My Account

You can access your library account to obtain a list of books you have checked out, to renew books online, or to see any fines you may have.

To log into your account while in ILLINET Online, click the link for My Account on the top toolbar.


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For users:
Please select your home library, enter your Library Borrower ID and Last Name, then click the Login button.
If you have a 14-digit ID, it may be printed near the barcode on your library ID Card. A 9-digit ID may be the same as your Social Security number.

For staff at ILLINET member libraries and Library System Headquarters:
Select "ILLINET Libraries" as your home library, and enter "illinet" or "system" as your last name. Your borrower ID is the same nine-digit number you used in the past.

Note to all:
You must have JavaScript enabled in your web browser in order to place a request.

Select Your Home Library:
Last Name:



Additional information about My Account is available from the Library's research guide "Accessing My Account in ILLINET Online."

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