
Let's Play Every Day Wolf, Olga ABC Music Corp. 1938
Let's Play House Again Vance, John Davis & Schwegler 1938
Let's Pray For Peace Seigel, Monty Sing Song Music Co. Inc. 1940
Let's Pray For Peace Siegel, Monty Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1935
Let's Pretend Scherman, Robert Webster Music Co. 1945
Let's Pretend That We're Sweethearts Again Trace, Ben
Trace, Al
Fascinato, Jack
M.M. Cole Pub. Co. 1940
Let's Pretend Tonight Nuckols, Blossom Merrell Schwarz Music Co. 1936
Let's Put Our Dreams Together Rosenberg, Jack
Stock, Larry
Schuster, Ira
Paull-Pioneer Music Corp. 1946
Let's Put Our Heads Together Wynn, Charles J.P. Music Co. 1943
Let's Put Our Heads Together Arlen, Harold T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1936
Let's Put Two And Two Together Cowan, Stanley
Worth, Bobby
Melody Music Pub. 1941
Let's Sail To Dreamland Kogen, Harry
Busse, Henry
Spier Music Co. 1938
Let's Say Goodnight With A Dance Fain, Sam E. Leo Feist Inc. 1941
Let's Sing A Gay Little Spring Song from The Walt Disney Film "Bambi" Churchill, Frank Walt Disney Productions 1942
Let's Sing A Song About Susie Gordon, Mack
Grosz, Will
T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1943
Let's Sing Again McHugh, Jimmy Leo Feist Inc. 1936
Let's Sing America Fifer, C. Arthur C. Arthur Fifer 1942
Let's Spill The Beans Gordon, Mack
Revel, Harry
Crawford Music Corp. 1935
Let's Start All Over Webster, M. Coates Davis & Schwegler 1938
Let's Start Life All Over White, Leroy "Lasses" Peer International Corp. 1942
Let's Stop The Clock Coots, J. Fred Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1938
Let's Swing It Tobias, Charlie
Newman, Charles
Mencher, Murray
T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1935
Let's Take A Walk Around The Block Arlen, Harold New World Music Corp. 1934
Let's Take The Long Way Home from The Paramount Picture "Here Come The Waves" Arlen, Harold Edwin H. Morris & Co. 1944
Let's Take Up Where We Left Off Clark, Marion
Paul, M. Cooper
Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Let's Tie The Old Forget Me Not Gorney, Jay Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1938
Let's Trade A Diamond For A Heart Grove, Gilbert Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1939
Let's Trade Hearts Grant, Bruno Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Let's Try Again Crockett, Johnny Bell Music Co. 1942
Let's Try Again Hammond, Biff
Moore, Billy Jr.
Broadway Music Corp. 1940
Let's Waltz For Old Time's Sake Stept, Sam H. M. Witmark & Sons 1937
Let's Wave The Flag We Love Hoefle, Carl Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Let's Wear Our Whiskers Long Wenrich, Percy
Cowgill, T.
Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1946
Letter To My Mother, A Small, S. Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1933
Letter, The Spielman, Fred Robbins Music Corp. 1951
Letters From Home Scholl, Lena Scholl Pub. Co. 1941
Liberty Green, Al
Green, Sis
Green, Jackie
Keystone Music Co. 1941
Liberty Carey, Tommy Rainbow Melodies 1941
Liberty Bell Goodwin, Joe
Sherman, Al
Lewis, Al
Nattrass-Schenck Inc. 1933
Lies Barris, Harry Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1952
Life Begins At Sweet Sixteen Henderson, Ray T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1935
Life Begins When Love Begins Fish, Parley L. Art Music Co. 1942
Life Begins When You're In Love Schertzinger, Victor
Richman, Harry
Irving Berlin Inc. 1936
Life Begins With Love Cooper, Joseph M. Witmark & Sons 1934
Life Can Be Beautiful McHugh, Jimmy Melrose Music Corp. 1946
Life Is So Peculiar VanHeusen, James Burke-VanHeusen & Associates 1950
Life Is Sweet Again Wever, Ned
Lambert, Harold
Donaldson, Will
Words & Music Inc. 1937
Life Of The Party from The RKO Picture "Life Of The Party" Wrubel, Allie Irving Berlin Inc. 1937
Life Of The Party, The from The Columbia Picture "Five Against The House" Mure, Billy Broadcast Music Inc. 1954
Life Without You Won't Be The Same Hewitt, Dolph Eddie
Humes, Marjorie
Peer International Corp. 1943
Life's A Funny Proposition After All Cohan, George, M. Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc.  
Life's Highway Simpson, Carrie-Lewis
Reed, Bert
Joseph Carlton 1942
Light A Candle In The Chapel Pease, Harry
Nelson, Ed G.
