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Department of Curriculum & Instruction


I. Program Affiliation: Elementary Education

Course Number and Titles: CI 343 Social Studies at the Elementary and Middle Level

Course Description: Social Studies in the Elementary class room is designed to provide a context in which prospective social studies teachers examine, utilizing a critical perspective, the functions, practices, and problematic issues of social studies education. Critical thought implies the basic ability to describe, analyze, and synthesize the history of social studies education, in order to put this knowledge into very practical use as a teacher.

Dr. Randall E. Smith
Office # 1128
Phone number 650-3434
e-Mail Address: resmith@siue.edu
Web Page: http://www.siue.edu/~resmith

II. Relationship to Knowledge Base:


This course follows our general elementary elementary methods course and directly proceeds the student teaching semester. It provides an in depth study of theory, research and practice in social studies education, focuses on instructional processes related to developing the social studies skills of the elementary school students. In addition this course looks at the school environments cultural influences and current educational issues that impact the teaching and learning of social studies.

III. Goals:

1. Development of knowledge, skills, and attitudes in teacher candidate. The class shall require experiences to develop, knowledge skills, and attitudes in the teacher candidate to encourage a classroom environment that will enhance pupil self-esteem, confidence, promotes knowledge, humanness, and sensitivity that promotes constructive interactions among people of different backgrounds.

2. Classroom management. This class shall require prospective teachers to observe and analyze a variety of teaching models and to assess their own teaching effectiveness and professional growth needs.

3. History of Social Studies Education in the United States. This class shall require the study of the leaders, idea, movements underlying the development and organization of social studies education in the United States.

4. This class shall develop the ability to evaluate and select textbooks, materials, and computer software used in elementary schools.

IV. Program Objectives Related to this Course:

By the end of this course students will:

A. value theory and research on social studies education

B. be able to integrate this theory base with classroom practice, thus enhancing the quality of social studies

C. demonstrate appropriate planning that include: methods and strategiesfor diverse learners, appropriate technologies, adaptations for thelearning environment, and ideas for using social studies as learningtools in other content areas

D. reflect on and evaluate instruction in social studies

E. appraise current social studies related educational issues (NationalCouncil for the Social Studies, traditional vs. hands-on instruction,PALSS, IGAP) and their impact on the teaching and learning in theelementary classrooms.

F. relate current school and community climates to trends in socialstudies

G. use language appropriate for developing positive interpersonalrelationship with students, parents and school colleagues.

H. value and participate in professional growth opportunities related to social studies

I. demonstrate a dedication to the teaching profession & life long learning

V. Content:

I. History of Social Studies Education

A. 1880's to l990
B. SS in the School Curriculum
C. Goals of the Social Studies
D. Scope and Sequence

II. Planning for Social Studies Instruction

A. Long Range
B. Standards-Objectives
.Lesson Plans and Unit Plans

III. Strategies for Social Studies

A. Methods.
B. Direct and Indirect
C. Problem Based
D. Role Plays / Simulation Games

IV. Assessment

A. Values
B. Test, State and/or Federal
C. Paper, Pencil vs. Performance

V. Aiding to Interpret History

A. Wars and Definitions
Being a Historian

VI. Geography and Economics

A. Engaging Geography
B. Map Skills
C. Economic Standards
D. Bringing Economics to Life

VII Civil Education / Diversity / Technology

VI. Course Evaluation

A. Knowledge Development

1.Student will read the assigned text and other assigned reference materials and demonstrate their acquired knowledge through a series of journal reviews, observation of critical incidents, textbook and computer evaluations.
2.Students will relate this knowledge to observations in their placement classroom in a reflection of lessons and observation of critical incidents. 50 points each

B. Instructional Process

1. Students will design and teach two social studies lessons:50 points each.

ïone teaching Geography concepts into the classroom.
ïone using Community, which covers all topics in social studies.

Because of time conflicts the professor does not have to approve beforeteaching but would like to if time permits.

2. Students will design a unit containing ten lessons following a theme appropriate with the scope and sequence of social studies curriculum..The teaching unit which will include: a statement of unit objectives, adescription of the instructional techniques employed, a conceptual framework, daily lesson plans, a list of materials, and evaluation strategies.The units may be constructed around traditional social studies content ormay utilize non-traditional approaches such as oral history, simulation,games, and newspapers. In addition to the written unit, students willpresent their unit to the class. 100pts.

