PHIL 330: Metaphysics

Larkin: Fall 2003



Philosophy of Human Nature



I.  Conflicting Images

A.      Manifest Image: Essentially Human Perspective

1.        Teleological

a.        Theism

b.       Cosmic Purpose

c.        External explanation of natural world

2.        Chain of Being (Special Creation)

a.        Immaterial Minds/Souls

b.       Mental/normative properties not reducible to natural properties


B.       Scientific Image:  Essentially Non-Human Perspective

1.        Causal

a.        Agnosticism/Atheism

b.       No Cosmic Purpose

c.        Internal explanation of natural world

2.        Tree of Life (Evolution)

a.        Materialism

b.       Naturalism



II.  Contentious Issues

  1. Cosmological Problem:  Why is there something rather than nothing?


  1. Mind/Body Problem: How are mental properties related to physical properties?


  1. The Problem of Free Will: How do we intentionally/responsibly act?


  1. The Problem of Personal Identity: Under what conditions do I survive?




III. Possible Positions

A.      Dualism: MI is literally and fully true; constituents of MI have independent existence

1.        Cosmo: Two senses of ‘why’, both are perfectly legitimate

2.        MB:  Causal relations between radically different kinds

3.        FW:  Agent Causation

4.        PI:  Psychological Continuity  


B.       Reductionism: MI is metaphorically or approximately true; constituents of MI have a dependent existence

1.        Cosmo: Darwinism

2.        MB:  Physical realization of mental properties

3.        FW:  Compatibilism

4.        PI:  Biological Continuity


C.       Eliminativism: MI is not true; constituents of MI do not exist.

1.        Cosmo:  There is no ultimate explanation

2.        MB:  There are no mental properties

3.        FW:  There are no intentional/responsible actions

4.        PI:  There are no persons/selves