Ingolf Vogeler, Types of International Borders along the U.S.-Mexico Border

Militarized Borders

Militarized borders are the most extreme form of international borders, of which there were/are 18 out of a total of 42 fortified borders, accounting for 43 percent. Only a few of the militarized borders were/are completely sealed; some border crossings were/are still usually possible, even into highly restricted North Korea and along the Iron Curtain.

The Joint Security Area (JSA) within the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between North and South Korea is shown in a model. The United Nations Command Security Battalion maintains a base in the JSA, as indicated by its road sign and the road barriers coming into the JSA. Massive North Korea and Chinese military forces face off U.S. and U.N. forces, making this is the most militarized international border in the world today.

The 18 militarized international borders, in the past and today, are: