KMOX Pop Sheet Music - "H"
Title Composer Publisher Year
Ha Cha Cha Heymann, Werner R. Movietone Music Corp. 1934
Hail To America Huffer, Fred K. Chart Music Pub. House Inc. 1917
Hail To Our President Smith, Herbert J.
Lung, Wilma R.
Benearl Pub. Co. Inc. 1940
Hail To The Legion Wilson, Murray Joe McDaniel Music Co. 1942
Hail, Missouri Kessler, John Ora Hill 1941
Hair Of Gold, Eyes Of Blue Skylar, Sunny Robert Music Corp. 1948
Hallelu Winkopp, Paul J. Broadcast Music Inc. 1942
Halls Of Ivy, The Russell, Henry
Knight, Vick
Chappell & Co. Inc. 1950
Hambone Saunders, Red
Washington, Leon
Rush Music Co. 1952
Hand Of Fate, The Ballard, Pat General Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1927
Hand Of Love Broderick, Dick Peer International Corp. 1961
Handful Of Stars, A Lawrence, Jack
Shapiro, Ted
Leo Feist Inc. 1940
Hands Across The Border Greene, Mort
Revel, Harry
Greene-Revel Inc. 1942
Hands Off My Heart Nelson, Steve & Ed
Coben, Cy
Robert Music Corp. 1951
Handwriting's On The Wall, The Fain, Sammy Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1933
Hang On To Me Greer, Jesse Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Corp. 1929
Hang Up Your Stocking Speroy, Robert Prosser Music Pub. Co. 1938
Hang Your Heart On A Hickory Limb Monaco, James V. Santly-Joy-Select Inc. 1939
Hangin' Around With You Stillman, Al
Doll, Ray
Maltin, Bernard
Santly-Joy-Select Inc. 1951
Hangin' On The Garden Gate Fiorito, Ted M. Witmark & Sons 1929
Hankerin' Styne, Jule Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1948
Hannah, Won't You Open That Door VonTilzer, Harry Harry VonTilzer Music Pub. Co. 1904
Happiest Day Of My Life, The Lane, Burton Miller Music Corp. 1951
Happiness Oakland, Ben George Simon Inc. 1951
Happiness Is A Thing Called Joe Arlen, Harold Leo Feist Inc. 1942
Happiness Is Just Around The Bend Parish, George
Parish, John
Peer International Corp. 1945
Happy As A Lark Churchill, Frank Miller Music Corp. 1938
Happy Bird, The Gnattali, Radames
Almeida, Laurindo
Antobal Music Co. 1951
Happy Birthday To Love Franklin, Dave Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1939
Happy Birthday To Love Rose, Billy
Joseloff, Stanley
Suesse, Dana
Bertram, Rudolph
Szabolcs, Fenyes
Crawford Music Corp. 1937
Happy Days Hanley, James Red Star Music Co. Inc. 1930
Happy Days And Lonely Nights Fisher, Fred Advanced Music Corp. 1939
Happy Days Are Here Again Ager, Milton Ager, Yellen & Bornstein Inc. 1929
Happy Ending Pollack, Lew Hollywood Songs Inc. 1937
Happy Feet Ross, Roy Cromwell Music Inc. 1950
Happy Go Lucky McHugh, Jimmy Paramount Music Corp. 1943
Happy Go Lucky Baby Perkins, Walton
Lutz, Allen
Gendron, Henri
Modern Standard Music Co. 1931
Happy Go Lucky Lane Meyer, Joseph Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1928
Happy Go Lucky You And Broken Hearted Me Murray, Jack
Goodhart, Al
Hoffman, Al
Mills Music Inc. 1932
Happy Happy Holiday, A Newell, Roy
Simon, Nat
Superior Music Co. Inc. 1939
Happy Happy Holiday, A Newell, Roy
Simon, Nat
Superior Music Co. Inc. 1939
Happy In Love Fain, Sam E. Leo Feist Inc. 1941
Happy It Is You Lakey, Limo
Madden, Edward D.
Newart Pub. 1948
Happy Little Tune Rich, Max T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1931
Happy Little Worries Lewis, Al
Hoffman, Al
Irving Berlin Inc. 1931
Happy New Year To You Guaraldi, Romeo E. M. Baron Inc. 1938
Happy New Year, Darling Lombardo, Carmen
Marks, Johnny
St. Nicholas Music Inc. 1949
Happy Times Fine, Sylvia T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1949
Happy, Happy Birthday, Baby Sylvia, Marco
Lopez, Gilbert
Arc Music Corp. 1957
Happy, I Am Happy Heymann, Werner R. Sam Fox Pub. Co. 1934
Happy, My Baby Just Said Yes Moret, Neil Villa-Moret Inc. 1928
Happy? Crane, J. University Music Co. 1938
Harbor Lights Kennedy, Jimmy
Williams, Hugh
Peter Maurice Music Co. 1937
Harbor Of My Heart, The Halmy, Lou
Heyman, Edward
Mills Music Inc. 1942
Hard To Get Segal, Jack M. Witmark & Sons 1955
Hard Way, The from The Paramount Picture "Duffy's Tavern" VanHeusen, Jimmie Paramount Music Corp. 1945
Hard, Ain't It Hard Guthrie, Woody Ludlow Music Inc. 1952
Hard, Fast And Beautiful Worth, Bobby Ainsley Music Corp. 1951
Harlem Dowell, Edgar Handy Brothers Music Co. Inc. 1934
Harlem Bolero Coots, J. Fred Mills Music Inc. 1937
Harlem Casanova Klages, Ray
Cavanaugh, James
Weldon, Frank
Empire Music 1937
Harlem Madness Ager, Milton Ager, Yellen & Bornstein Inc. 1929
Harlem On My Mind Berlin, Irving Irving Berlin Inc. 1933
Harlem On The Prairie Schaeffer, Mary
Porter, Lew
Red Star Music Co. Inc. 1937
Harlem Sandman Styne, Jule Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc 1943
Harlem Woogie Johnson, James Joe Davis Inc. 1939
Harlem's Poppin' Pinkard, Maceo Pinkard Publications 1940
Harriet Baer, Abel
Cunningham, Paul
Broadway Music Corp. 1945
Harrigan Cohan, George Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1935
Harvest Moon Is Shining, The Burke, Edwin G. Blind Melodies Pub. Co. 1938
Harvest Serenade Roffman, Maurice A-1 Music Pub. Of America 1941
Hash Brown Barris, Harry
Moran, Jackie
Hill, Al Jr.
