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Music Listening

Music Listening
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Presented to the library in June 1970 by Dr. Albert Richard Mohr of Frankfurt, Germany, the "Archives for New Music" is reputed to be the greatest collection in Europe of original music notes, manuscripts, autographs, and photographs of contemporary European composers. Composers from nineteen countries are represented, including Paul Hindemith, Karl Orff, and Richard Strauss of Germany; Jean Sibelius, Finland; Flor Peeters, Belgium; Marcel Dupre, Darius Milhaud, Marcel Rousseau and Maurice Ravel of France; Luigi Dallapiccola and G. Francesco Malipiero, Italy; Arthur Honegger, Switzerland; Bela Bartok and Zoltan Kodaly, Hungary; and Joaquin Turnia, Spain.

The collection also includes 216 original sketches of stage settings and costumes of opera presentations of the works of contemporary composers from Denmark, Germany, Italy, Austria, Rumania, Sweden, Spain and Czechoslovakia. This was expected to be a continuing collection, as Dr. Mohr planned to send additional material from time to time.

E-mail comments and inquiries about the Mohr Collection to Therese Dickman at or call 618-650-2695.

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