3. All lessons will contain an overview of the content, a lesson objective, a list ofmethod(s) and evaluation plan, comments from the cooperating teacher andreflections by the student on the success of the success of their lesson.

4. Students will attend and participate in a series Integration Sessions that feature strategies such cooperative learning, planning an integrated curriculum, adjusting lessons plans for special needs students, and integrating the latest technologies into elementary classroom.

5. Students will write a position paper will be required of all students.Students will discuss 1) the Social Studies class that they remembered fromtheir own past, 2) the Social Studies from their Field I or Field II classroom,and 3) what do they see for Social Studies instruction in their future classroom. Position papers shall be from four to eight pages in length.Position paper = 100pts.

6. Quizzes will be given in class and unannounced and a final exam will begiven in which students will be expected to synthesize course readings, classdiscussions, and personal research. Quizzes 50 pts. Final 100pts.

C. Context and Foundations of Education Students will attend a series of Large Group meetings that focus on currenteducational trends such as ISAT testing, the Regular Education Initiativeand the State School Improvement Plan.

D. Interpersonal Relationships and Professional Relationships

1. Students will work collaboratively with their cooperating teacher as they develop and implement lessons plans in the field placement classroom.
2. Students will follow the school day schedule of the cooperating teacher whileat the field placement , including teacher meetings, inservice presentations, field trips , parent conferences and report card preparation.

Students are required to attend every class meeting. Two unexcussed absence will be allowed, after the allowed absences the student's grade will be lowered one grade level. The same is true for late assignments.

Policies and Procedures:

Office hours will be announced. All other policies are those specified by the university.


1. Breaking the Ice Simulation Game - Fieldwork Term Paper and Lesson Plan Format & Textbook Evaluation Unit Plan
2. History of Social Studies Curriculum 1889- to the present Lecture Discussion
3. What is Social Studies? Group Discussions - Moon Game
4. Play a Simulation Game - Deserted Island & Maps & Graphs - Hands-on
5. Community Projects & Resources - Field Trips, Rural and Urban
6. Unequal Resources Simulation - Shipwreck
7. Social Studies Trends & Issues, Maps & Graphs - Hands-on Football, Famous Couples, Shops and Places
8. Values Clarification-Conflict ?? Activities & Lectures
9. Role Play Write A Role Play - (Chris Cole) & Discussion
10. Textbook Evaluation & Books, Lecture on Textbooks (Bring one)
11. Computer Software - Computer Lab
12. Computer Software - Computer Lab
13. Multicultural Education - A World of Difference
14. Simulation Games & Mainstreaming of Special Education Students into the Classroom. Journal Articles Observations, Field Lessons due !!!!!
15. Unit Plan Presentations
16. Final & Unit Plan Presentations & Units Dues

Grading scale is as follows:
% These all represent percentage scores

90 and up A,
89 to 80 B,
79 to 70 C,
69 to 60 D,
59 to 50 E,
50 & below = F

VII. Research Base
Chapin, Jane R. Elementary Social Studies: A Practical Guide: Pearson Allyn & Bacon Publishing Company, Boston, Massachusetts, 2006.

Professional Journals:

The journals listed below often include articles relating to elementary and middle school social studies. Most are available in the periodical room of the university library.

1. Social Education. National Council for the Social Studies, 3501 Newark Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20016.

2. The Journal of Geography. National Council for the Geographic Education, Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois 61455.

3. The Social Studies. Heldref Publications, 4000 Albermarle Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20016.

4. Social Studies and the Young Learner. National Council for the Social Studies, 3501 Newark Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20016.


Armstrong, David G. Social Studies in the Secondary Education. Macmillan Publishing, Co. Inc., N.Y., 1980.
Bar, Robert D., James L. Barth and S. Samuel Shermis. Defining the Social Studies. Bulletin 51, National Council for the Social Studies, Arlington, Virginia, 1977.

Chapin, Jane R. and Rosemary g. Messick. Elementary Social Studies: A Practical Guide. 2nd Edition, Longman Publishing Company, New York, NY, 1992.

