Dr. George Watson

Associate Professor Ph.D.,Virginia Tech 1997

George W. Watson received his Ph.D. from Virginia Tech, his M.B.A. from California State at Fullerton, an M.S. in Systems Management from the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, an a B.A. in Business Administration from the University of Washington, Seattle. His teaching focus is on corporate social responsibility and ethics. Dr. Watson’s current research interests include ethical decision making, moral judgments and ideology. He has published in Business Ethics Quarterly, Business and Society, and the Journal of Business Ethics. He lives with his wife Tracey and their three children in Maryville, Illinois. .


Ph.D. in Management, Virginia Tech -- May, 1997. Majoring in Organizational Behavior, Ethical decision making.

Dissertation: Beyond the Psychological Contract: Social Economic Contracts and Ideological Influences on Judgments of Fairness in Organizational Restructuring: an inquiry into the social processes that influence perceptions of justice and duty in the organizational context. Specifically, the project examines the role of ideology and the impact of various human resource practices -- observable in organizational downsizing -- on perceptions of fairness and indicators of loyalty and alienation.

M. S. Information Systems, Naval Postgraduate School --1983 Majoring in Decision Support Systems. Thesis: Model base Management in Knowledge Based systems. This work formulates a mechanism for the automated management of knowledge about complex models used in advanced decision support systems.

MBA, California State University, Fullerton -- 1980 Concentration in Operations Management.

B.A. Business Administration, University of Washington, Seattle -- 1978 Majoring in Quantitative Methods.

Teaching Experience and Interests

Recent Graduate Courses Taught:

  • MBA-531: External Environment of Business, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
  • MGT. 595: Moral Psychology, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
  • MBA-543: Strategic Management, Southern Illinois University
Recent Undergraduate Courses Taught:

  • IS-401 Social Issues in Management, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
  • Mgt-495. International Service Learning, Juarez, Mexico

Professional Experience

Associate Professor
Edwardsville, IL.
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
August 2005

Teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in Business and Society. Coordinating undergraduate interdisciplinary studies course.

Associate Professor
Bloomsburg, PA
Bloomsburg University
August 2003

Director, Program for Ethics and Social Responsibility, Center for Management Development. Teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in Business Ethics, and Strategic Management.

Assistant Professor of Management
St. Petersburg, Florida
University of South Florida
August 2000

Teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in Management Theory, Business Ethics, and Strategic Management.

Assistant Professor of Management
Jamaica, New York
St. John’s University
August 1997

Teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Business and Society, Industrial and organizational Psychology, Operations Management and other topics.

Visiting Assistant Professor of Business Administration
Malvern, Pa
Penn State Great Valley
August, 1996 - 1997

Teaching graduate classes in Management Principles, Organizational Change, and business ethics. Additional duties include student advising and participation in departmental committees.

Graduate Assistant and Instructor
Blacksburg, Va
Virginia Tech
August 1992

Conducting various instructional and research assignments while a full time doctoral student studying advanced topics in organizational behavior, social issues in management, industrial psychology, and human resources.

SRA Corporation
Arlington, Va

Technical consulting: Director, Business Systems Division, Software Development Group and former Director, Technical Support Division, Systems Analysis Group. Overseeing teams of technical professionals carrying out various management systems design, development, implementation and, maintenance projects. Managing multi-million dollar systems design and development projects with responsibilities for business development, client organizational development and technical support. Major clients included the Secretary of Defense and the Defense Medical Systems Command.

Booz, Allen and Hamilton
Bethesda, Md
June 1988 - June 1989

Technical consulting: Associate, Software Engineering Group, developing large management information systems for commercial and government clients. Projects included designing complex communications networks to client specifications, evaluating and improving software quality control systems and developing major logistical systems. Major clients included the Government Services Agency and MCI.

United States Marine Corps
Arlington, Va
June 1968 - June 1988

Carrying out assignments of increasing responsibility and complexity including system design, development, implementation and maintenance of multi-million dollar management information systems. Applications included major personnel and training systems. Supervised large teams of development, maintenance and operations personnel as well as development projects.

United States Marine Corps
Arlington, Va
June 1968 - June 1988

Carrying out assignments of increasing responsibility and complexity including system design, development, implementation and maintenance of multi-million dollar management information systems. Applications included major personnel and training systems. Supervised large teams of development, maintenance and operations personnel as well as development projects.

