Paper: To make a C or better on the paper, you must:

• Write 14-20 pages
• Use at least 6 concepts: 3 from 338 and 3 from 431
• Begin each section of the analysis section with a general definition of the concept that is not plagiarized. Plagiarism could cause you to flunk the class and get removed from the University.
• Apply the definition provided in the beginning section to your workplace.
• Provide evidence that demonstrates how the concept applies to your workplace. The evidence needs to be more than observation in some cases. The evidence should be actual documents from your workplaces or organizational charts or surveys, etc. This evidence should be referred to in your paper, for example (see Evidence A). The evidence should be placed in order in the back of your paper.
• The analysis section of your paper should be 2/3 of your paper.
• The history/description of your internship should be about only 2 pages.
• The introduction and conclusion should EACH only be about a paragraph.
• The recommendation section SHOULD include concepts or metaphors. Thus, one of the six concepts/metaphors can be introduced in this section.
• Submit your paper, journal and evidence neatly and professionally in a notebook that is carefully organized.

Journal: To make a C or better on the journal, you must:

• Make observations each time you visit your internship. If you must, take little notes before leaving to remind yourself of observations and then expand when you get home.
• Make sure your journal is NOT a daily log of what you have done. Rather, make sure your journal is an observation of the organization as a WHOLE! Thus, begin each entry with: TODAY, I OBSERVED THAT:
• Do NOT begin the journal entry with: Today, I worked in the..........

Oral Presentation: To make a C or better on the oral presentation, you must:

• Provide a powerpoint presentation that appears professional. This means check for misspellings. Also, make sure there is not too much writing on each slide. You will be discussing the details orally to the class, thus, the slides should just be our guide.
• Be able to summarize your paper in 10 minutes. This means, you should be able to get through a description of five-six concepts and the recommendations (one more concept at least) in 10 minutes. If you spend too much time on describing the organization and do not make it through the entirety of your paper, you will not pass.
• Practice the presentation at home to make sure you get through the entire paper in 10 minutes!!!!!!