ENG505 - Masculinity, Violence and the Medieval Romance

Spring 2005

Prof. Eileen Joy



Figure 1. Berserker Action Figure Toy (McFarlane Toys "Dark Ages" series)


I. Medieval Iceland, Icelandic Saga, Feud & Violence Studies


Andersson, Theodore M. The Icelandic Family Saga: An Analytic Reading. Cambridge, MA, 1967.


Bachrach, David S. Religion and the Conduct of War, c.300 - c.1215. Woodbridge, 2003.


Black-Michaud, Jacob. Feuding Societies. Oxford, 1975.


Boehm, Christopher. Blood Revenge: The Anthropology of Feuding in Montenegro and Other Tribal Societies. Lawrence, KS, 1984.


Byock, Jesse. Feud in the Icelandic Saga. Berkeley, 1982.


---. Medieval Iceland: society, sagas, and power. Berkeley, 1988.


---. Viking Age Iceland. London, 2001.


Clover, Carol J. The Medieval Saga. Ithaca, NY, 1982.


---. “Regardless of Sex: Men, Women, and Power in Early Northern Europe.” Speculum 68, no. 2 (1993): 363-87. [on ECR]


Clover, Carol and John Lindow, eds. Old Norse-Icelandic Literature: A Critical Guide. Islandica XLV. Ithaca, NY and London, 1985.


Clunies, Ross, Margaret, ed. Old Icelandic Literature and Society. Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature 42. Cambridge, 2000.


Contamine, Phillippe. War in the Middle Ages. Trans. Michael Jones. Oxford, 1986.


Douglas, Mary. Purity and Danger: An Analysis of Concepts of Pollution and Taboo. New York, 1966.


Evans-Pritchard, E.E. The Nuer: A Description of the Modes of Livelihood and Political Institutions of a Nilotic People. Oxford, 1940.


Girard, Rene. Violence and the Sacred. Baltimore, 1977.


Lorenz, Konrad. On Aggression. Trans. Marjorie Latzke. London, 1966.


            [on ECR: “What Aggression is Good For”; “The Bond”; and “Ecce Homo!”]


Miller, William Ian. Bloodtaking and Peacemaking: Feud, Law and Society in Saga Iceland. Chicago, 1990.


            [on ECR: “Feud, Vengeance, and the Disputing Process”]


White, Stephen D. “Feuding and Peace-making in the Touraine Around the Year 1100.” Traditio 42 (1986): 195-263.


Wrangham, Richard W. Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence. Boston, 1996.


II. Masculinity, Gender, and Sexuality Studies


Belsey, Catherine. Desire: Love Stories in Western Culture. Oxford, 1994.


            [on ECR: “Desire in Theory: Freud, Lacan, Derrida”; “Postmodern Love”; “Adultery in King Arthur’s Court”]


Berger, Maurice, Brian Wallis, and Simon Watson, eds. Constructing Masculinity. New York, 1995.


Blazina, Chris. The Cultural Myth of Masculinity. Westport, CT, 2003.


            [on ECR: “The Indo-Europeans”; “Chivalry”; and “Psychology’s Myth of Masculinity”]


Braudy, Leo. From Chivalry to Terrorism: War and the Changing Nature of Masculinity. New York, 2003.


            [on ECR: “The Warrior as Barbarian”; “The Spectacle of Knighthood”; “The Birth of Genealogy: Where Did Knights Come From?”; “Knighthood, Christianity, and Chivalry: The Uneasy Truce”; “Chivalry in Theory and Practice”; and “The Inspiration to Battle and the Lure of Love”]


Brittan, Arthur. Masculinity and Power. Oxford, 1989.


            [on ECR: “Masculinities”; “Masculinity and Identity”; and “Masculinity as Competitiveness”]


Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome and Bonnie Wheeler, eds. Becoming Male in the Middle Ages. New York, 1997.