Leonard, Duke
Mills Music Co. Inc. 1942
Light Fantastic, The Lang, Phil W.A. Quincke & Co. 1940
Light In Side The Whitehouse, A Terry, Gene
Todd, Kenny
VanSickler, Carr
Peer International Corp. 1942
Light Of My Life, The Greene, Mort
Revel, Harry
Greene-Revel Inc. 1942
Light The Way To Victory Urban, Braheen Braheen Urban 1941
Lighthouse In The Dark Bellin, Lewis
Sloane, Ira
Millinder, Lucky
Melody Lane Pub. Inc. 1942
Lights And Music Riggs, Kermit Davis & Schwegler 1938
Lights Of Old Santa Fe' Elliott, Jack Leeds Music Corp. 1944
Lights Out Hill, Billy Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1935
Light's Out, Hold Me Tight Boland, Clay Embassy Music Corp. 1940
Like A Bolt From The Blue Oakland, Ben
Parish, Mitchell
Mills, Irving
Mills Music Co. Inc. 1934
Like A Breath Of Spring Ruth, Willis Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Like A China Cup Hunt, Cliff Merrell Schwarz Music Co. 1938
Like A Leaf In The Wind Goetschius, Marjorie Embassy Music Corp. 1946
Like A Melody Of Old Noble, Victor Music Products Co. Inc. 1936
Like A Phantom In The Night Hubert, Lee Handy Brothers Music Co. Inc. 1936
Like A Story In A Magazine Levinson, Jerry Kornheiser-Schuster Inc. 1934
Like Me A Little Bit Less Lane, Burton Irving Berlin Inc. 1933
Likely Story Valentine, Mike
Kay, Mack
Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Li'l Abner from The RKO Picture "Li'l Abner" Oakland, Ben
Berle, Milton
Drake, Milton
Leo Feist Inc. 1940
Lilacs In The Rain DeRose, Peter Robbins Music Corp. 1939
Lilli Marlene Leip, Hans
Schultze, Norbert
Connor, Tommie
Peter Maurice Music Co. Ltd.
Edward B. Marks Music Corp.
Lily Belle Franklin, Dave
Taylor, Irving
Martin Music 1945
Lily From Chile Scadron, Mimi
Wartels, Helen
Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1940
Lily Of Lourdes Tucker, Arthur J. Arthur J. Tucker Music Pub. 1944
Limehouse Blues Braham, Philip Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew Ltd. 1922
Linda DeRose, Peter Joe Morris Music Co. 1931
Linda Ronell, Ann Picture Music Inc. 1945
Linger A Little Longer Lombardo, Carmen
Loeb, John Jacob
Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1942
Linger A Little Longer In The Twilight Woods, Harry
Campbell, Jimmy
Connelly, Reg.
Robbins Music Corp. 1932
Linger In My Arms A Little Longer, Baby Magidson, Herb Bourne Inc. 1946
Linger Just A Little Longer Evans, Anne M. University Music Co. 1941
Linger Longer Gunsky, Maurice
Weeks, Anson
Goldstein, Nat
Villa-Moret Inc. 1932
Lingering Down The Lane Borel-Clerc, Charles Chappell & Co. Inc. 1949
Ling'ring Smile Simpson, Carrie-Lewis Joseph Carlton 1941
Lipstick And Candy And Rubber Sole Shoes Haymes, Bob Jimskip Music Inc. 1956
Lisbon Antigua Portela, Raul
Galhardo, J.
DoVale, A.
Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1954
Listen In Riley, Edward Conrad Co. Inc. 1924
Listen My Children And You Shall Hear from The Paramount Picture "Double Or Nothing" Lane, Burton Popular Melodies Inc. 1937
Listen To My Heart Weems, Ted
Budka, Harry
Livesay, Mildred
Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Listening Berlin, Irving Irving Berlin Inc. 1924
Lita Stevenson, Maud Miller Maud Miller Stevenson 1936
Lita Pollack, Lew Sam Fox Pub. Co. 1936
Little Angel Told Me So, A Coslow, Sam Famous Music Corp. 1934
Little Annie Rooney Nolan, Michael Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1938
Little April Shower from The Walt Disney Picture "Bambi" Churchill, Frank Walt Disney Productions 1942
Little Attic Of Dreams Gay, Henry Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1936
Little Bell Rang, A Whitney, Joan
Kramer, Alex
Broadcast Music Inc. 1942
Little Bird Told Me, A Brooks, Harvey O. Bourne Inc. 1948
Little Bit Independent, A Burke, Joe Donaldson, Douglas & Gumble Inc. 1935
Little Bit Later On, A Levinson, Jerry Superior Music Co. Inc. 1936
Little Bit Longer, A MacGregor, Chummy M. Witmark & Sons 1947
Little Bit Of Dark, A Jacobs, Roy
Murphy, Johnny
Radiotunes Inc. 1941
Little Bit Of Heaven, A Rice, C. Ann
Gallison, Dave
A-1 Music Pub. Of America 1942
Little Bit Of Rhythm Chaplin, Saul
Pincus, Herman
Cahn, Sammy
Clarence Williams Pub. Co. 1936
Little Black Bronc Clauser, Al
Hoepner, Tex
Cross & Winge Inc. 1937
Little Bo Peep Has Lost Her Jeep Bowne, Jerry
DeVol, Frank
Peer International Corp. 1942
Little Boy Fulcher, Charles
Causer, Bob
Joe Davis Inc. 1939
Little Boy And A Little Girl, A Roberts, Allan
Brainin, Jerome
Sherwood, Lew
Chappell & Co. Inc. 1940
Little Boy That Santa Claus Forgot, The Connor, Tommy
Leach, Jimmy
Carr, Michael
Peter Maurice Music Co. Ltd. 1937
Little Brown Road Crumit, Frank T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1923
Little By Little O'Keefe, Walter
Dolan, Bobby
DeSylva, Brown &  Henderson Inc. 1929
Little By Little Shuryan, Frank   1936
Little Café Down The Street, A Leopoldi, Hermann Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1939
Little Cavalier Jerome, M.K. M. Witmark & Sons 1929
Little Child Shanklin, Wayne Mayfair Music Corp. 1956
Little Chin Chin Fain, Sammy Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1936
Little Church Around The Corner Duke, Louise
Duke, James
Zenith Music Co. 1939
Little Church Around The Corner, A Burke, Joe Joe Morris Music Co. 1934
Little Church Around The Corner, The Crocker, Al Progressive Music Pub. 1950
Little Coat Of Tan, A Coots, J. Fred Irving Berlin Inc. 1929
Little Consideration, A Skylar, Sunny Bourne Inc. 1946
Little Cooperation, A Lava, Bill Vanguard Songs Inc. 1939
Little Coquette Renard, Jacques
Bradley, Byron
Case, Ken
Gem Music Corp. 1939
Little Corner In Your Heart, A Evans, Anne M. University Music Co. 1941
Little Cottage Of Blue Finley, Chester Bell Music Co. 1941
Little Cotton Dolly Geibel, Adam Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1938
Little Curly Hair In A High Chair from The MGM Picture "Forty Little Mothers" Simon, Nat Leo Feist Inc. 1940
Little Darling Don't You Cry Townsend, Frankie Peer International Corp. 1941
Little Did I Dream Lane Burton Irving Berlin Inc. 1934
Little Did I Dream Marc, Paul
Randon, Aub
Syndicate Music Pub. Inc. 1941
Little Did We Know Fadden, Peter Johnstone-Montei Inc. 1952
Little Donkey Boswell, Eric Chappell & Co. Inc. 1959
Little Donkey Romero, Ventura Peer International Corp. 1953
Little Door, A Little Lock, A Little Key, A Woods, Harry Crawford Music Corp. 1935
Little Drummer Boy Noel, Art
Pelosi, Don
Marlo Music Corp. 1938
Little Drummer Boy, The Davis, Katherine
Onorati, Henry
Simeone, Harry
Mills Music Co. Inc. &
Delaware Music Corp.
Little Fish In A Big Pond Berlin, Irving Irving Berlin Inc. 1949
Little Fool Lee, Peggy Regent Music Corp. 1941
Little Fraternity Pin Ringwald, Roy Words & Music Inc. 1937
Little Gadabout Fields, Irving Excelsior Music Pub Co. 1941
Little Genius Samuels, Walter G.
Whitcup, Leonard
Powell, Teddy
ABC Music Corp. 1937
Little Girl Hyde, Madeline
Henry, Francis
Leeds Music Corp. 1948
Little Girl Blue from "Jumbo" Rodgers, Richard T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1935
Little Girl From Who Knows Where Johnson, Howard
Tobias, Charlie
Fernwood, Al
Gene Labarre Inc. 1935
Little Girl, Come Dry Your Tears Ortmann, William Hurbert J. Braun Music Co. 1934
Little Girl's Plea, A Burns, Hal
Pennington, Jack
Peer International Corp. 1942
Little Golden Locket, The Kennedy, Jimmy Peter Maurice Music Co. Ltd. 1935
Little Guppy, The Keller, Leonard
Gallop, Sammy
Hahn, Eugene
Schumann Music Co. 1941
Little Guy Who Looks Like You, The Spencer, Tim Cross Music Co. 1943
Little Heaven Of The Seven Seas Jerome, M.K. M. Witmark & Sons 1937
Little Hobby Horse Elsmo, Suerre S. Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Little Home Of Long Ago Alley, Shelly Lee M.M. Cole Pub. Co. 1934
Little House That Love Built, The Warren, Harry Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1936
Little Imagination, A from The Universal-International Picture "Are You With It?" James, Inez
Miller, Sidney
Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1948
Little In Love, A Peluso, Joseph L. Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Little Jack Frost Get Lost Stillman, Al
Ellis, Seger
Henry Spitzer Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1947
Little Jive Is Good For You, A Yaw, Ralph P. Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Little King Of Toyland Stillman, Al
Vallee, Rudy
Deering, Delyce
Dallin, Jacques
Hollywood Songs Inc. 1938
Little Kiss At Twilight, A from The Paramount Picture "Give Me A Sailor" Robin, Leo
Rainger, Ralph
Paramount Music Corp. 1938
Little Kiss Goodnight, A Merrill, Bob Oxford Music Corp. 1952
Little Kisses Altman, Arthur
Ager, Milton
Ager, Yellen & Bornstein Inc. 1935
Little Know It All Barry, Jean Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Little Lady For A Day Saxon, David Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1941
Little Love Will Go A Long, Long Way, A Lombardo, Carmen
Loeb, John Jacob
Olman Music Corp. 1938
Little Love, A Young, Charles
Hagen, Larry
Miller Music Corp. 1951
Little Man Who Wasn't There, The Hanighen, Bernard Robbins Music Corp. 1939
Little Man With A Candy Cigar Dennis, Matt Embassy Music Corp. 1941
Little Mischief Maker Oppenheim, Dave
Tobias, Henry
Kuhn, Dick
Mills Music Co. Inc. 1940
Little Miss Irish Frisch, Al Republic Music Corp. 1941
Little Miss One Hebert, Paul
Oliver, Eddie
Weiss & Barry Inc. 1953
Little Old Church Near Leicester Square, The Carr, Micheal
Goell, Kermit
Oxford Music Corp. 1949
Little Old Church On The Hilltop Beacon, Leslie Beacon Music Co. 1941
Little Old Fashioned Music Box, The David, Mack
Meyer, George W.
Wendling, Pete
T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1937
Little Old Lady from The Vincente Minelli Musical "The Show Is On" Carmichael, Hoagy
Adams, Stanley
Chappell & Co. Inc. 1936
Little Old Lady Of Threadneedle Street, The Cavanaugh, James
Wood, Guy
Stock, Larry
Henry Spitzer Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1949
Little Old Log Cabin In The Lane Hays, Will S.
Manoloff, Nick
Calumet Music Co. 1935
Little Old Mill, The Pelosi, Don
Ilda, Lewis
Towers, Leo
Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1947
Little Old Mission Hull, Russ
Shelhamer, Ben Jr.
Randolph, Al
Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Little Old Rag Doll Hamblen, Stuart M.M. Cole Pub. Co. 1935
Little Pal White, Ruth Carl Sobie Music Pub. 1941
Little Pardner Autry, Gene
Rose, Fred
Marvin, Johnny
Western Music Pub. Co. 1939
Little Picture Playhouse In My Heart Burke, Joe Donaldson, Douglas & Gumble Inc. 1935
Little Puff Of Smoke, Good Night White, G. Harris Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1937
Little Racketeer Vaughan, Beryl
Jewell, James
Sam Fox Pub. Co. 1941
Little Rain Must Fall, A Little, Little Jack Green Brothers & Knight Inc. 1939
Little Red Fox, The Porter, Lew Leo Feist Inc. 1939
Little Red Hen, The Raught, Kenny
Mahr, Curley
Coast to Coast Music Corp. 1941
Little Red Riding Hood Kalmus, Bee Broadway Music Corp. 1939
Little Rendezvous In Honolulu, A Burke, Joe Joe Morris Music Co. 1936
Little Robin Told Me So, A Davis, Benny
Coots, J. Fred
Rothberg, Bob
Schuster & Miller Inc. 1936
Little Saddle Moore, Morrill
Moore, Eugene
Del Cal Theatres Inc. 1941
Little Shattered Bungalow, A Kaye, Karl B. Setzer Pub.  
