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Course Schedule
Graduate Project

Graduate Project

Graduate Project and Class Presentation Schedule can be found here

Graduate students will be required to prepare a graduate project. For this project, you are considered a graduate student if your status in CougarNet says Graduate Student Your project is to be completed individually. 

The project should be an demonstration of an advanced topic relative to one of the networking/telecom concepts studied during the semester.
You should prepare a paper describing the project as well as PowerPoint Slides to be used in the presentation of the project to the class.
The report is due the week before the end of the semester and should be approximately 8-10 pages in length.

The first page of the report should be a cover sheet with the following information: paper topic, name of student, course number and title. Since this is a research project, I expect footnotes and a complete bibliography of references used in the project to be included in the paper.

Please review the University Plagiarism Policy.  I will strictly adhere to this policy when grading your papers/graduate projects.

Each presentation and report submitted will be evaluated by both the instructor and the class on the basis of organization, grammar and spelling, completeness, and logic. Poorly organized papers, or those with several spelling, typographical, or grammatical errors will receive failing grades, regardless of content.

Grading forms will be submitted by each class member on the presentation and will be used to create some exam questions.

You should:

  1. Organize your Presentation and paper carefully.
  2. Present your ideas clearly and logically.
  3. Present your slides in correct grammatical form. The slides and paper should be free of typographical, spelling, and grammatical errors.
  4. If you attach charts, graphs, or printouts to your paper, or if you include tables and charts in your paper, refer to the charts in the narrative. Explain the main points in each chart or table in the narrative.
  5. Consider your fellow students. Your presentation should be understandable by those for whom it is prepared.
  6. Make certain that you reference your sources properly, including quoted or paraphrased material. If you need to, read the University's plagiarism policy in the catalog. I will apply the policy to your work.


This page was last updated on
May 26, 2012
©Copyright 2011
CMIS Department
Edwardsville, IL




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