Whiteman Music Pub. Co. 1942
Hasta Manana Farres, Osvaldo Bogat Music Corp. 1945
Hate To Talk About Myself Robin, Leo
Rainger, Ralph
Whiting, Richard
Famous Music Corp. 1935
Haunted Wilson, Harriet Harriet P. Wilson 1932
Haunted Heart Schwartz, Arthur Chappell & Co. Inc. 1948
Haunting Me Myrow, Joe Mills Music Inc. 1934
Haunting Melody Spier, Larry
Schloss, Larry
Leo Feist Inc. 1924
Havana Heaven Dostal, Nico Stasny-Lang Music Inc. 1935
Have A Heart Rooney, Mickey
Miller, Sidney
Irving Berlin Inc. 1938
Have A Little Dream On Me Baxter, Phil T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1934
Have A Little Faith In Me Lewis & Young
Warren, Harry
Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1930
Have A Little Sympathy Weisman, Ben Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1949
Have I Stayed Away Too Long? Loesser, Frank Famous Music Corp. 1943
Have I Told You Lately That I Love You? Wiseman, Scott Duchess Music Corp. 1946
Have It Your Way Foolish Heart Lendi, Anthony Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1938
Have Mercy Ram, Buck Exclusive Pub. Inc. 1939
Have You Changed? Gordon, Jay Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Have You Ever Been In Heaven? Tinturin, Peter
Lawrence, Jack
Santly-Joy-Select Inc. 1937
Have You Forgotten So Soon? Silver, Abner Irving Berlin Inc. 1938
Have You Got Any Castles, Baby Whiting, Richard T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1937
Have You Heard My Prayer? Hibbeler, Ray Vesta Marshall 1940
Have You Heard? Douglas, Lew
Lavere, Frank
Rodde, Roy
Brandom Music Co. 1952
Have You Heard? Pellegrini, Danny Dan-Pell Song Co. 1942
Have You Met Miss Jones? from "I'd Rather Be Right" Rodgers, Richard Chappell & Co. Inc. 1937
Have You Written Home To Mother? Malneck, Matt Crawford Music Corp. 1935
Have You? Barnes, Chesley
Michel, Charles
Life Music Inc. 1949
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas Martin, Hugh
Blane, Ralph
Leo Feist Inc. 1944
Haven't We Kissed Before? Wolf, Olga Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Havin' A Wonderful Wish Livingston, Jay
Evans, Ray
Famous Music Corp. 1949
Havin' Myself A Time Robin, Leo
Rainger, Ralph  
Paramount Music Corp. 1938
Having Wonderful Time Livingston, Bill Paull-Pioneer Music Corp. 1937
Hawaii Styne, Jule Advanced Music Corp. 1950
Hawaii Koncel, Billy & Eddie Nation-Wide Music Pub. 1940
Hawaii And You Breuer, Harry Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Hawaii Calls Owens, Harry Select Music Pub. Inc. 1937
Hawaiian Breezes MacMeekin, J.A. Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc.  
Hawaiian Butterfly Schaeffer, Mary Red Star Music Co. Inc. 1938
Hawaiian Cowboy Allen, Rex
Johnson, Emma Wirths
Adams, Vee & Abbott Inc. 1948
Hawaiian Dream Girl Gray, Gilda
Dixon, Harold
Binns, Nat M.
Dixon-Lane Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1924
Hawaiian Echoes Denoe, Bernard
Meany, Ray
Peer International Corp. 1939
Hawaiian Hospitality Owens, Harry
Kinney, Ray
Select Music Pub. Inc. 1937
Hawaiian Lullaby Bridges, Ethel Leo Feist Inc. 1919
Hawaiian Memories Allen, G. Everett Allen & Klick M. Pub. 1942
Hawaiian Ripples Preston, Jimmy J.W. Jenkins & Sons Music Co. 1925
Hawaiian Sunset Kaye, Sammy Republic Music Corp. 1941
Hawaiian Sunset Vandersloot, F.W. Vandersloot Music Pub. Co. 1925
Hay Song, The Harris, Harry
Gillespie, Haven
Harris Novelty Song Co. 1942
Hay Straw Youmans, Vincent Miller Music Corp. 1936
Hayfoot, Strawfoot McGrane, Paul Tempo Music Inc. 1942
He Richards, Jack Avas Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1954
He Ain't Got Rhythm Berlin, Irving Irving Berlin Inc. 1937
He Wears A Pair Of Silver Wings Carr, Michael Peter Maurice Music Co. 1941
He Wooed Her Harrington, Cecil
Lupus, Jack
Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1935
He, He, Oh, Girls Clark, L.A. Katie Kemmer  
He, She, And Me Lombardo, Carmen Milton Weil Music Co. Inc. 1929
Head On My Pillow Palmer, Bissell
Norman, Pierre
Sun Music Co. Inc. 1940
Head Over Heels In Love Gordon, Mack
Revel, Harry
Leo Feist Inc. 1936
Headin' Back To Old Wyoming Fleming, Len M.M. Cole Pub. Co. 1937
Headin' For Better Times Tobias, Charles
Mencher, Murray
Red Star Music Co. Inc. 1930
Headin' For Harlem Dowling, Eddie
Hanley, James F.
Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1927
Headin For Hollywood Morgan, D.
Kuhns, Joe
Melody Music Co. 1942
Headin For The Big Corral Kinney, Niles Cross & Winge 1936
Headin For The Great Divide Scott, Oliver
Denny, Maud
Jordon, Bea
M.M. Cole Pub. Co. 1941
Headin' Home Stothart, Herbert Robbins Music Corp. 1935
Headin' Home To Dixie Grestick, Joseph
Heritier, Claude
Bell Music Co. 1942
Headless Horseman, The Raye, Don
DePaul, Gene
Edwin H. Morris & Co. Inc. 1949
Hear My Song, Violetta Klose, Othmar
Lukesch, Rudolf
Crawford Music Corp. 1940
Heart And Soul Carmichael, Hoagy Famous Music Corp. 1938
Heart Break Trail Darling, Denver
Horton, Vaughn
Peer International Corp. 1943
Heart Is Quicker Than The Eye, The Rodgers, Richard Chappell & Co. Inc. 1936
Heart Of Loch Lomond, The Noel, Art
Fisher, Fats
Forsythe, Charles
Chappell & Co. Inc. 1949
Heart Of Mine Heyman, Edward
Webb, Chick
Francois, Clarice
Famous Music Corp. 1938
Heart Of My Heart Brown, Ben R.D. Row Music Co. 1942
Heart Of Paris Auric, Georges B.F. Wood Music Co. Inc. 1955
Heart Of The West, The Coslow, Sam
Young, Victor
Popular Melodies Inc. 1936
Heart Of The Woodland, The Evans, A.M. University Music Co. 1942
Heart Remembers All, The Kennedy, Katharine Bruce Humphries Inc. 1943
Heart Shy Fritsch, Babe
Harris, Corman
Heart To Heart Ruiz, Gabriel Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc 1945
Heartaches Hoffman, Al Olman Music Corp. 1942
Heartbreaker Berk, Morty
Capano, Frank
Freedman, Max C.
