BSW - Frequently Asked Questions
What is the admissions process for the BSW Program?
Students must apply to the BSW Program prior to being declared a social work major. The application process is competitive and not all students who apply to the program are guaranteed admission. Students should be aware that they must apply for admission and be accepted to the university prior to be being declared a social work major.
When should students apply to the BSW Program?
Students should apply to the BSW Program between October and January of their sophomore year and plan to begin the program in fall semester of their junior year.
The deadline for BSW applications for the 2024-2025 academic year is March 1, 2024.
The BSW application can be found here. A PDF preview of the application can be found here.
What are the admission requirements for the BSW Program?
Prospective BSW majors must do the following to be considered for program admission:
- Complete the BSW Application
- Write a statement of interest that discusses the following: (1) Describe your understanding of the social work profession and the profession's values (please review the NASW Code of Ethics). (2) Describe a social problem or social justice issue that inspires you to become a social worker. Based on your response to question 1, describe how you would address the problem or issue through the use of the six social work values described in the Preamble of the NASW Code of Ethics.
- Have a minimum GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale from SIUE or another 2 or 4-year institution
- Complete General Education Requirements
- Attend a BSW Program orientation session
How are applications evaluated for admission to the BSW Program?
Applications to the BSW Program are reviewed by the Department faculty to determine if they meet the minimum GPA requirements, to evaluate the quality of writing, and to assess overall student preparedness for the social work curriculum and profession.
When will admission decisions be sent out?
What is the waitlist?
In the event that more qualified applicants apply to the program than the Department is able to accommodate, a waitlist will be maintained. If students who are extended admission to the program do not decide to come into the program, students who are on the waitlist will be contacted to determine their interest in pursuing the degree. Students on the waitlist are typically contacted in June or July if a spot comes available.
When are the BSW Program Orientation Sessions for the 2024-2025 academic year?
Register for BSW Program Orientation Friday, November 3, 2023 12:00 - 1:30 PM
Register for BSW Program Orientation Monday, November 27, 2023 8:30 - 10:00 AM
Register for BSW Program Orientation Wednesday, December 6, 2023 10:00 - 11:30 AM
Register for BSW Program Orientation Friday, January 12, 2024 12:00 - 1:30 PM
- Register for BSW Program Orientation Tuesday, February 6, 2024 2:00 - 3:30 PM
Pre-requisite & Transfer Courses, Social Work Curriculum
What pre-requisite courses need to be completed prior to admission to the BSW Program?
Prior to admission to the BSW Program, prospective students must complete English Composition I and II with a grade of C or better. It is recommended that students complete their General Education requirements prior to admission as well as most of the supporting courses, as there is little flexibility in the junior and senior year schedules with the required social work courses.
What non-social work courses or supporting courses are required for the BSW Degree?
In addition to the required social work curriculum, students must also complete a number of non-social work courses as part of the degree program. These supporting courses include:
- Biology 111 or Biology 140 – Human Biology
- History 201 – American History - Post Civil War
- English 201 – Professional Writing
- Political Science 112 – Introduction to Political Science
- Psychology 111 – Introduction to Psychology
- Psychology 206 – Social Psychology
- Anthropology 111b – Cultural Anthropology and Communication
- Sociology 111 – Introduction to Sociology or Sociology 300 – Social Problems
How do my non-social work credits from other institutions transfer to SIUE?
Students who transfer to SIUE with a completed Associate’s Degree will receive a General Education Waiver. If a student is transferring to SIUE without an Associate’s Degree, s/he may visit the Transfer Center Website at and reference the Course Equivalency Guide to see how their courses have transferred to SIUE in the past.
What courses are required for the BSW Degree?
Fall Semester Junior Year
SOCW 202 Foundations of Social Work
SOCW 211 Micro Skills of Counseling
SOCW 302 Human Behavior in the Social Environment I
SOCW 390 Diversity and Issues of Social & Economic Justice
Spring Semester Junior Year
SOCW 301 Introduction to Social Welfare Policy
SOCW 303 Human Behavior in the Social Environment II
SOCW 315 Social Work Practice with Individuals & Families
SOCW 316 Social Work Group Practice
SOCW XXX Social Work Elective
Fall Semester Senior Year
SOCW 400 Social Work Practice with Organizations & Communities
SOCW 476 Quantitative Research in Social Work
SOCW 482 Field Instruction I
SOCW XXX Social Work Elective
Spring Semester Senior Year
SOCW 401 Social Welfare Policy Analysis
SOCW 475 Qualitative Research in Social Work
SOCW 483 Field Instruction II
SOCW XXX Social Work Elective
What electives are accepted for the BSW Degree?
Students in the BSW Program are required to take a minimum of one elective course through the Department of Social Work. The two remaining electives may be 300-400 level courses offered by other departments. The BSW Handbook includes a list of electives that have been approved for students to take in the past; however, students may take courses that are not on that list.
Can I transfer social work credits from other institutions to the BSW Program at SIUE?
Students may transfer credits from other social work programs to SIUE’s BSW Program as long as the previous institution is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education. The student may be asked to submit course number, descriptions, and syllabi for faculty to review in order to determine the SIUE course equivalency. Although transferring course credit to SIUE may reduce the number of credit hours a student is required to take, there is no guarantee that the student will complete the program sooner than 2 years due to course sequencing and offerings.
Do I need to have a minor study program?