Professional Service

Ad-Hoc Reviewer Social Issues in Management Division, Academy of Management -2007 Ad-Hoc Reviewer, International Association for Business and Society – 2007

Ad-Hoc Reviewer, Society for Business Ethics - 2006

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Construction Leadership Seminar Series, Lecturer in Ethics

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Co-Director, International Service Learning Project, Juarez, Mexico.

Director, Program for Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics, Center for Management Development, College of Business, Bloomsburg University, 2004 to 2005.

Panel Member, Doctoral workshop on Careers, Critical Management Studies Workgroup, Academy of Management, 2001.

Panel Member, Doctoral workshop on Research; Critical Management Studies Workgroup, Academy of Management, 2001.

Chair, Tutorial on Critical Theories of Ethics, Critical Management Studies Workgroup, Academy of Management, 2001.

Chair, Today’s Service Learning, Management Education Division, Academy of Management, 2001.

Chair, Critical Approaches to Management Education Sub-committee of the MED, AoM, 1999-2001

St. John’s Executive Seminars: Brazilian Government Employees NY,NY 1998

Ad-hoc reviewer: Journal of Business Ethics. - 2001

Ad-Hoc reviewer: Academy of Management Journal Special Issue on Management Education. - 2001

Ad-Hoc reviewer for Management and Organizational Cognition Division and the Management Education Division of the Academy of Management (2000).

University Service

Elected School of Business Representative, University Faculty Senate, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Vice-Chair, University Faculty Development Committee, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Interdisciplinary Studies for Social Issues in Management course coordinator.

Director, Program for Ethics and Social Responsibility, Bloomsburg University

Member, University Forum, Bloomsburg University

Committee Member, Program for Ethics in Education and Community, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg.

Coordinator Management Executive Advisory Board : St John’s University

Chair -- Undergraduate Educational Policy Committee: St. John’s University

Community Service

Board Member, Organizational Development Committee and Committee Member Strategic
Planning Committee assisting in the development of strategic planning for a non-profit community base center supporting victims and the families of domestic violence. (2001-2002)


Peer Reviewed Journal Publications:

  • 1) Teague, B., Watson, G., (Forthcoming). The Importance of Moral Hypocrisy as an Organizational Research Agenda, Business Research Yearbook.
  • 2) Watson, G., Freeman, E. and Parmar, R. (Forthcoming). Connected Moral Agency in Organizational Ethics, Journal of Business Ethics.
  • 3) Papamarcos, S.D., Latshaw, C. & Watson, G.W. (in press) Individual-collectivism and incentive system design as predictive of productivity in a simulated cellular manufacturing environment. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 7(2).
  • 4) Watson, George, Sheik Farooq (2007). Normative Self-Interest or Moral Hypocrisy: The Importance of Context. Journal of Business Ethics (in press).
  • 5) Watson, G., Love, M. (2007). Shades of Moral Agency in Organizational Ethics, International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy, 2 (4), 337-364.
  • 6) Papamarcos, S.D. & Watson, G.W. (2006). Culture’s Consequences for Economic Development: An Empirical Examination of Culture, Freedom, and Market Performance. Journal of Global Business and Technology, 2(1) pp 32-41.
  • 7) Watson, G., Bishop, J., Scott, D., (2005) Interpersonal Dimensions of Safety in the Steel Industry. Journal of Business and Psychology , 19 (3), 303-318.
  • 8) Watson, G., Teague, B., Papamarcos, S., (2004) Moral Hypocrisy: A Matter of Measures. International Journal of Ethics, 3(4) pp 371-384.
  • 9) Watson, G., Papamarcos, S., Teague, B . (2004) The Dynamics of Organizational Values: Value Re-Framing in Response to Negative Affect and Cognition, Journal of Human Values , 10(1), 23-40.
  • 10) Watson. G., Papamarcos, B., Teague, B., Bean, C (2004) Exploring the Dynamics of Business Values: A self Affirmation Approach, Journal of Business Ethics, 49: 337-346.
  • 11) Watson, G., (2003). Ideology and the Symbolic Construction of Organizational Justice, Journal of Organizational Change Management, 16(2), 154-167
  • 12) Watson, G., and Papamarcos, S, (2002). A Social Capital Approach to Organizational Commitment, Journal of Business and Psychology, 16(4), 537-552.
  • 13) Cobb, T., Stephens, C., and Watson, G., (2001). Beyond Structure: The Role of Social Accounts in Implementing Ideal Control, Human Relations, 54(9), 1123-1153.
  • 14) Papamarcos, S., and Watson, G., (2001). Real Learning for Real Life: Service Learning in a Turnaround Environment, Journal of the Academy of Business Education, 2, 89-104
  • 15) Watson, George W. and Jon M. Shepard (2000). Disaffected Loyalties in a Changing Contractual Environment. International Journal of Value Based Management, 13(2), 123-140.
  • 16) Watson, George W., Jon M. Shepard, Carroll U. Stephens and John Christman (1999). “Beyond the Psychological Contract: Ideological Influences on Judgments of Fairness in Organizational Downsizing”, Business Ethics Quarterly, 9(4), 659-672.
  • 17) Watson, George W., Jon M. Shepard and Carroll U. Stephens (1999). “Ideological Influences in Judgments of Fairness and Obligation in Organizational Restructuring,” Business and Society, 18(1), pp. 83-108.
  • 18) Lopez, David and George W. Watson (1979). “A Simulation of Marine Corps Manpower”, Dynamica, Spring , 13-20.