Leeds Music Corp. 1948
Heartbroken Hoy, Ken
York, Don
Ken Hoy & Don York 1933
Hearts Across The Border Cavanaugh, James
Weldon, Frank
Stock, Larry
T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1944
Hearts Are Funny Things Jones, Ring Vanguard Songs Inc. 1939
Hearts Are Never Blue In Blue Kalua McIntire, Lani
Bryan, Al
McConnell, George
Joe Morris Music Co. 1938
Hearts Of Stone Jackson, Rudy Greene-Revel Inc. 1954
Hearts Win, You Lose Sterling, Andrew B. Miller Music Corp. 1948
Heartstrings Grever, Maria Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1935
Heather Is Blooming In Scotland, The Schaeffer, Mary
Jacobs, Al
Red Star Music Co. Inc. 1942
Heather On The Hill, The Loewe, Frederick Sam Fox Pub. Co. 1947
Heatin The Melodeon Roe, Gilbert
Alexander, J.
MacKinnon, George C.
Broadway Music Corp. 1938
Heave Ho, My Lads, Heave Ho Lawrence, Jack         Kaycee Music Co. Inc. 1943
Heaven Can Wait VanHeusen, Jimmie Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1939
Heaven Help This Heart Of Mine Samuels, Walter G.
Whitcup, Leonard
Powell, Teddie
Chappell & Co. Inc. 1937
Heaven In A Side Street Cafe Stoner, Mickey
Shaw, Milton
Evan Georgeoff Music Pub. Co. 1942
Heaven In Hawaii White, Joe
McIntyre, Lani
Breen, May Singhi
Alfred Music Co. Inc. 1940
Heaven In My Arms Kern, Jerome Chappell & Co. Inc. 1939
Heaven In My Heart Rose, Fred
Nelson, Edward G.
Lincoln Music Corp. 1936
Heaven Is Mine Again Jason, Al
Welk, Lawrence
Maurice O. Wells Music Pub. Co. 1941
Heaven On A Postcard Sour, Robert
McCray, Don
Gold, Ernest
Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Heaven On Earth DeSantis, Frances Frances DeSantis 1939
Heaven Only Knows Vallo, Harry
Gaal, Charles
Big Town Music Pub. Co. 1951
Heaven Only Knows Marco, Sano
McCray, Don
Gold, Ernest
Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Heaven Sings Davies, Rose Peer International Corp. 1942
Heaven Was Never Like This David, Mack Famous Music Corp. 1954
Heaven Will Protect The Working Girl Sloane, A. Balwin Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1937
Heavenly Osser, Edna Embassy Music Corp. 1944
Heavenly Reiser, Al & Lee
Engles, George Jr.
Stasny-Lang Music Inc. 1937
Heavenly Lover Rossi, C.A. Skidmore Music Co. Inc. 1958
Heavenly Music Coslow, Sam        Leo Feist Inc. 1943
Heavenly Party, A Kern, Jerome Chappell & Co. Inc. 1938
Heavenly, Isn't It? Greene, Mort
Revel, Harry
Greene-Revel Inc. 1942
Heavy, Heavy Hangs Over My Heart Stanton, Buddy Vanguard Songs Inc. 1939
Hector, The Garbage Collector Showers, Earl M. Baron Inc. 1939
He'd Have To Get Out And Get Under Abrahams, Maurice Fred Fisher Music Co. Inc. 1941
Hee Haw Knotts, Tommy
Littig, Frank
W.A. Quincke 1930
Heigh Ho Churchill, Frank Irving Berlin Inc. 1938
Heigh Ho, The Merry O McHugh, Jimmy Leo Feist Inc. 1938
Helen Polka Dana, Walter
Gamse, Albert
Carroll, Jimmy
Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1947
He'll Be There Rogers, Roy R. Roy R. Rogers 1935
He'll Have To Cross The Atlantic Styne, Jule Barton Music Co. 1945
Hello Again Walley, Marie
Hillman, Roc
Vanguard Songs Inc. 1941
Hello Aloha Baer, Abel    Leo Feist Inc. 1926
Hello Angelo Redmond, John
Sanford, Dick
Cavanaugh, James
Superior Music Co. Inc. 1938
Hello Beautiful (Fast Fox Trot) Donaldson, Walter Donaldson, Douglas & Gumble Inc. 1931
Hello Blondy Zaetsch, Eric DeVaignie Music Corp. 1934
Hello Bluebird Friend, Cliff Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1926
Hello Cutie Friend, Cliff Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1927
Hello Dixie Wickens, Clitus M. Universal Music Sales 1941
Hello Hawaii, How Are You? Schwartz, Jean Mills Music Inc. 1943
Hello Lindy, A Tribute To Captain Charles A. Lindbergh Silverman, Dave
Conley, Larry
Larry Conley Inc. 1927
Hello Little Girl Of My Dreams Berk, Lew Lew Berk 1942
Hello Lola, Hello Sooter, Rudy
Whelan, Ekko
Peer International Corp. 1942
Hello Ma I Done It Again Rainger, Ralph Robbins Music Corp. 1940
Hello Mister Kringle Franklin, Dave Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1939
Hello My Darling from The Paramount Picture "Zaza" Hollander, Frederick Paramount Music Corp. 1938
Hello Private Doe Shaw, Milton Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1942
Hello Sweetheart Hello Richards, Hal
Martin, Nancy
Famous Music Corp. 1944
Hello Sweetheart, Hello (Hummin' To My Self) Sissle, Noble
Robinson, J. Russel
DeSylva, Brown & Henderson Inc. 1932
Hello Sweetie Cirina, Joseph A. Al. M. Piantadosi Pub. 1929
Hello The Moon, The Moon O' My Tune Bouchard, Jean Rene   1933
Hello There Levison, Jay Levison-Evans Music Corp. 1941
Hellzapoppin Polka Olsen & Johnson
Levison, Jay
Evans, Ray
Peer International Corp. 1942
Help Me Carreras, Justo
Farver, Joe
Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1940
Help Me To Help My Neighbor Berlin, Irving Irving Berlin Inc. 1947
Help The Kid Around The Coner Gene & Glenn Paull-Pioneer Music Corp. 1943
Help Thou My Unbelief Hamblen, Suzy Voss Music Co. Inc. 1957
Helping Hands Across The Seas Ford, Rex Ruby Music Pub. Co. 1941
Helpless Reynolds, Ray & Lillian Antobal Music Co. 1953
Helpless Jansen, Meyer
Mills Music Inc. 1954
Hence, It Don't Make Sense Porter, Cole Chappell & Co. Inc. 1944
Henny Penny Shalit, Joseph Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Henry Foo Madden, Frank Frank Anthony 1942
Her Bathing Suit Never Got Wet Simon, Nat Leeds Music Corp. 1946
Her Name Was Rosita Kennedy, Jimmy
Carr, Michael
Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1940
Here Cochran, Dorcas
Grant, Harold
Hill & Range Songs Inc. 1954
Here Am I Broken Hearted DeSylva, B.G.
