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iOS (iPhone/iPad/iPod) - Configure Office 365 Account

  1. Open Settings. Select Mail, Contacts, Calendars, then select Add Account near the top of the right-hand column.
  2. Select Exchange.

    ios add account
  3. On the account setup window, enter the following for each field:
    • Email: Enter your email address
    • Password: Enter the password for the account being configured.
    • Description: Give the account any name you'd like, such as Office 365 or SIUE Email.

      ios account details

  4. Select Next.
  5. You'll be directed to the enabled account applications page now. Choose what you'd like enabled. It is recommended that you enable all services.

    ios options

  6. Select Save.
  7. Enter the following information (Email and Description should have auto-filled with the previously supplied information):
    • Server:
    • Username: Enter your email address
    • Password: Enter the password for your account being configured.

      ios verifying

  8. Select Done.

Setup is complete. Email and calendar data (if enabled) are available in the appropriate apps.

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