Little Shoes Goodman, Herald
Upson, Dean
Poulton, Curt
Forster Music Pub. Inc. 1933
Little Sir Echo Girard, Adele
Marsala, Joe
Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1939
Little Skipper Kenny, Nick
Kenny, Charles
Leo Feist Inc. 1939
Little Sleepy Head Dennis, Tommy
Felice, Henry
Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Little Sly Boots Twomey, Kay
Sour, Robert
Wainer, Lee
Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Little Sunny Hair DiTomas, Virginia
Patrick, Fred
A-1 Music Pub. Of America 1941
Little Surplus Me from "Call Me Mister" Rome, H. M. Witmark & Sons 1946
Little Sweetheart Of My Dreams Collins, Roscoe M.
Haubrich, Earl
Ted Browne Music Co. Inc. 1937
Little Tattle Tale Ross, Harry
Waters, Mel
Excelsior Music Pub Co. 1940
Little Tavern On Top Of The Hill Sanders, Alma Brunjes, Carol & Sanders Inc. 1934
Little Te Long Fascinato, Jack Campbell, Loft & Porgie Inc. 1941
Little Things Mean A Lot Lindeman, Edith
Stutz, Carl
Leo Feist Inc. 1954
Little Things You Used To Do, The Warren, Harry M. Witmark & Sons 1935
Little Thoughts Reichman, Joe
White, Grace Kay
Leo Feist Inc. 1934
Little Toot from The Walt Disney Picture "Melody Time" Wrubel, Allie Santly-Joy-Select Inc. 1947
Little Trailer Town Evans, Roy Will Rossiter 1938
Little White Cross On A Hilltop Leeds, Milton
Wise, Fred
Stryker, Fred
Peer International Corp. 1942
Little White Duck, The Zaritzky, Bernard General Music Pub Co. Inc. 1950
Little White Gardenia, A Coslow, Sam Famous Music Corp. 1935
Little White House, A Little White Lady, A Donaldson, Walter Kornheiser-Schuster Inc. 1935
Little White Lies Donaldson, Walter Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1930
Little White Lies Donaldson, Walter Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1930
Little White Lighthouse, A Burke, Joe Donaldson, Douglas & Gumble Inc. 1937
Little Women from The RKO Picture "Little Women" Ahlert, Fred E. Irving Berlin Inc. 1933
Little Wooden Head from The Walt Disney Picture "Pinocchio" Harline, Leigh Irving Berlin Inc. 1940
Little Wooden Soldiers Go To Town, The Snowhill, George
Greiner, Lynn F.
Mott, Harold
Imperial Music Pub. Co. 1940
Little Wooden Soldiers Go To War, The Snowhill, George
Greiner, Lynn F.
Mott, Harold
Modern Melodies Pub. Co. 1937
Live And Let Live Walker, Wiley
Sullivan, Gene
Peer International Corp. 1941
Livin' In The Sunlight, Lovin' In The Moonlight from The Paramount Musical "The Big Pond" Sherman, Al
Lewis, Al
Famous Music Corp. 1930
Livin', Lovin', Laughin' Evans, Redd
Phillips, Howard
Radiotunes Inc. 1941
Living For You Bock, Carl
Perkins, Walton
Kerth, Jack
Ted Browne Music Co. Inc. 1935
Living From Day To Day Schaeffer, Mary
Levinson, Jerry
Red Star Songs Inc. 1936
Living In A Trance Showers, Lawrence W. Lawrence W. Showers Co. 1939
Living On Velvet Warren, Harry Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1935
Liza Lee Green, Bud
Stept, Sam H.
M. Witmark & Sons 1930
Liza Lou Schwartz, Arthur T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1934
Lo Lo Lita Allen, F. Colonial Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1941
Loafin' Drake, Ervin
Danis, Jack
Herbert, Fitz
Commercial Music Inc. 1945
Loafin' On A Lazy Day Woodland, Robert Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Loafin' On The Levee Meyer, George W. Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1936
Loafin' Time Altman, Arthur
Ager, Milton
Ager, Yellen & Bornstein Inc. 1935
Locoed Marshall, Georgia Nattrass-Schenck Inc. 1940
Lodicka (My Dream Boat) Hanna, Rudolf
Mazanec, Jerry
Broadcast Music Inc. 1942
Lofty Peaks Kennedy, Hamilton Paull-Pioneer Music Corp. 1938
Log Cabin Lullaby Byrne, S.
Byrne, G.H.
Schuster, Ira
Schuster & Miller Inc. 1936
Log Cabin, Dear, That's Built For Two, A Clark, Luther A. Catherine M. McKinney 1937
Lois Lessner, George
Cameron, Ray
Viola Magnusson 1934
Lola Fifer, C. Arthur Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Lola O'Brien The Irish Hawaiian Whiting, George
Cavanaugh, J.
Weldon, F.
Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1954
Lolinda Leont, Charles Syndicate Music Pub. Inc. 1942
Lolita Benkhart, Dorothy
Shisler, Charles P.