Brown, Lew
Henderson, Ray
DeSylva, Brown & Henderson Inc. 1927
Here Beneath The Stars With You Pearson, Clude
Harrison, Charles
Harrison-Haubrich M. Co. 1934
Here Comes America Spencer, Maynard
Reno, Al
Albin Tunes 1942
Here Comes An American Melgard, Al M.M. Cole Pub. Co. 1940
Here Comes Cookie from The Paramount Picture "Love in Bloom" Gordon, Mark Crawford Music Corp. 1935
Here Comes Heaven Again from The 20th Century-Fox Picture "Doll Face" McHugh, Jimmy Robbins Music Corp. 1945
Here Comes My Sweetheart Sharpe, Jack
Hawling, Ray
Socia, Emmet
Joe McDaniel Music Co. 1933
Here Comes That Moon Again Caeser, Irving
Koppell, Al
Marks, Gerald
Rytvoc Inc. 1942
Here Comes The Captain Marks, Gerald Santly-Brothers Joy Inc. 1934
Here Comes The Fattest Man In Town Daniels, Lois
Stanton, Arnold
Life Music Inc. 1950
Here Comes The Navy Brown, Lew
Timm, W.A.
Vejvoda, Jaromir      
Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1934
Here Comes The Sandman Warren, Harry M. Witmark & Sons 1937
Here Comes The Show Boat Pinkard, Maceo Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1927
Here I Am Alone Again Godfrey, Arthur
Salb, Johnny
Black, Marion
Network Music Pub. 1942
Here I Go Again Revel, Harry Chappell & Co. Inc. 1945
Here I Go Just Dreamin' Away Woode, Henri Jewel Music Pub. Co 1945
Here I Go To Tokio Robison, Carson, J.
Luther, Frank
Peer International Corp. 1941
Here I'll Stay Weill, Kurt Chappell & Co. Inc. 1948
Here In My Heart Genaro, Pat
Levinson, Lou
Borrelli, Bill
Mellin Music Inc. 1952
Here In The Dark Kalman, Emmerich
Stothart, Herbert
T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1927
Here In The Velvet Night McCray, Don
Gold, Ernest
Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Here Is My Heart Robin, Leo
Rainger, Ralph
Famous Music Corp. 1934
Here Lies Love Rainger, Ralph Famous Music Corp. 1932
Here We Are Warren, Harry Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1929
Here We Are Marvin, Johnny Marvel Music Pub.Co. 1942
Here You Are Bridges, Ethel Belwin Inc. 1940
Here You Are Rainger, Ralph Robbins Music Corp. 1942
Here's A Kiss For Texas Stept, Sam H. Jaycee Music Pub. Co. 1944
Here's A Picture Of My Mother Morris, Arnold Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Here's Love In Your Eye Robin, Leo
Rainger, Ralph
Famous Music Corp. 1936
Here's My Heart Urban, Louis Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Here's That Party Now In Person Ager, Milton Ager, Yellen & Bornstein Inc. 1928
Here's To Happiness Alvarez, Mario Peer International Corp. 1942
Here's To Love Arenson, Minna Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Here's To Romance Conrad, Con
Magidson, Herb
Movietone Music Corp. 1935
Here's To The Flag Keogh, Edna
Coots, Fred J.
Sam Fox Pub. Co. 1942
Here's To You Littau, Frank Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1935
Here's To You Rines, Joe
Bronson, Ben
Robinson, Russel J.
Harry Engel Inc. 1936
He's 1-A In The Army And He's A-1 In My Heart Evans, Redd Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1942
He's A Colonel From Kentucky Baer, Abel
Mencher, Murray
Leo Feist Inc. 1934
He's A Curbstone Cutie Rosen, Sam
Verges, Joe
Dupre, Jimmie
Leo Feist Inc. 1920
He's A Good Man To Have Around Ager, Milton Ager, Yellen & Bornstein Inc. 1929
He's A Hillbilly Gaucho, With A Rumba Beat Gallop, Sammy
Litman, Norman
M.M. Cole Pub. Co. 1941
He's A Humdinger Sigler, Maurice
Goodhart, Al
Hoffman, Al
T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1934
He's A Lucky Dog Nelson, Ed. G. M. Witmark & Sons 1929
He's A Marine Sporn, Woodrow Sgt.
Post, Mitchel W.
Barry, Marion
Network Music Pub. 1942
He's A Right Guy Porter, Cole Chappell & Co. Inc. 1942
He's Commander In Chief Of My Heart Beacon, Leslie Beacon Music Co. 1942
He's Gone, He's Gone Up The Trail Spencer, Vern (Tim) Cross & Winge 1936
He's Got A Wave In His Hair, And A WAC On His Hands Prince, Hughie
Burke, Sonny
Mutual Music Society Inc. 1943
He's Home For A Little While Shapiro, Ted Famous Music Corp. 1945
He's Just My Kind McIntyre, Mark Barton Music Co. 1946
He's My Guy Raye, Don
DePaul, Gene
Leeds Music Corp. 1942
He's My Uncle Pollack, Lew Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1940
He's Not Worth Your Tears Warren, Harry Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1930
He's The Man Of The Hour LaForest, Harry Stauffer Music Co. 1936
He's The Most Important Guy In Town Frey, Fran Fran Frey & Co. 1942
Hey BA-BA-RE-Bop Hampton, Lionel
Hamner, Curley
Leeds Music Corp. 1946
Hey Babe, Hey Porter, Cole Chappell & Co. Inc. 1936
Hey Brother, Pour The Wine Bagdasarian, Ross Frank Music Corp. 1953
Hey Diddle Diddle Kroesen, Jack Claricee Kroesen 1940
Hey Funny Face Gale, Dave Excelsior Music Pub. 1941
Hey Good Lookin' Williams, Hank Acuff-Rose Pub. 1951
Hey Good Lookin' Porter, Cole Chappell & Co. Inc. 1942
Hey Hey Riley, Mike
Johnson, Jimmy
Leo Feist Inc. 1936
Hey Jacque Ahbez, Eden Music Productions 1954
Hey Jose Guizar, Pepe Peer International Corp. 1945
Hey Look Out Stern, Phil
Porter, Lew
L. Wolfe Gilbert Music Pub. Co. 1938
Hey Mabel Stryker, Fred Merrywood Pub. 1942
Hey Mama Reichman, Joe
Streeter, Nat
Coblin, Kay
Royal Music Corp. 1947
Hey Mr. Banjo Morgan, Freddy
Malkin Norman
Mills Music Inc. 1955
Hey Punchinello from The Paramount Picture "Three Ring Circus" Livingston, Jay
Evans, Ray
Paramount Music Corp. 1954
Hey Red Cap Schaeffer, Mary
Loman, Jules
Tone Music Co. 1945
Hey Say, Mister Hawkins, R. Leland R. Leland Hawkins 1942
Hey Stop Kissin' My Sister Peyton, Eddie
Coblin, Kay
Coblin, Phil
Excelsior Music Pub. 1940
Hey Zeke Hoffman, Al
Curtis, Mann
Livingston, Jerry
Santly-Joy-Select Inc. 1942
Hi Cy, What's A' Cookin Russell, Henry
Forbes, Lou
Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Hi Diddle Dee Dee Harline, Leigh Irving Berlin Inc. 1940
Hi Diddle Dee Dum Conrad, Con Robbins Music Corp. 1935
Hi Ho The Merrio Conrad, Con          Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1926
Hi Lah Nelson, Kennedye
Smith, Lyle
Forster Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1933
Hi Lili Hi Lo Kaper, Bronislau Robbins Music Corp. 1952
Hi Neighbor Owens, Jack Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Hi There, Duke McKiernan, Joe L. Wolfe Gilbert Music Pub. Co. 1938
Hi There, Mister Moon Wohl, Joseph Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Hi' Ya Chum Field, Michael Parade Music Co. 1943
Hi Ya, Pal Benedict, Lois Toben Music Inc. 1941
Hi Yo, Silver DeLeath, Vaughn
Erickson, Jack
Chappell & Co. Inc. 1938
Hickory Dickory Dock Nelson, Edward G.
