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Outlook 2013 - Importing Local Calendar

This document will provide step-by-step instructions on how to import a local calendar into Outlook 2013 using a .pst file.

Import a Local Calendar into Outlook 2013 using a .pst file.

  1. Open Outlook 2013.
  2. Select the File tab.
  3. Click Open Export, then select Import/Export.
  4. In the Import and Export Wizard window, select Import from another file or location.
  5. Select Outlook Data File (.pst) from the list of file types.
  6. Click Browse to navigate and select the .pst file meant for importing a specific local calendar.
  7. Select Replace duplicates with items imported, then click Next.
  8. Select Include subfolders and Import Items into the current folder, then click Finish.
  9. Verify that the imported appointments are visible under the calendar view.

For assistance with exporting from your email client, please click here.

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