Manuscripts Under Review:

  • 1) Watson, G., Douglas, T., Michlitsch, J. Patterned Moral Behavior: Is the Past the Best Predictor of the Future? Under review at Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
  • 2) Watson, G, Papamarcos, Berkley, R.. Moral Motivation: Moral Calculus or Rational Reasoning? Business Ethics Quarterly.
  • 3) Watson, G. Papamarcos, S., Berkley, R., Moral Values and the Person-Situation Interaction Hypothesis Business and Societ
  • Presentations at Professional Meetings:

  • 1) Teague, B. and Watson, G. (2008). The Importance of Moral Hypocrisy as an Organizational Research Agenda, presented at International Association of Business Disciplines, April 3-5, 2008, in Houston, Texas
  • 2) Watson, G., Douglas, T., Michlitsch, J (2007). Predicting “Doing Good” Using Patterned Moral Behavior, Social Issues Division, National Academy of Management, Philadelphia, August, 2007
  • 3) Watson, G., Douglas, T., & Michlitsch, J (2007) Patterned Moral Behavior. Paper presented at the International Association for Business and Society, May 31- June 3, Florence Italy.
  • 4) Watson, G., Shekh, F., (2007). Normative Self-Interest or Moral Hypocrisy? Presented at the North American Management Society meeting in Chicago, Illinois, March 28-30. Best Ethics Track Submission Award.
  • 5) Papamarcos,, S.D., Latshaw, C. & Watson, G.W. (2006) Individual-collectivism and incentive system design as predictive of productivity in a cellular manufacturing environment. Paper presented at the 2006 International Conference of the Global Business and Technology Association, Moscow, June 27-July 1. (Also accepted for publication in the Proceedings.)
  • 6) Papamarcos, S.D. & Watson, G.W. (2006) Unifying a divided life: Enhancing the social justice “learning” in service-learning by building critical thinking skills. Paper presented at the 2006 International Conference on Catholic Social Thought and Management Education, Rome, October 5-7.
  • 7) Watson, G. and Freeman, R.E. (2006). The Psychology between Facts and Values. Paper accepted for presentation at the 2006 Society for Business Ethics Annual Meeting, August, Atlanta.
  • 8) Papamarcos, S.D. & Watson, G.W. (2006) Unifying a divided life: Enhancing the social justice “learning” in service-learning by building critical thinking skills. Paper accepted for presentation at the 2006 International Conference on Catholic Social Thought and Management Education, Rome.
  • 9) Papamarcos, S.D. & Watson, G.W. (2005). Value Stickiness: An Integrative Model of Value-enhancing, Value-protective, and Value-adaptive Behavior and Cognition. Paper presented at the 2005 International Conference of the Global Business and Technology Association, Lisbon, Portugal, July 13-16.
  • 10) Teague, B., Watson, G., (2005). Does Moral Hypocrisy Really Exist? Presented at the Mid Western Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois, March.
  • 11) Watson, G., Teague, B., & Papamarcos, S., (2004) Is Cognitive Moral Development Related to Actions? Accepted for presentation at the Social Issues Division of the Academy of Management for the 2004 meeting, August, New Orleans.
  • 12) Watson. G., Papamarcos, B., Teague, B., Bean, C (2004) Exploring the Dynamics of Business Values: A self Affirmation Approach, accepted for presentation at the International Association of Business and Society in March of 2004, Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
  • 13) Watson G., Teaque, B., and Papamarcos, S. (2004) Understanding Values in Organizations; A Value-dynamics Perspective. Accepted for presentation at the Southwest Academy of Management Meeting, Orlando, FL. March 2004.
  • 14) Papmarcos, S., Watson, G., and Samma, L. (2003) The Value of Values: An Empirical Examination of Culture, Freedom and National Economic Performance, presented at the Global Business and Technology Association Meeting, July, Prague.
  • 15) Watson, G. and Papmarcos, S. (2002). Value Reframing and Enactment: Coping with Cognitive Challenge. Presented at the International Conference of the Global Business and Technology Association, Rome.
  • 16) Papmarcos, S., and Watson, G., (2002). Enactment in Response to Performance Feedback: A Preliminary Empirical Test of Attribution Theory. Presented at the International Conference of the Global Business and Technology Association, Rome.
  • 17) Watson, G., Bishop, J., Scott, D., (2001) A Social Capital Approach to Workplace Safety, presented at The Southern Academy of Management, New Orleans, November 7-9.
  • 18) Watson, G (2001). Ideological Reframing: The role of values in thinking about right and wrong, Presented at the Society for Business Ethics, Annual meeting, Washington D.C., August, 2-5.