Clark H. Leonard H. and Irving S. Starr. Secondary and Middle School Teaching Methods. 4th Edition, Macmillan Publishing, Co. Inc., N.Y., 1981.

Davidman, Leonard with Patricia T. Davidman.. Teaching with a Multicultural Perspective: A Practical Guide. Longman Publishing Company, New York, NY, 1994.

Good, Thomas L. and Jere E. Brophy. Educational Psychology. 3rd. Edition, Longman Publishing Company, New York, NY, 1986.

Good, Thomas L. and Jere E. Brophy. Looking in Classrooms. 4th Edition, Harper & Row, , N.Y., 1987.

Gottschalk, Louis R. The Era of the French Revolution: 1715-1815. Houghton Mifflin Company, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1957.

Harmin, Merrill. Strategies that Inspire Students: Instruction that Motivates Both Excellence and Kindness. ASCD, Alexandria, Virginia. 1993.

Herman, Joan l. A Practical Guide to Alternative Assessment. ASCD, Alexandria, Virginia. 1992.

Herring, Herbert. A History of Latin America form the Beginning to the Present. 3rd Edition, Alfred a. Knopf, N.Y., 1968.

Jarolimek, John and Walter C. Parker. Social Studies in the Elementary School. Ninth Edition. Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, NY, l993.

Jarolimek, John. Social Studies in the Elementary School. Eighth Edition. Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, NY, l990.

Kaltsounis, Theodore. Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary School: The Basics for Citizenship. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1980.

Knirk, Frederick G. Instructional Technology: A Systematic Approach to Education. Holt Rinehart and Winston, N.Y., 1986.

Marzano, Robert J. A Different Kind of Classroom : Teaching with Dimensions of Learning. ASCD, Alexandria, Virginia. 1992.

Miller, John P. The Educational Spectrum: Orientations to Curriculum. Longman Publishing Company, New York, NY, 1983.

Rubin, Louis J. Artistry in Teaching. Random House, N.Y., 1985.

Sadker, Myra Pollack and David Miller Sadker. Teachers, Schools and Society. 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1991.

Shavier, James P. Handbook of Research on Social Studies Teaching and Learning: A Project of the National Council for the Social Studies. Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, NY, l991.

Smith, Joan K. and L. Glenn Smith. Education Today: The Foundations of a Profession. St. Martin's Press, N.Y., 1994.

Smith, Randall E. "Social Studies Curriculum in Missouri Secondary Schools". Unpublished Dissertation, Columbia, Missouri, 1987.

Sokol, Darlene Schultz, editor. A World of Difference: Teacher/Student Study Guide. St. Louis, Missouri, 1985.

Turner, Thomas N. Essentials of Classroom Teaching Elementary Social Studies. Allyn and Bacon, Boston 1994

Tierney, Brian and Sidney Painter. Western Europe in the Middle Ages 300-1475. Alfred a. Knopf, N.Y., 1970.

Welon, David A. and John T. Mallan. Children and their World: Strategies for Teaching Social Studies. 3rd Edition, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1988.

White, C. Langdon, Edwin J. Foscue and Tom L. McKnight. Regional Geography of Anglo-America. 6th Edition, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1985.

Willis, F. Roy. Western Civilization: A Urban Perspective, Volume I: From Ancient Times Through the Seventeenth Century. 3rd Edition, D.C. Heath and Company, Lexington, Massachusetts, 1981.

Professional Journals
Educational Leadership. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Alexandria, VA 22314-1453

Instructor. Scholastic, Inc. New York, NY 10012-3999

Phi Delta Kappan, Phi Delta Kappan Bloomington Indiana 47402

Social Education. National Council for the Social Studies, 3501 Newark Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20016.

Social Studies and the Young Learner. National Council for the Social Studies, 3501 Newark Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20016.

Teaching K-8. Professional Magazine for Teachers, Highlight for Teachers, Boulder, Colorado. 80322-4808

The Journal "Technological Horizons in Education". The Journal, Tustin, California 92680-3670

The Journal of Geography. National Council for the Geographic Education, Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois 61455.

The Social Studies. Heldref Publications, 4000 Albermarle Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20016.

Created by: resmith
Last update: May 22, 2004