Benkhart, Gustavus
Shisler-Benkhart Pub. 1943
Lolita (Vocal Orchestra) Peccia, A. Buzzi G. Ricordi & Co. Inc. 1906
Lolita Lopez Olvirades, Jose Fred Fisher Music Co. Inc. 1947
London Bridge Is Falling Down Baer, Abel
Schuster, Ira
Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1938
London On A Foggy Afternoon George, Ina Whitney Blake Music Pub. 1936
London On A Rainy Night Stept, Sam H. T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1934
Lone Star Moon Friend, Cliff
Franklin, Dave
Advanced Music Corp. 1947
Lonely Sobie, Carl
Hoffman, Lota
Carl Sobie Music Pub. 1941
Lonely And Sorry Cooper, E. Marie E. Marie Cooper 1930
Lonely For You Prosser, Ruth Prosser Music Pub. Co. 1932
Lonely Girl Troup, Bobby Mogull Music Corp. 1949
Lonely Gondolier Warren, Harry M. Witmark & Sons 1935
Lonely Heart from "As Thousands Cheer" Berlin, Irving Irving Berlin Inc. 1933
Lonely House Weill, Kurt Chappell & Co. Inc. 1946
Lonely Little Lighthouse Schaeffer, Mary Red Star Songs Inc. 1937
Lonely Little Robin Meyer, John L. Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Lonely Love Sinatra, Ray Broadcast Music Inc. 1945
Lonely Lover Clement, Mary Sam Fox Pub. Co. 1941
Lonely Serenade Kroll, Bobby
Arlen, Judith
Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Lonely Shadows In Old Shanty Town Willard, Charles Modern Standard Music Co. 1941
Lonely Street Fein, Pearl Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1934
Lonely Street Davis, Benny
Murry, Ted
Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1955
Lonesome Finke Jacques Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Lonesome Cherniovsky, Joseph Irving Berlin Inc. 1928
Lonesome Meyer, George W. Paull-Pioneer Music Corp. 1909
Lonesome Kaye, Karl Radio Music Service Co.  
Lonesome Haendle, Charles Republic Music Corp. 1948
Lonesome And Sorry Davis, Benny
Conrad, Con
Mills Music Co. Inc. 1926
Lonesome Cowboy Jones, Lee Harold Flammer Inc. 1936
Lonesome For You Quadling, Lew Blasco Music Inc. 1948
Lonesome Gal Schumann, Walter Edwin H. Morris & Co. 1951
Lonesome Guitar Fairchild, Edgar Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1936
Lonesome Lullaby Lake, Don Bell Music Co. 1942
Lonesome Lullaby Ahlert, Fred E. Chappell & Co. Inc. 1936
Lonesome Sweetheart Allison, W. E. H.T. Ayres 1937
Lonesome Valley Sally McConnell, George B. Nattrass-Schenck Inc. 1934
Lonesome Whistle Williams, Hank
Davis, Jimmie
Jimmie Davis Music Corp. 1951
Long About Evening Cornell, Alice
Asherman, Eddie
Carl Fischer Inc. 1945
Long After Midnight French, Charles
Rubens, H.
LaFreniere, E.P.
Roy Music Co. Inc. 1939
Long Ago Last Night Trotta, Ray Roger Music Inc. 1952
Long Ago, And Far Away Kern, Jerome Crawford Music Corp. 1944
Long As You Got Your Health Irwin, Will Chappell & Co. Inc. 1937
Long Before I Knew You Styne, Jule T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1950
Long Distance Love Mann, Dave Edwin H. Morris & Co. 1953
Long Live America Smith, Willie
Kenny, Nick
Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1942
Long Live Love Olivieri, Dino Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1940
Long Longing Corse, George George Corse 1936
Long May We Love Lane, Ivan
Freedlin, Clarisse
Edwin H. Morris & Co. 1942
Long Tall Sally Johnson, Enotris Venice Music Corp. 1956
Longest Walk, The Spielman, Fred Advanced Music Corp. 1955
Longing For You Vallo, Harry Big Town Music Pub. Co. 1951
Longing For You Romayne, Don Carl H. Botefuhr 1932
Longing For You Dana, Walter Ludlow Music Inc. 1951
Look For The Silver Lining Kern, Jerome T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1920
Look In The Mirror Samuels, Walt G.
Whitcup, Leo
Powel, Ted
Stasny-Lang Music Inc. 1935
Look Out Below Waring, Fred
Dolph, Jack
Words & Music Inc. 1942
Look Out! I'm Romantic Mizzy, Vic Robbins Music Corp. 1953
Look What I've Got Rainger, Ralph Famous Music Corp. 1933
Look What You've Done To Me Conrad, Con
Mitchell, Sid D.
