Indicators of Engaged Learning

Taken from the NCRTEC Learning With Technology Profile Tool at

Learning Context
 Indicator  0  1  2  
 Collaborative Students complete most assignments individually, and the sharing of ideas and resources is seldom actively encouraged. Students work together on highly structured tasks. Student roles are defined and controlled by the teacher. Projects and other instructional tasks are designed to be completed by groups, and students are encouraged to share ideas and resources. Students are encouraged to take responsibility for defining problems, setting goals, learning to evaluate and use information resources, and assessing their progress.  
 Knowledge Building Students work individually to do the best they can. Sharing information and resources may be considered "cheating."
Students periodically work in groups. Competition across groups is valued and encouraged. Students are provided many opportunities within the course of their work on an assignment to gather information and feedback from multiple sources including libraries, museums, colleges, other community information sources as well as other students, community members, experts, etc.  
 Empathetic Students have limited opportunities to learn about the experiences and perspectives of other students. Students have opportunities to learn about the knowledge, experiences, and perspectives of others, but those opportunities are not directly linked to instructional tasks. Instruction is explicitly designed to solicit, incorporate, and build upon the knowledge, experiences, and perspectives of all students, e.g., through the use of brainstorming and other strategies.  

 Indicator  0  1  2  
 Flexible Students remain in the same group for the entire semester or year. Groups are formed for the entire semester or year, but individual students may be moved to a different group as indicated by performance. Groups are formed for specific purposes-- e.g., common interest and need for specific skill building--and reformed on a regular basis.  
 Equitable Students primarily work with students of similar abilities. Students have occasional opportunities to work beyond their ability groups. Students have frequent opportunities to get to know and work with all other students. All students have challenging roles.  
 Heterogeneous Students are sometimes grouped by ability within and between grades. At other times, whole-group instruction is used. Students are often grouped by ability but periodically work in heterogeneous groups. Students primarily work in heterogeneous groups and less often in ability groups.

 Created by Jim Andris, October 9, 1999.