PHIL 111: Introduction to Philosophy

LARKIN: Spring 2003



DATE:    2-11-03


I.                     Objectives

A.      Transition from Plato to Descartes

B.       Learn a little logic—add a few concepts to our repertoire


II.                   Discussion: 

Transition from Plato to Descartes

1.        Historical periods

2.        Methods, Objectives, and Value of Philosophy Chart for PLATO

3.        Subdivisions of Philosophy


III.                 Lecture: Logic Concepts

A.      Argument Form vs. Content


B.       Deductive Concepts


C.       Inductive Concepts


IV.                 Discussion:



V.                   Next Time

A.      Topic: Cartesian Project and Skepticism

B.       Reading:   Descartes, “Meditation One”

C.       Reading Questions:

1.        Why does Descartes want to knock down his entire system of beliefs, and how does he plan to go about doing that?

2.        How does Descartes try to use the unreliability of the senses to generate skepticism?

3.        Why does Descartes move to a consideration of dreaming, and what kinds of claims does Descartes think he can know whether he is dreaming or not?

4.        Is there in principle any test that you can perform to know whether you are dreaming or not?  Explain.