1. Understand Critical Issues in the Natural and Built Environment
Topic: Regional Infrastructure projects
Action: Engage the IUR in a working relationship with the Illinois Department of Transportation
Topic: Brownfields and Land Re-use
Action: Engage the IUR in at least one research and funding opportunity related to the reuse of contaminated property; this can be done via Urban Scholars program
2. Understand Key Matters Facing Local Government
Topic: Taxation
Action: Complete the Land Value Taxation study with the 2009 data, and publicize appropriately
Topic: Vacant Properties
Action: Identify a role for the IUR in the Vacant Properties Campaign and the ongoing work of the Federal Reserve Bank in St. Louis.
3. Build Databases and Literature on Issues Important to Urban Research
Topic: Property Values and Taxation
Action: Investigate the construction of a regional database on property assessments in the Metro East portion of the region
Action: Find RAPID dollars or another external grant for this project by making at least one application for funding
Topic: Publication and Presentation on Urban Issues
Action: Have at least one publication and/or one conference presentation on urban research; can be done as an urban scholar project
Topic: GIS mapping as an urban research tool
Action: Identify a way to work with the Geography Department and/or the new Geospatial center to incorporate GIS into the IUR's capacity and work
1. Support the research efforts of the faculty and academic units of SIUE, as well as the governing documents of SIUE and the Graduate School.
Topic: Engage the faculty in research.
Action: Maintain at least eight urban scholars at all times in FY10.
Action: Appropriately publicize support activity.
2. Pursue entrepreneurial activity by being a resource for local government and community institutions.
Topic: Respond to RFPs and RFQs.
Action: Initiate at least five meetings in FY10 with potential clients and make sure they know about the contractual services of the IUR.
3. Pursue external funding for research at SIUE and the community in ways that it supports the IUR financially while advancing the IUR research agenda.
Topic: Increase the amount of grant applications coming out of the IUR.
Action: IUR affiliates will apply for $1 million in grants and contracts in FY10.
4. Increase the visibility of the IUR on campus and in the bi-state region.
Topic: Appropriately prepare for and celebrate the IUR's 10th anniversary on July 1, 2010.
Action: Engage the Marketing and Communication unit, the Chancellor's Office, and the media to give the IUR exposure.
Topic: Make SIUE (via the IUR) the leading authority on East St. Louis.
Action: Appropriately prepare for and celebrate East St. Louis' 150th anniversary in 2011.
Action: Engage in at least one publicly visible project involving East St. Louis.
Action: Publish work (using the Currents model) on East St. Louis.
5. Fulfill all fiscal, professional, and personnel obligations as a unit of the Graduate School.
Topic: Maintain all necessary reports and standards.
Action: Establish IRB procedure for the IUR.
Action: Achieve NIH certification for all IUR research staff.
Action: Maintain ethics certification for all IUR employees.