PHIL 309: Twentieth Century Analytic Philosophy

LARKIN: Spring 2003



DATE:    1-28-03


I.                     Objectives

A.      Learn a little about modern logic

B.       Explicate the argument for the sense/reference distinction in Frege’s “On Sense and Reference”


II.                   Discussion:

How do we know that 2 + 2 = 4?


III.                 Lecture:

A.      Frege and Modern Logic


B.       The First Argument of “Sense and Reference”: Close Reading and Argument Explication



IV.                 Discussion:

The senses of proper names.



V.                   Next Time

A.      Topic: Frege’s Theory of Meaning

B.       Reading:   Frege, “Sense and Reference”

C.       Reading Questions:

1.        Explain Frege’s puzzle and his argument for the sense/reference distinction.

2.        What is the relationship between sign, sense, reference, and mental images associated with a term (see the ‘Moon’ analogy)?

3.        What does Frege think is the referent of a sentence as a whole?  What is his argument for this?

4.        What are the three main categories of “subordinate clauses” that cause trouble for Frege’s theory of the reference of a sentence?  How does Frege deal with them?