Rose, Fred
Santly-Brothers Joy Inc. 1936
Hidden Valley Wrubel, Allie Western Music Pub. Co. 1943
Hide A Way In Happy Valley, A Swander, Don Cross & Winge 1937
Hiding In The Shadows Of The Moon Rich, Max
Dresa, Helmy
Irving Berlin Inc. 1931
High Falutin' Newton Gregory, Bobby Whitney Blake Music Pub. 1938
High Flyin' from The MGM Picture "Broadway Serenade" Stothart, Herbert
Ward, Edward
Leo Feist Inc. 1939
High Hat, A Piccolo And A Cane, A Fain, Sammy
Akst, Harry
Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1936
High High High Up In the Hills Abrahams, Maurice Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1926
High On A Windy Hill Whitney, Joan
Kramer, Alex
Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
High On Chapel Hill Bell, Nadine
Ruth, Stanley
Modern Melodies Pub. Co. 1942
High On The List VanHeusen, James Burke-VanHeusen & Associates Music Corp. 1950
High Pockets Sylvern, Henry
Manners, Henry
Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
High Rythm And Low Moanin' Robinson, Russel J. Harry Engel Inc. 1396
High Society Lemonier, Tom
Jones, Clarence M.
Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc.  
High Society Blues Hanley, James F. Red Star Music Co. Inc. 1930
High, Wide And Handsome Kern, Jerome Chappell & Co. Inc. 1937
Highway To Heaven from The Warner Brothers Picture "Oh Sailor Behave" Burke, Joe DeSylva, Brown & Henderson Inc. 1930
Highway To Love Rinker, Al
Huddleston, Floyd
Broadcast Music Inc. 1947
Hill Billy Tilly Marchant, James
Tucker, Johnny
Tucker-Marchant Music Pub. 1935
Hill Billy Wedding In June, A Owen, Freddie
More, Frankie
M.M. Cole Pub. Co. 1933
Hilli Billy Willie Wyner, Syd
Weller, S.
Art Music Co. 1942
Hills Of Colorado Bierman, Bernard
Manus, Jack
London Music Corp. 1947
Hills Of Dannemora, The Loveday, Carroll Gate Music Co. 1946
Hills Of Old Virginia, The Osborne, Will
Frazzini, Al
Willow Music Co. 1942
Hills Of Old Wyomin', The Robin, Leo
Rainger, Ralph
Famous Music Corp. 1936
Hilly Billy From Tenth Avenue Jerome, M.K. M. Witmark & Sons 1938
Hilly Billy Hop Kent, Carl
Drake, Erwin
Broadcast Music Inc. 1943
Hip Hip Hooray Nemo, Henry
Ebbins, Milt
Robbins Music Corp. 1942
Hippity Hop Prosser, Ruth Prosser Music Pub. Co. 1942
His Feet Too Big For De Bed Sanford, Dick
Brana, Hernandez
Mysels, Sammy
Capitol Songs Inc. 1947
His Fraternity Pin Whitney, Joan
Kramer, Alex
Beaux Arts Music Inc. 1947
His Guiding Hand Above Horn, C.G. C.G.Horn 1944
His Majesty The Baby Wayne, Mabel Chappell & Co. Inc. 1935
His Old Man from "Call Me Mister" Rome, H. M. Witmark & Sons 1946
His Rocking Horse Ran Away from The Paramount Picture "And The Angels Sing" VanHeusen, Jimmy Paramount Music Corp. 1944
History Is Made At Night Greene, Martin David Gornston 1941
Hit And Run Affair Roseland, Don
Cormier, Ray
Van, Mel
Duchess Music Corp. 1954
Hit The Leather Willson, Meredith Capt. AUS Carl Fischer Inc. 1943
Hit The Road To Dreamland Arlen, Harold Famous Music Corp. 1942
Hitch Old Dobbin To The Shay Again Lewis, J.C. Jr.
Jud, Conlon
American Music Inc. 1942
Hitting The Trail Moore, Morrill
Moore, Eugene
Del Cal Theatres Inc. 1941
H'lo Baby Magidson, Herb
Washington, Ned
Cleary, Michael H.
Ho Ho Merrill, Bob Santly-Joy-Select Inc. 1951
Ho Ho Kus Johnson, William
Miller, Irving
Will Lewis Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1943
Hoe Down Edens, Roger Leo Feist Inc. 1941
Hold Back The Dawn Loring, Richard
Cross, Stevens
A-1 Music Pub. Of America 1941
Hold Back The Dawn Thorn, George Johnston-Montei Inc. 1953
Hold Everything Stept, Sam H. ABC Music Corp. 1943
Hold It Marks, Gerald Sam Fox Pub. Co. 1948
Hold Me Little, Jack Little
Oppenheim, Dave
Schuster, Ira
Robbins Music Corp. 1933
Hold Me In Your Arms Again Collier, Herbert B.
Rork, Ernest
Reid, Ewing
Ernest A. Rork & Son 1939
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me Noble, Harry Mills Music Inc. 1952
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me Noble, Harry Mills Music Inc. 1952
Hold My Hand Waller, Thomas "Fats" Schuster & Miller Inc. 1938
Hold Tight, Hold Tight Brandow, Kent
Spotswood, Robinson Ware
Mills Music Inc. 1939
Hold Your Hats On Addinsell, Richard Keith Prowse & Co. Ltd. 1942
Holding Hands In The Movies Krieg, Melita Whitney Blake Music Pub. 1940
Hole In The Wall, A Little, Jack Little                          Donaldson, Douglas & Gumble Inc. 1938
Holiday In Paris, A Fontenoy, Marc Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1951
Holka Polka Leopoldi, H. Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1943
Holla Lady Becca, F.G.
Weidacher, S.
Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc 1939
Hollywood At Vine Moraine, Lyle
Grier, Jimmie
Sherman, Clay & Co. 1935
Hollywwod Square Dance Weirick, Paul Santly-Joy-Select Inc. 1949
Holy Smoke Marrsh, Royal Santly-Joy-Select Inc. 1939
Home VanSteeden, Peter
Clarkson, Harry & Jeff
Mills Music Inc. 1931
Home Bound Razaf, Andy Georgia Music Corp. 1939
Home Cookin' Livingston, Jay
Evans, Ray
Famous Music Corp. 1950
Home Folks Hanley, James F. Sam Fox Pub. Co. 1932
Home For The Holidays Allen, Robert Roncom Music Co. 1954
Home For The Holidays Mooney, Art
Meadows, Fred
McCarthy, Charles J.
