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If a department wants to hire someone who will become an affected annuitant or who is already an affected annuitant, who should the department talk to?

Rehired retirees are required to immediately disclose to Human Resources any concurrent employment with another SURS covered institution. The salary received from all SURS covered employers is used by SURS to determine if the annuitant is or will become an affected annuitant. Therefore, if SIUE is unaware of a rehired retiree’s concurrent employment at another SURS covered institution, it is possible that the annuitant will become an affected annuitant.

Example: if the annuitant’s 40% annual limitation is $40,000 and SIUE hires him/her in a position that will pay $35,000, he/she would not become an affected annuitant. However, if this same annuitant also works concurrently at another SURS covered employer and earns $10,000 during the same reporting year, the total earnings reported to SURS will be $45,000. Since this exceeds $40,000, the employee will become an affected annuitant. If SIUE wants to hire the person in the following year, SIUE would be billed for 78% of the affected annuitant’s SURS annuity or $35,000/$45,000 since SIUE paid most of the earnings that caused the annuitant to become affected.