  • 19) Watson, G. and Papamarcos, S., (2001). Improving Service Learning Through Enhancing Critical Thinking, Symposium on Critical Thinking, Management Education Division, Academy of Management meeting, Washington D.C., August.
  • 20) Papamarcos, S. and Watson G., (2001). A Practical Guide to the Successful Service-Learning at the College and University Level, Management Education Division, Academy of Management meeting, Washington D.C., August [presenter].
  • 21) Watson, G., and Papamarcos, S., 2000. Social Capital and Organizational Commitment, International Conference on Advances in Management, Colorado Springs, July 12-15. [presenter].
  • 22) Watson, G., 2000. The Symbolic Construction of Justice, International Conference on Advances in Management, Colorado Springs, July 12-15.
  • 23) Bezold, M., and Watson G., (2000). Capitalizing on Media Coverage: Organizations, Social Activists and Impression Management. Accepted for Presentation at the 11th International Association for Business and Society, Vermont.
  • 24) Watson, G., Papamarcos, S., (1999). Factors in Judgments to Retrain Victims of Lay Off. Presented at the 5th International Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute, Athens, Greece, July.
  • 25) Watson, G., Papamarcos, S. and Bezold, M. (1999). Social Capital: The Dilemma of Contending Ideologies in Pluralistic Societies. Presented at the 10th International Association of Business and Society Meeting, Paris, France, June.
  • 26) Papamarcos, S.D. and Watson, G. (1999). An Integrated Approach to Understanding Motivational Returns to Organizational Rewards. Presented at the 5th International Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute, Athens, Greece.
  • 27) Papamarcos, S.D. and Watson, G., (1999) Teaching Business While Benefiting Society: A Team Based Service Learning Primer. Presented at the 10th International Association for Business and Society, Paris, France.
  • 28) Watson, G. and Shepard, J., (1999). Disaffected Loyalties in a Changing Contractual Environment. Presented at the International Conference of the Global Business and Technology Association, Montego Bay, Jamaica.
  • 29) Watson, G. (1998). Job Entitlement, Individualism and Communitarianism. Presented at the 5th Annual International Conference Promoting Business Ethics, Chicago, IL.
  • 30) Watson, G. (1998). Skill Obsolescence and the Social Contract. Presented at the 5th International Conference Promoting Business Ethics, Chicago, IL.
  • 31) Watson, George, W., Carroll U. Stephens, “ Discovering the Hidden Author: Ideology in Systems of Domination.” Presented at the National Academy of Management (Critical Management Studies Workshop) August, 1998.
  • 32) Watson, George W. “Ideology: what is it, why is it Important, how do you measure it.” Presented at the International Association for Business and Society Meeting , June 1998.
  • 33) Watson, George W., Steven Pappamarcos, Jon Shepard, Carroll U. Stephens, John Christman, “Development of a Scale to Measure Normative Ideological Orientation.” presented in February, 1988 at the 5th Annual Association for Business and Behavioral Science, meeting in Las Vegas.
  • 34) Watson, George W,. Jon Shepard and Carroll U. Stephens, (1997), “Ideology and Alienation in Organizational Downsizing.” Presented at the 4th Annual International Conference on Business Ethics, Garden City, New York.
  • 35) Stephens, Carroll U., Virginia Gerde, Richard Wokutch and George W. Watson, “ The Value-Rational Organization: A Rawlsian Perspective on Structure,” Presented at the International Association of Business and Society - March, 1997.
  • 36) Watson, George W., Jon M. Shepard and Carroll U. Stephens (1996). “Ideology and the Tenets of Micro Social Contracts,” National Academy of Management (Social Issues Division).
  • 37) Cobb, Anthony T., T. Bies, G. Watson (1996), Making sense of change: The role of social accounts in affecting perceptions of justice, Symposium; Justice in change: Exploring the realities of Justice in organizational change, National Academy of Management (Conflict Management Division).
  • 38) Watson, George W., Jon M. Shepard, Stephens, C. and John C. Christman, “Ideology and Perceptions of Organizational Autonomy in Restructuring ,” (1996) Western Academy of Management Meeting, Banff, Alberta: March 1996
  • 39) Cobb, Anthony T., Carroll U. Stephens and George W. Watson (Presenter). “Strategic Use of Social Accounts”, Western Academy of Management Meeting, San Diego, CA: April, 1995.
  • Published Proceedings:

