Telecommunications Act of 1996

Getting Started:

1. Congressional Quarterly Weekly, (Suppplement to No. 19), May 14, 1994.

2. Congressional Quarterly Weekly, (Supplement to No. 37), Sept. 23, 1995.

3. The Wall Street Journal, (Section R), Sept. 16, 1996.

4. The Economist, Sept. 30 1995.

5. "Telecommunications Act of 1996", FCC, []

Other Sources:

1. New York Times Index

2. The Wall Street Journal Index

3. Business Week

4. Telephony

5. Popular Science

6. Nation's Business

7. Issues in Science and Technology

8. Broadcasting and Cable

9. Competition Quarterly

10. Fortune

11. U.S. News and World Reports

12. Marketing News

13. Communications Week

14. Telecommunications