Gottler, Archie
DeSylva, Brown &  Henderson Inc. 1929
Lookin' Around Corners For You Gordon, Mack Leo Feist Inc. 1936
Lookin' For Love Riley, Mike
Farley, Ed
Joe Davis Inc. 1936
Lookin' For The Lost Chord McPhail, Lindsay
East, Ed
Harrington, Clark
Modern Melodies Pub. Co. 1937
Looking At The World Thru Rose Colored Glasses Malie, Tommy
Steiger, Jimmy
Sun Music Co. Inc. 1926
Looking Down At The Stars Perkins, Frank Mills Music Co. Inc. 1936
Looking For A Rainbow McKewen, James James McKewen 1941
Looking For Yesterday VanHeusen, James (Jimmy) Irving Berlin Inc. 1940
Looking Forward To Looking After You Woods, Harry Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1935
Looking Glass Lake Wise, Fred
Leeds, Milton
Broadcast Music Inc. 1942
Looking Through My Window Hewitt & Boutillier Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Looks Like A Cold, Cold Winter Fulton, Jack
Goering, Al
James, Caesar
Lombardo Music Inc. 1950
Looks Like I'll Never Learn M. Cooper Paul Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Looks Like Winter Fisher, Doris Fred Fisher Music Co. Inc. 1939
Loop De Loo Mizzy, Vic Santly-Joy-Select Inc. 1946
Lora Belle Lee Miller, Sid
Gilbert, Ray
Santly-Joy-Select Inc. 1949
Lord And Lady Whoozis Lerner, S.
Goodhart, A.
Hoffman, A.
Mills Music Co. Inc. 1937
Lord Has His Arms Around Me, The Lever, Bea Rae Mills Music Co. Inc. 1960
Lord Made A Peanut, The Merrill, Bob Joy Music Inc. 1958
Loretta Twomey, Kay
Wise, Fred
Frisch, Al
Santly-Joy-Select Inc. 1942
Losing You Fitch, Art
Fitch, Kay
Fitch Brothers Pub. Co. 1931
Lost Ohman, Phil
Mercer, Johnny
Teetor, M.O.
Robbins Music Corp. 1936
Lost And Found Tomlin, Pinky Santly Brothers Joy Inc. 1938
Lost April Newman, Emil
Spencer, Herb
George Simon Inc. 1948
Lost Horizon Tiomkin, Dimitri Irving Berlin Inc. 1937
Lost In A Dream Bloom, Rube Triangle Music Corp. 1949
Lost In A Fog McHugh, Jimmy Robbins Music Corp. 1934
Lost In Ecstasy Gershwin, Henry
Colligan, Wm.
Foreign & Domestic Music Corp. 1936
Lost In Meditation Ellington, Duke
Tizol, Juan
Singer, Lou
Exclusive Pub. Inc. 1938
Lost In My Dreams Stept, Sam H. Sam Fox Pub. Co. 1936
Lost In The Midnight Blue Roberts, Lucky Joseph P. Whalen Music Corp. 1942
Lost In The Shuffle Bernier, Buddy
Spier, Larry
Emmerich, Bob
Spier Music Co. 1938
Lost Love Grady, Stephen Art Music Co. 1942
Lost My Rhythm, Lost My Music, Lost My Man Brown, Lew
Maxwell, Elsa
Akst, Harry
T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1935
Lost, A Man's Best Pal Herscher, Louis L. Wolfe Gilbert Music Pub. Co. 1938
Loud Mouth Fritsch, Babe Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1942
Louis From St Louis Fisher, Fred
Unger, Stella
Fred Fisher Music Co. Inc. 1936
Louise Whiting, Richard A. Famous Music Corp. 1929
Louisiana Johnson, J.C. Alfred Music Co. Inc. 1936
Louisiana Wade, Franklin Progressive Music Pub. 1942
Louisiana Fairy Tale Parish, M.
Gillespie, H.
Coots, J.F.
Mills Music Co. Inc. 1935
Louisiana Purchase Berlin, Irving Irving Berlin Inc. 1940
Lou'siana Lullaby, The (By-u By-o) Owens, Jack
McMichael, Ted
Killion, Leo V.
Majestic Music Co. 1941
Lovable Sort Of Person from The Paramount Picture "Dancing On A Dime" Young, Victor Famous Music Corp. 1940
Love Kaempfert, Bert
Gabler, Milt
Roosevelt Music Co. Inc. 1964
Love (Your Spell Is Everywhere) Goulding, Edmund Irving Berlin Inc. 1929
Love Alone Kishaw, Michael W.
Crane, J.W.
