PHIL 111: Introduction to Philosophy

LARKIN: Spring 2003



DATE:    1-14-03


I.                     Objectives

A.      Give a general sense of what philosophy is.


B.       Lay out course objectives, procedures, and expectations.



II.                   Discussion:  What is Philosophy?



III.                 Lecture:

A.      The Love of Wisdom

1.        Greek Etymology

2.        Love

3.        Wisdom

4.        Wonder


B.       Philosophical Method

1.        Contrast with art / religion

2.        The Cosmos: from mythos to logos

3.        Rational Pursuit

4.        Misconception 1: Philosophy is subjective.

5.        The Philosophic Virtue


C.       Philosophical Subject Matter

1.        Contrast with science

2.        Fundamental Understanding

3.        Subjectivity and Normativity

4.        From Thales to Socrates

5.        Misconception 2: Philosophy is useless.

6.        Subdivisions of Philosophy

a.        Logic

b.       Metaphysics

c.        Epistemology

d.       Ethics



IV.                 Discussion: Go Over Syllabus



V.                   Next Time

A.      Topic: Socrates in Action—on the nature of piety.


B.       Reading:  Plato, “Euthyphro”


C.       Reading Questions:

1.        Why are Socrates and Euthyphro at the “Hall of the King”?

2.        What is Euthyphro’s first attempt to define piety (sec. VI), and why does Socrates reject it (sec. VII)?

3.        What is Euthyphro’s second attempt to define piety (end sec. VII), and why does Socrates reject it (VII)?

4.        What is Euthyphro’ third attempt to define piety (end sec. XI), and why does Socrates reject it (sec. XII and beg. sec. XIII)?