Rytvoc Inc. 1945
Home In Sweet Missouri Horner, Fred W.   1948
Home In The Clouds, A Parker, Kaye
Goodman, Benny
Henderson, Bob
Carter, Benny
Paramount Music Corp. 1939
Home In Your Arms Oakland, Ben ABC Music Corp. 1938
Home Is Everything Hirsch, Walter
LaFreniere, E.P.
Styne, Jule
Roy Music Co. Inc. 1934
Home Is Like Heaven In Ireland Schaeffer, Mary Red Star Music Co. Inc. 1938
Home Is Where The Heart Is Kapp, David Advanced Music Corp. 1947
Home On The Plain Babcock, Ross Clarence E. Cunningham & Ross Babcock 1936
Home On The Range Guion, David G. Schirmer Inc. 1930
Home On The Range White, John                   Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1932
Home On The Range White, John Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1932
Home Ties Tobias, Charlie
Loesser, Frank
Pokrass, Samuel
Leo Feist Inc. 1934
Home Town Band Nagy, John
Lance, Milt
Canton, Don
Duchess Music Corp. 1949
Home Town Blues Steele, Ted
Brooks, Doris
Ted Steele Pub. Co. 1941
Homecoming                 Donaldson, Walter Melrose Music Corp. 1942
Homecoming (Homeward Bound) Ortman, William Hubert J. Braun Music Co. 1937
Homesick, That's All Jenkins, Gordon Mayfair Music Corp. 1945
Homesick, That's All Jenkins, Gordon   1945
Hometown Kennedy, Jimmy
Carr, Michael
Peter Maurice Music Co. 1937
Homeward Bound Reid, Don
Kirkwood, Jack
Miller, Irving
Will Lewis Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1944
Homing Dove Snow, Al R.D. Row Music Co. 1939
Homing Waltz, The Connor, Tommie
Reine, Johnny
Miller Music Corp. 1952
Homoreskimo Wendling, Pete
Berckman, Henri
Sam Fox Pub. Co. 1928
Honest I Do White, Leroy "Lasses" Peer International Corp. 1942
Honest John Harline, Leigh Irving Berlin Inc. 1939
Honest To Goodness Conrad, Con
Oakland, Ben
Drake, Milton
T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1934
Honest, Really, Truly Ahlert, Fred E. Leo Feist Inc. 1931
Honestly Little, Jack Little Santly-Joy-Select Inc. 1939
Honesty I Love You Fotine, Larry Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 1947
Honey Babe Steiner, Max M. Witmark & Sons 1954
Honey Boy VonTilzer, Al Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1938
Honey Bun Trizio, Jack Lio-Forier & Co. 1940
Honey Dear Hunt, Floyd
Melrose, Lester
Miller Music Corp. 1941
Honey Girl Scheper, George Tucker-Marchant Music Pub. 1935
Honey In The Honeycomb Duke, Vernon Miller Music Corp. 1940
Honey Is Sweet On Me Flatow, Leon
Liebman, Mac
Gumble, Al
Joe Morris Music Co. 1929
Honey Love McPhatter, Clude
Gerald J.
Criterion Music Corp. 1954
Honey Song, The Massey, Curt
Gibson, Arbie
Edwin H. Morris & Co. Inc. 1942
Honey, Do You Care Hibbeler, Ray Mary James J. Shannon 1940
Honey, Let Me Be Your President Watkins, Goodrich J.   1936
Honey, Please Don't Turn Your Back On Me Stept, Sam H. Skidmore Music Co. Inc. 1936
Honeycomb Merrill, Bob Hawthorne Music Corp. 1954
Honeymoon Edward, Joseph E. Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1936
Honeymoon Island Reed, Jimmy
Lisuk, Steve
Carl Sobie 1942
Honkin' The Horn For Honey McCollister, Raymond C.
Ferragamo, Tony
Watson, C.M.
Raymor-McCollister Music Pub. 1948
Honky Tonk Donkey Fort, Hank
Roillini, Adrian
Will Lewis Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1944
Honolou Rodemich, Gene
Conley, Larry
Fairman, George
Gene Rodemich Music Pub. Corp. 1924
Honolulu Warren, Harry Bregman, Vocco & Conn Inc. 1939
Honolulu Bundle Vincent, Net
Armstrong, Eddie
Chart Music Pub. House Inc. 1940
Honolulu Honeymoon Rito, Ted Fio Sherman, Clay & Co. 1937
Honolulu Nights Hall, Wendell Wendell Hall Music Pub. 1928
Honorable Mr. So And So, The Coslow, Sam Leo Feist Inc. 1939
Hoodle Addle McKinley, Ray Triangle Music Corp. 1946
Hoofbeats On The Prairie Spencer, Vern (Tim) Cross & Winge 1936
Hooray For Love McHugh, Jimmy
Fields, Dorothy
Irving Berlin Inc. 1935
Hooray For Love Arlen, Harold Melrose Music Corp. 1948
Hooray For Spinach Warren, Harry Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1939
Hooray, Hooray, I'm Goin' Away Skyler, Sunny George Simon Inc. 1947
Hop Skip Jump Bloch, Ray
Chancer, Charles
Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc 1936
Hopelessly In Love Winkopp, Paul J. Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Hoping Denniker, Paul
Davis, Joe
Georgia Music Corp. 1940
Horn Power Manners, Henry Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Horriger Schottische, The Grosz, Will Larry Spier Inc. 1939
Horse Ain't Got Much Sense, A Lewis, Al
Newman, Charles
Mencher, Murray
Santly-Brothers Joy Inc. 1936
Horse And Buggy Days Are Here Again, The Smith, Wakefield, H. Hamilton S. Gordon Inc. 1942
Horse And Buggy Serenade Feo, A. De Colonial Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1943
Horse And Saddle For Me Reid, Don
Eddy, Ted
Republic Music Corp. 1941
Horse Eats Buggy Meakin, Jack Luz Brothers M. Pub. 1939
Horse That Knows The Way, A VanHeusen, Jimmy Mayfair Music Corp. 1943
Horse Told Me, The VanHeusen, Jimmy Burke-VanHeusen & Associates Music Corp. 1950
Horses Don't Bet On People Loeb, John Jacob Advanced Music Corp. 1945
Hot Canary, The Nero, Paul Leeds Music Corp. 1949
Hot Cha China Joe Heagney, Will
Reed, Bert
Gene Labarre Inc. 1935
Hot Diggity Hoffman, Al
Manning, Dick
Roncom Music Co. 1950
Hot Gavotte, The Cavanaugh, James
Redmond, John
Weldon, Frank
ABC Music Corp. 1940
Hot Pretzels Glahe, Will
Ward, Sam
Timm, W. A.
Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc 1938
Hot Time In The Town Of Berlin Bushkin, Joe
DeVries, John
Barton Music Co. 1943
Hot Toddy Flanagan, Ralph              Coackella Music Co. Inc. 1953
Hound Dog Leiber, Jerry
Stoller, Mike
Elvis Presley Music Inc. 1956
Hour Never Passes, An Kennedy, Jimmy Jimmy Kennedy Music Corp. 1944
Hours And Hours Hall, Wendell Wendell Hall Music Pub. 1945
House Jack Built For Jill, The Robin, Leo
Hollander, Frederick
Paramount Music Corp. 1936
House Of Blue Lights, The Raye, Don
Slack, Freddie
Robbins Music Corp. 1946
House On Honeymoon Hill Eichhorn, Hermene Warlick Oliver Ditson Co. 1942
House With A Little Red Barn, A Lewis, Morgan Chappell & Co. Inc. 1940
House With Nobody In It, The Montgomery, Lee T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1933
How About You And Me? Dougherty, Dan Jack Yellen Inc. 1932
How About You? Sour, Robert                        Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
How Are Things Chi Glocca Mona? Lane, Burton Players Music 1944
How Blue The Night? McHugh, Jimmy Robbins Music Corp. 1944
How Can I Ever Be Alone? Schwartz, Arthur Chappell & Co. Inc. 1940
How Can I Forget? Hibbeler, Ray I. Haines 1939
How Can I Forget? Kent, Arthur                        Regent Music Corp. 1941
How Can I Hi De Hi? Cook, Mercer
Redman, Don
Robinson, J. Russell
DeSylva, Brown & Henderson Inc. 1932
How Can I Hold You Close Enough? Green, John. W. T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1935
How Can I Leave You? Steiner, Ed
Musel, Bob
Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1950
How Can I Say Goodbye To The Prairie? Manges, Kenny
Crance, Maurice
Natrass-Schenck 1942
How Can They Tell That Oim' Irish? Bages, Nova
Norworth, Jack    
Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1938
How Can We Be Wrong? Schwartz, A.S. Crawford Music Corp. 1938
How Can You Be So Sweet? Foltz Frederic Davis & Schwegler 1938
How Can You Buy Killarney? Kennedy, Morrison
Steels, Grundland  
Leeds Music Corp. 1948
How Can You Forget? Rodgers, Richard T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1938
How Can You Pretend? Davis, J
Elder, D.
Grogan, P.
Words & Music Inc. 1940
How Close? Carlisle, Una Mae
Brent, Ned
National Juke Box 1951
How Come You Do Me Like You Do? Austin, Gene
Bergere, Roy
Mills Music Inc. 1926
How Could Anything So Good Be Bad? Gillespie, H.
Simons, S,
Whiting, R.
Milton Weil Music Co. Inc. 1928
How Could We Know? Selden Al Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
How Could You Believe Me When I Said I Love You, When You Know I've Been A Liar All My Life? Lane, Burton Loew's Inc. 1951
How Could You? Warren, Nany Fred Fisher Music Co. Inc. 1937
How Cute Can You Be? Fischer, C. Barton Music Co. 1946
How Deep Is the Ocean? Berlin, Irving Irving Berlin Inc. 1932
How Do I Know It's Real? Shapiro, Dan
Seelen, Jerry
Lee, Lester
Chappell & Co. Inc. 1941
How Do I Rate With You? Coslow, Sam
Whiting, Richard
Famous Music Corp. 1935
How Do You Do, Beautiful You? Jerome, M.K. M.K. Jerome 1932
How Do You Do? MacGimsey, R. Santly-Joy-Select Inc. 1946
How Do You Fall In Love? Greene, Mort
Revel, Harry
Greene-Revel Inc. 1942
How Does Santa Keep His Whiskers White? Arnold, Frank Ted Brown Music Co. Inc. 1939
How D'ya Like Your Eggs In The Morning? Brodsyky, Nicholas Loew's Inc. 1951
How Green Was My Valley? Silver, Abner Lincoln Music Corp. 1941
How High Can A Little Bird Fly? Schwartz, Arthur Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1934
How High Is The Moon? Lewis, Morgan Chappell & Co. Inc. 1940
How I Love You, Dear DeSantis, Frances Frances DeSantis 1939
How Important Can It Be? Benjamin, B
Weiss. G.
Aspen Music Corp. 1955
How Insensitive Jobim, A. C. Duchess Music Corp. 1964
How It Lies, How It Lies, How It Lies Burke, Sonny Edwin H. Morris & Co. Inc. 1949
How Like A Rose Is Love? Tirturin, Peter Handy Brothers Music Co. Inc. 1936
How Little We Know Springer, Philip Melrose Music Corp. 1956
How Little You Know Shalit, Jos.
Shephard, Buddy             
Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
How Long Can Love Keep Laughing? Rome, H. Chappell & Co. Inc. 1938
How Long Did I Dream? VanHeusen, Jimmy Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc 1941
How Long Has It Been? Lister, Mosie M. Lister 1956
How Long Has This Been Going On? Worth, Bob
Cowan, Stanley
Melody Lane 1941
How Long Is Forever? Grady, Stephen Allied Music Corp. 1942
How Long Since You Wrote To Mother? Branch, Harold Rodeheaver Co. 1937
How Long Will It Last? Meyer, Joseph Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Corp. 1931
How Lovely Is Christmas? Wilder, Alec Berry Music Corp. 1957
How Low Do the Blues Want to Go? Bond, Johnny Peer International Corp. 1942
How Lucky You Are Cassen, Eddie Peter Maurice Music Co. 1946
How Many Hearts Have You Broken? Kaufman, Al Advanced Music Corp. 1943
How Many Rhymes Can You Get? Friend, Cliff
Franklin, Dave
Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1937
How Many Tears Must Fall? Jones, Isham Miller Music Corp. 1948
How Many Times Do I Have To Tell You? McHugh, Jimmy Robbins Music Corp. 1944
How Much Do You Love Me? De Santis, Frances Frances DeSantis 1939
How Much Do You Mean To Me? Levant, Oscar Olman Music Corp. 1938
How Much Longer? Whitney, Joan
Kramer, Alex
Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
How Soon, Will I Be Seeing You? Lucas, C. Will Rossiter 1944
How Strange Stothart, H.
Brent, E.
Leo Feist Inc. 1939
How Sweet You Are Schwarty, Arthur Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1943
How Warm It Is The Weather, How Cold Is Your Heart? Blane, Ralph ABC Music Corp. 1939
How Was I To Know? Tepp, J.
Leap, G.
G. Leap Music Corp. 1939
How Ya' Gonna Keep 'Em Down On The Farm? Donaldson, Walter Mills Music Inc. 1932
How'd Ya' Learn How? Lawnhurst, Vee Donaldson, Douglas & Gumble Inc. 1931
How'd Ya' Like To Be A Little Birdie? Hupfeld, Herman M. Witmark & Sons 1935
How'dja Like To Love Me? Lane, Burton Famous Music Corp. 1938
How'm I Doin'? Flower, Lem
Redman, Don
Mills Music Inc. 1932
How're Ya' Doin' In The Heart Department? Altman, Arthur Leeds Music Corp. 1945
How's About It? Rosen, Milton Broadcast Music Inc. 1944
How's About Teachin' Me How? Norman, Fred
Broughton, Haydn
Marvel Music Pub.Co. 1942
How's Chances? Berlin, Irving Irving Berlin Inc. 1933
How's Every Little Thing In Dixie? Gumble, A. Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1916
Hoya Marco, Sano               Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Hubba, Hubba, Hubba Martin, Freddy
Worth, Bobby               
Martin Music 1945
Huckle Buck, The Gibson, Andy United Music Corp. 1949
Huckleberry Duck Scott, Raymond                       Circle Music Pub. Inc. 1940
Huckleberry Finnegan Handman, Lou Broadway Music Corp. 1942
Huggin' And Chaklin' Hayes, Clancy
Goell, Kermit
Hudson Music Corp. 1946
Huggin' And Kissin' You Lincoff, Gertrude
Goering, Al
Forster Music Pub. Co. Inc. 1933
Hula Meany, Ray
Dominici, Helo
Peer International Corp. 1938
Hula Formul, The Malloy, Molly
Fox, J.P.
Roffman, Maurice
A-1 Music Pub. Of America 1941
Hullabaloo Dolen, Bobby M. Witmark & Sons 1930
Hullabaloo Curtis, Jeff Mills Music Inc. 1950
Humble Side Of Town, The Fain, Sammy                Santly-Brothers Joy Inc. 1935
Humming Bird, The Lazzaro, E.D. Robbins Music Corp. 1941
Humpty Dumpty Heart (B Flat) VanHeusen, Jimmy Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc 1941
Humpty Dumpty Heart (In C)  VanHeusen, Jimmy Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc 1941
Humpty Dumpty Heart (In D)  VanHeusen, Jimmy Southern Music Pub. Co. Inc 1941
Hundred And Sixty Acres, A Kaff, David Leeds Music Corp. 1948
Hundred Pounds Of Sugar Holmes, Herbie
Schaeffer, Mary
Red Star Music Co. Inc. 1942
Hundred Years From Now, A Whitford, Steve M. Baron Inc. 1941
Hundred Years From Today, A Young, Victor Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Corp. 1933
Hunkadola Meyer, Joseph Movietone Music Corp. 1935
Huntin' For Gold Hilton, George W. George W. Hilton 1939
Hurdy Gurdy Man, The Schwartz, Arthur T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1934
Hurry Home Meyer, Joseph
Bernier, Buddy
Emmerich, Bob
Larry Spier Inc. 1938
Hurry Home Swander, Don Vanguard Songs Inc. 1942
Hurry Home To Me Wayne, Bernie
Powell, Teddy
Goday Music Corp. 1951
Hurry Hurry Dethloff, Clara           Clara Dethloff 1937
Hurry Hurry Hurry Reid, Don Dreyer Music Corp. 1949
Hurry Up Sundown Williams, Clarence Clarence Williams Music Pub. 1937
Hush A Bye Island McHugh, Jimmy Melrose Music Corp. 1946
Hush Little Darlin' Clarke, Marty Michael Music Co. Inc. 1949
Hush My Mouth Sigler, Maurice
Cleary, Michael M.
Hoffman, Al
Keit-Engel Inc. 1933
Hut Sut Song, The Killion, Leo. V.
MeMichael, Ted
Owens, Jack      
Schumann Music 1941
Hut, 2, 3, 4 Friend, Cliff Santly-Joy-Select Inc. 1943
Hy Diddle Diddle Diddle Bum Bum Leonard, Robt. D.
Jentes, Harry
Fred Fisher Music Co. Inc. 1937
Hymn To America West, Warren E. Warren E. West 1940
Hypnotized Silver, Abner
Sherman, Al
Lewis, Al
Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1935
Hey, Pop, I Don't Wanna Go To Work Lance
Cherio Music Pub. Inc. 1943
Hard To Get Gertie Ager, Milton Ager, Yellen & Bornstein Inc. 1926
He's The Last Word Donaldson, Walter Leo Feist Inc. 1937
He's Up Against The Real Thing Now Williams Joseph W. Stern & Co. 1898
He Kissed Her Stewart J. Fischer & Brothers 1911
Half A Hart Blossom Roe-Krippen Music Pub. Inc. 1941
Half A Love Berlin, Irving Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Half As Much Williams Acuff-Rose Pub. 1951
Half Of Me DeRose, Peter T.B. Harms Co. Inc. 1936
Half Moon On The Hudson Spina, Harold Robbins Music Corp. 1937
Half Past Lovin' O'Clock Bernard Miller Music Corp. 1936
Half Way To Dawn Sanders Milton Weil Music Co. Inc. 1935
Hannah Boil Dat Cabbage Down Lucas NAB  
Harlequinade Shaw Broadcast Music Inc. 1940
Harp That Once Thro' Tara's Halls Fitzgerald National Association Of Broadcasters Inc.  
Has Sorrow Thy Young Days Shaded Moore NAB  
Hasta Mannana Hegbom
Remick 1924
Hastio DeLara Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1935
Hat My Father Wore, The Roach Edward B. Marks Music Corp. 1932
Have A Smile Rule Witmark & Sons  
He Came Riding On Flakes Of Snow Flood Edward Schuberth & Co. 1937
Hawaiian Moon Tannen Edward Schuberth & Co.  
Heart Of The Wildwood Wallace Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Heavy, Heavy Hangs Over My Heart Stanton Vanguard Songs Inc. 1939
Hello, Beautiful Donaldson, Walter Donaldson, Douglas & Gumble Inc. 1931
Hello, Sunshine, Hello Tobias DeSylva, Brown & Henderson Inc. 1929
Here Comes Fatima Friend Remick 1926
Hi Ya, Sailor Rosen, Milton Broadcast Music Inc. 1943
Hills Of Gruzia, The Mednikoff Carl Fischer Inc. 1925
Hills LaForge Ricordi & Co. Inc. 1925
High Falutin' Newton Gregor Whitney Blake Music Pub. 1938
Hie Away, Hie Away Wolf Broadcast Music Inc. 1941
Hi-Diddle-Diddle Coon
Leo Feist Inc. 1926
Hai, Yah, Yah Hennes M.M. Cole Pub. Co. 1940
Hand Of Love Broderick Peer International Corp. 1961
Hang The Mistletoe Dallis Ardmore Music 1955
Hangin' Around Varnick Select Music Pub. Inc. 1958
Harlem Lullaby Milham
Miller Music Corp. 1932
Harbor Of Home Sweet Home, The Holmes Jerry Vogel Music Co. Inc. 1938
Happy Song, A Bakhar Leedlow Music Inc. 1955
Happy New Year, A Brown Robbins Music Corp. 1957
Hark To The Song Of The Night Porter Buxton 1950
Have You Seen My Love? Sunshine Antobal Music Co. 1966
Hawaiian Wedding Song, The King