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Applied Communication Studies

Elements of Effective Presentations

  1. 3 Key Steps

    1. Presentation Analysis – Know your subject

      1. Identify the purpose of your presentation.
      2. Identify what your subject or topic should/will be.
      3. Make sure you can show how your topic relates to the audience.
    2. Audience Analysis – Know your audience

      1. Consider the audience demographics (age, gender, culture, etc.)
      2. Use appropriate examples that can be understood by your audience.
      3. Use the appropriate vocabulary, but watch using jargon.
      4. Make sure you can properly pronounce every word in your speech.
    3. Practice, Practice, Practice

  2. Types of Outlines

    1. Research Notes

      1. Handwritten
      2. Very Detailed
    2. Preparation Outline

      1. Write out a complete introduction, transitions, and conclusion.
      2. Typically, in standard outline form.
      3. Written in complete sentences.
    3. Delivery/Formal Outline

      1. Bulleted introduction, transitions, and conclusion.
      2. Single words or phrases used as reminders, not so you can read directly from it.
      3. You still want to write out the quotes and anything else you need to be able to say verbatim. Wording sometimes counts!
  3. Layout

    1. Create the main body first

      1. First, determine the main points. Keep in mind if each relates to the next point it is easier to transition between them.
      2. Fill in sub-points and supporting materials/information.
        2. Definitions
    2. Next, determine a way to summarize and conclude your presentation.

    3. Lastly, prepare your introduction.

      NOTE: Make sure you provide references for information. This avoids plagiarism and provides legitimacy and credibility to you what you are saying.
  4. Nonverbal & Verbal Elements

    1. Eye contact is important. Do not stare at any one person, but make eye contact with various people around the room.
    2. Stand in a comfortable posture. Do not lock your knees.
    3. Use natural hand gestures, but not too animated or wild.
    4. Make sure you modulate your volume so everyone can hear you.
    5. Enunciation is vital so that everyone listening can understand you.
    6. Watch the amount of vocal interruptions you use (i.e. “um” or “ah”)
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