Civil Behavior



Tips in Paper Writing

Excellent Papers

Handouts: 444, Gender, Ethnicity and Class at Work

Examples of Activities 

Power Point Presentations
Day 1: Lorber and Reskin, Chapter 1
Day 2: Omi and Winant and Katz
Day 3: Jenson
Day 4: Reskin, Chapter 2and Glenn
Day 5: Eisenstein
Day 6
: Guinier and Torres
Day 7: McIntosh, Kimmel and Reskin, Chapter 3
Day 8: Burton
Day 9: Reskin, Chapter 4
Day 10: Reskin, Chapter 5
Day 11: Sturm and Guinier
Day 12: Reskin, Chapter 6
Day 13: Gray
Day 14: Cortina and Berdahl ( to replace Gutek)
Day 15: Kanter and Acker
Day 16: Reskin, Chapter 7 and Perry
Day 17: Devault
Day 18: A New Vision