This storm exhibited classic, almost LP-ish supercell structure as I viewed it from Herrin, to its north. Lower center (behind the fence) is the beavertail, and on the right side of the picture is the updraft. Note that it leans slightly downshear (to the left). The light-colored area just above the beavertail and in the center of the picture is the vault, or "bounded weak echo region" - the area between the updraft and the precipitation core where there is less rain (though possibly large hail). On the upper right can be seen backsheared anvil. The dark area on the left is the core; about the time this photo was taken, baseball hail was falling on Marion, 5 miles to my SE (left of picture). The storm had split just before this picture was taken; the updraft and beavertail in this picture are associated with the left-mover. The main updraft associated with the right-mover, which appears to have produced the largest hail, is off to its south and not visible from this angle due to wrapping precipitation and and due to precipiation from the left-mover.