Michael W. Kishaw 1935
Love Among The Roses Courtenay, Eric Stasny-Lang Music Inc. 1921
Love Among The Young Wilder, Alec Merician Music Corp. 1955
Love And A Dime Bowman, Brooks Santly Brothers Joy Inc. 1935
Love And Devotion Rinker, Al
Huddleston, Floyd
Valando Music Corp. 1951
Love And I Bergersen, Baldwin Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Love And Kisses Johnson, J.C. Broadway Music Corp. 1935
Love And Learn Schwartz, Arthur Chappell & Co. Inc. 1936
Love At Second Sight Warnick, Clay Chappell & Co. Inc. 1944
Love Awakens In The Spring Colligan, Wm. Foreign & Domestic Music Corp. 1936
Love Brought The Sunshine Axt, Wm.
Mendoza, David
Irving Berlin Inc. 1928
Love Bug Will Bite You, The  Tomlin, Pinky Santly Brothers Joy Inc. 1937
Love Came Along Moore, Tom A-1 Music Pub. Of America 1941
Love Came Between Us Livingston, Jay
Evans, Ray
Broadcast Music Inc. 1945
Love Came Out Of The Night Rose, Fred
Nelson, Eddie
Forster Music Pub. Inc. 1936
Love Doesn't Grow On Trees from The Paramount Picture "A Song Is Born" Lane, Burton Paramount Music Corp. 1938
Love Dropped In For Tea Spina, Harold Irving Berlin Inc. 1935
Love For Love Korngold, Eric Wolfgang M. Witmark & Sons 1947
Love From Out Of Nowhere Kilpatrick, Pat Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1936
Love Girl Cooper, E. Marie
Zerse, Carl
E. Marie Cooper 1934
Love Goes On Just The Same Kahal, Irving
Baer, Abel
Leo Feist Inc. 1931
Love Grows On The White Oak Tree Todd, Clarence Robbins Music Corp. 1939
Love Had A Preview Last Night Tinturin, Peter Stasny-Lang Music Inc. 1936
Love I Long For, The Duke, Vernon Paramount Music Corp. 1944
Love In June Duffy, George
Hall, C.W.
Tucker, Tommy
Evan Georgeoff Music Pub. Co. 1935
Love In The Air Valdespi, Armando
Gerlach, Horace
Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1937
Love In The Moonlight (Based On A Theme from "Concerto In A Minor by Edward Grieg") Stillman, Al Sam Fox Pub. Co. 1942
Love Is Duke, Eddie Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Love Is A Beautiful Song Oppenheim, Dave
Ingraham, Roy
American Academy of Music 1943
Love Is A Beautiful Thing Pearl, Lee
Bellin, Lewis
Pearl, Harvey
Porgie Music Corp. 1949
Love Is A Corny Thing Styne, Jule Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1943
Love Is A Dancer Pollock, Muriel Chappell & Co. Inc. 1936
Love Is A Dancing Thing Schwartz, Arthur Chappell & Co. Inc. 1935
Love Is A Dangerous Game Reid, Don
Foullon, Seva
Leo Feist Inc. 1948
Love Is A Funny Game Maxwell, Sanders Harold Flammer Inc. 1937
Love Is A Merry-Go-Round Bloom, Rube Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1937
Love Is A Pow'rful Thing Cahn, Sammy
Chaplin, Saul
Words & Music Inc. 1936
Love Is A Random Thing from the Musical Production "Toplitzky Of Notre Dame" Fain, Sammy T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1946
Love Is A Song from The Walt Disney Picture "Bambi" Morey, Larry
Churchill, Frank
Walt Disney Productions 1942
Love Is A Thing To Beware Knight, Paul Sweet Music Pub. Co. 1942
Love Is A Wonderful Thing Sweet, Sally
Brent, Pat
Martini, Bennie
Sweet Music Pub. Co. 1942
Love Is All That Matters Farrell, Anthony
Watson, O.M.
Davis & Ostergard Music Pub. 1941
Love Is Ev'rywhere Kusby, Eddie
Kusby, Case
Dynamic Music Co. 1937
Love Is Good For Anything That Ails You from The Republic Production Musical Picture "The Hit Parade" Friend, Cliff
Malneck, Matt
Santly Brothers Joy Inc. 1937
Love Is Here To Stay Gershwin, George Gershwin Pub. Corp. 1938
Love Is In Command Pollack, Lew DeSylva, Brown &  Henderson Inc. 1934
Love Is In The Air Tonight Whiting, Richard A. T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1937
Love Is Just Around The Corner Robin, Leo
Gensler, Lewis E.
Famous Music Corp. 1934
Love Is Like A Cigarette Kent, Walter Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1935
Love Is Love, Anywhere Arlen, Harold