Students in the BSW Program do not need to select a minor study program; however, students who choose to minor in another subject will have their 9 credit hours of electives waived. The student must complete the minor and it must post to their degree upon graduation to be eligible for the waiver. Since social work is such a broad profession, the Department accepts most minor programs of study in place of the elective credits.
How many credit hours do students need to complete to receive a BSW Degree?
Students must complete a minimum of 120 credit hours to receive a BSW Degree.
What is practicum?
The practicum is a required component of the social work curriculum. It is the cornerstone of the program. It is also referred to as a student internship or field placement. The practicum is where the student works directly with a social work-related organization to demonstrate their ability to engage in social work practice and to translate coursework knowledge to the field. BSW majors are required to complete a practicum during fall and spring semesters senior year. Students must complete a total of 400 hours per year (at least 200 hours each semester) . The SIUE Department of Social Work has contractual agreements with several social and human service organizations in the local region and area. During the practicum, students receive direct supervision from a practicing social worker. This person providing supervision is referred to as the Field Supervisor Instructor (FSI). The supervisor (FSI) must have a Bachelors in Social Work and at least 2-years post BSW practice experience. For more information, please see the BSW Practicum Manual.
When can I do my practicum?
In order to start your practicum, you must have at least a 2.5 GPA. You need to have completed all junior classes with a C or better (see list of courses in previous question).
How do I find a practicum placement?
Towards the end of their Junior year through the beginning of their Senior year, students will be provided practicum site announcements. These announcements will be sent by the SIUE Field Practicum Office and will give student details on what agencies are accepting students during the upcoming academic year and steps to apply. It is important to note that applying for a field practicum site is just like applying for a real social work job, students will be expected to submit cover letters, applications, and/or resumes. Additionally, students may have to participate in individual and group job interviews, secure background checks, and/or engage in special health screenings. The student is looking, but so are the sites so students should prepare to show their most professional selves to secure a placement. Before applying to any practicum site, students are strongly encouraged to meet with their faculty mentors to discuss their social work practice interests, time management plans, course schedule, and practicum interests, concerns, and/or potential challenges. The SIUE Field Practicum office is open to considering new sites that students may suggest. More information on how students can suggest new sites will be provided in a Field Practicum Orientation after the student is accepted and enrolled in the Social Work BSW program.
How many hours do I need to complete?
Can I complete my practicum hours at my current job?
Students who want to complete practicum hours at their job must obtain approval by the Director of Practica. There are additional application forms the student must fill out and special work requirements. Details on doing practicum at the place of employment will be provided at the BSW Field Practicum Orientation after the student is accepted and enrolled in the BSW program.
Do I attend classes while in field practicum?
Students are enrolled in classes and field practicum concurrently. So, the answer is YES you are expected to be enrolled in all your Senior-level courses at the same time that you are working to complete your practicum hours at the practicum organization. In fact, one of the courses you will be enrolled in is called the Field Seminar and that course is directly related to your field practicum. The field Seminar is a course that focuses on field practicum reflection, social work ethics, practice expectations, and professional development.
What hours of the day and days of the week do students do practicum?
It all depends on the organization. When they apply for a practicum position at an SIUE Social Work approved social work practicum site, students should ask the sites about the work expectations and hours. Students should keep in mind that social problems exist in 24/7, 365 time frame and organizations could provide services in daytime, evening, overnight, weekday and weekend hours. Thus, the site may expect practicum students to be available during non-traditional work hours like evening, nights, or weekends. It the student’s responsibility to find out the site’s work hours.
Do students need to have their own transportation to participate in practicum?
No, BUT students are expected to identify how they will get to all their practicum work activities in a timely manner, even if it means that the student needs to find alternative methods such as public transportation, carpooling or ride share. It is the student’s responsibility to get to their work site on time. Student should be aware that some sites do require students to do community outreach activities or client home visits, for such sites they will tell students that they require that the student have their own car or transportation so they can complete these job tasks. Thus, students should always ask the site about transportation requirements and the student should only select and apply to a site that fits the student’s capacity. In other words, if the site says you need a car and the student doesn’t have one then the student shouldn’t apply to that site.
Can a student be fired or removed from field practicum?
Yes! So, students should uphold the NASW Code of Ethics and the SIUE Department of Social Work’s Professional behavior policy. If a student is removed from practicum or loses their practicum due to no fault of their own, the SIUE Social Work Field Office will work with the student to find an alternative site. If the student engages in unprofessional or unethical behavior is asked to leave field placement, then the SIUE BSW program will meet with the student to determine an appropriate course of action that is aligned to BSW and University policy.
Advising and Mentoring
Where will I go to get advised for class registration?
BSW majors are advised by the College of Arts and Science (CAS) advisors. After a student is accepted as a social work major in the spring semester prior to starting the social work curriculum, s/he will be contacted by CAS Advising to set up an appointment to discuss registering for fall courses. The student and advisor will outline a schedule and the student will register for courses using Cougarnet. This process usually begins in March or April of spring semester.
How will I know what classes to take each semester?
The BSW program has a set curriculum and sequence. It is imperative that students follow the required course sequence, otherwise they run the risk of falling behind and pushing their projected graduation back by one year. Please refer to the courses required for the BSW Degree to review the course sequence.
What is the role of my social work faculty mentor?
Every BSW major is assigned a faculty mentor. The mentor’s role is to help the student to navigate the BSW Program, Practicum placement, Practicum concerns, and overall professional development. Every student is required to meet with their faculty mentor once per semester; however, they may choose to seek guidance from their mentor on a more regular basis.