  • 1) Watson, G., Douglas, T., & Michlitsch, J (2007) Patterned Moral Behavior. Paper Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society, May 31- June 3, Florence Italy.
  • 2) Teague, B. and Watson, G., 2008. The Importance of Moral Hypocrisy as a Research Agenda, Proceedings of the International Association of Business Disciplines, April 3-5, 2008, in Houston, Texas.
  • 3) Watson, G., Sheikh, F. (2007). Normative Self Interest or Moral Hypocrisy? Proceedings of the North American Management Society, Chicago, Illinois, March, 2007. Awarded Best Paper for the Ethics Track.
  • 4) Papamarcos,, S.D., Latshaw, C. & Watson, G.W. (2006) Individual-collectivism and incentive system design as predictive of productivity in a cellular manufacturing environment. Proceeding of the International Conference of the Global Business and Technology Association, Moscow
  • 5) Teague, B. (presenter), Watson, G., (2005). Does Moral Hypocrisy Really Exist? Proceedings of the Mid-Western Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois
  • 6) Watson, G., Bishop, J., Scott, D., (2001) A Social Capital Approach to Workplace Safety, presented at The Southern Academy of Management, New Orleans, November 7-9.
  • 7) Watson, G., and Papamarcos, S., 2000. Social Capital and Organizational Commitment, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Management, Colorado Springs, July 12-15.
  • 8) Watson, G., 2000. The Symbolic Construction of Justice Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Management, Colorado Springs, July 12-15.
  • 9) Watson, G., Papamarcos, S., (1999). Factors in Judgments to Retrain Victims of Lay Off. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute, Athens, Greece, July.
  • 10) Watson, G., Papamarcos, S. and Bezold, M. (1999). Social Capital: The Dilemma of Contending Ideologies in Pluralistic Societies. Proceedings of the 10th International Association of Business and Society Meeting, Paris, France, June.
  • 11) Papamarcos, S.D. and Watson, G. (1999). An Integrated Approach to Understanding Motivational Returns to Organizational Rewards. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute, Athens, Greece.
  • 12) Papamarcos, S.D. and Watson, G., (1999) Teaching Business While Benefiting Society: A Team Based Service Learning Primer. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society, Paris, France.
  • 13) Watson, G. and Shepard, J., (1999). Disaffected Loyalties in a Changing Contractual Environment. Proceedings of the International Conference of the Global Business and Technology Association, Montego Bay, Jamaica.
  • 14) Watson, G. (1998). Job Entitlement, Individualism and Communitarianism. Proceedings of the 5th Annual International Conference Promoting Business Ethics, Chicago, IL.
  • 15) Watson, G. (1999). Skill Obsolescence and the Social Contract. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference Promoting Business Ethics, Chicago, Il.

Published Book Reviews

  • Watson, George W., 1995. Ethical Dilemmas in Business by Denis Collins, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, October, 3(4).
  • Watson, George W., 1995. Everybody Does it, Crime by the Public by Thomas Gabor, Personnel Psychology, 48(4) , 955.
  • Watson, George W., 1995. Preventing Workplace Theft by Lynn Tylczak and Thomas Sheets, Personnel Psychology, 48(4), 956.

Work In Progress

  • Watson, G. Implicit Attitudes and Transformational Moral Identity, targeted for European Review of Ethics.
  • Watson, G. Small Group Ethical Decision Making, targeted for Academy of Management Journal
  • Watson, G., Framing effects in Ethical Judgments, Business Ethics Quarterly.