Each student is asked to give an impromptu thirty second speech on a subject randomly chosen from the list below.  This is a good activity to get the entire class involved and to off-set the fear caused by speaking in front of others for the first time.

Impromptu Speech Topics:

1. My favorite singer/band and why.
2. What I never got caught for.
3. If I could be any superhero, I would be ___ and why.
4. My first kiss.
5. A famous person whom is most similar to me (or whom I can relate to).
6. If I could have any pet, it would be ___ .
7. My explanation for de ja vous is ___ .
8. My favorite childhood toy and why.
9. My favorite place on earth and why.
10. We need to save the ___ and why.
11. One of my biggest mistakes.
12. My biggest "pet peeve".
13. My favorite childhood memory.
14. My favorite store.
15. If I could live in any era in time, it would be ___ and why.
16. The best/worst part about high school was ___ .
17. My favorite TV show and why.
18. What I'll never do again.
19. Where I would like to go for my "ideal" vacation.
20. The dream I had that I wish wasn't.
21. The best book I've ever read and why.
22. The best movie I ever saw and why.
23. My favorite thing to do on a computer and why.
24. My favorite horror movie and why.
25. If I could be any animal, I would be ___ and why.
26. Whenever I hear this song __ I think of this __ .
27. Something that I just don't understand at all.
28. The thing (things) I am afraid of
29. If I won a million dollars, the first thing that I would do is ___ .
30. One of my favorite fantasies is ___ and why.
31. If I could call anyone (dead or alive, famous or not) it would be ___ and why.
32. If I could have any job in the world, it would be ___ and why.
33. If I could be any Smurf, I would be ___ and why.
34. My favorite artist/painting and why.
35. If I could trade places with anyone for a day, I would be ___ and why.
36. If I could pick a character (movie, TV, etc.) to be, I would be ___ and why.
37. My favorite Beanie Baby and why.
38. My favorite Beatle and why.
39. My favorite color M&M and why.
40. The weirdest collection that I have ever had.