            [on ECR: Smith, “Body Doubles: Producing the Masculine Corpus” and Dunton-Downer, “Wolf-Man”]


Foxhall, Lin and John Salmon, eds. When Men Were Men: Masculinity, power, and identity in classical antiquity. London, 1998.


            [on ECR: Van Wees, “A brief history of tears: gender differentiation in Archaic Greece”; Fisher, “Violence, masculinity, and the law in classical Athens”; and Alston, “Arms and the man: soldiers, masculinity and power in Republican and Imperial Rome”]


Frantzen, Allen J. “When Women Aren’t Enough.” In Studying Medieval Women, ed. Nancy F. Partner. Cambridge, MA, 1993. [on ECR]


Goldstein, Joshua S. War and Gender: How Gender Shapes the War System and Vice Versa. Cambridge, 2001.


            [on ECR: “A puzzle: the cross-cultural consistency of gender roles in war”; “Groups: bonding, hierarchy, and social identity”; and “Heroes: the making of militarized masculinity”]


Greenberg, David F. The Construction of Homosexuality. Chicago, 1988.


            [on ECR: “Feudalism”]


Gutmann, Matthew C. "Trafficking in Men: The Anthropology of Masculinity." Annual Review of Anthropology 26 (1997): 385-409.


Hadley, D.M., ed. Masculinity in Medieval Europe. London, 1999.


            [on ECR: Hadley and Moore, “Death Makes the Man? Burial Rite and the Construction of Masculinities in the Early Middle Ages” and Bennett, “Military Masculinity in England and Northern France c. 1050-c. 1225”]


Laqueur, Thomas. Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud. Cambridge, MA, 1990. *considered the most important book on gender of the last 2 decades*


Lees, Clare A., ed. Medieval Masculinities: Regarding Men in the Middle Ages. Minneapolis, 1994.


            [on ECR: Bullough, “On Being a Male in the Middle Ages” and Spiegel, “The Male Animal in the Fables of Marie de France”]


Lochrie, Karma, Peggy McCracken, and James A. Schultz, eds. Constructing Medieval Sexuality. Minneapolis, 1997.


            [on ECR: Schulz, “Bodies that Don’t Matter: Heterosexuality before Heterosexuality in Gottfried’s Tristan” and Burns, “Refashioning Courtly Love: Lancelot as Ladies’ Man or Lady/Man?”]


Morris, Rosalind C. "All Made Up: Performance Theory and the New Anthropology of Sex and Gender." Annual Review of Anthropology 24 (1995): 567-92.


Murray, Jacqueline, ed. Conflicted Identities and Multiple Masculinities: Men in the Medieval West. Garland Medieval Casebooks. Vol. 25. New York, 1999.


Newton, Esther. Margaret Mead Made Me Gay: Personal Essays, Public Ideas. Durham, NC, 2000.


Ortner, Sherry B. "Is Female to Male as Nature is to Culture?" In Michelle Zimbalist Rosaldo and Louise Lamphere, eds., Woman, Culture, and Society. Stanford, 1974.


Pasternack, Carol Braun, ed. Gender and Difference in the Middle Ages. Minneapolis, 2003.


            [on ECR: Boyarin, “On the History of the Early Phallus”]


Rubin, Gayle. "The Traffic in Women: Notes on the 'Political Economy' of Sex." In Rayna R. Reiter, ed., Toward an Anthropology of Women. New York, 1975.


III. Arthurian Literature & Chivalry


Aberth, John. A Knight at the Movies: Medieval History on Film. New York, 2003.


Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome. Of Giants: Sex, Monsters, and the Middle Ages. Minneapolis, 1999.


            [on ECR: “The Body in Pieces: Identity and the Monstrous in Romance”]


---. Medieval Identity Machines. Minneapolis, 2003.


            [on ECR: “Chevalrie” and “Masoch/Lancelotism”]


Duby, Georges. The Chivalrous Society. Trans. Cynthia Postan. London, 1977.


Franzten, Allen J. Bloody Good: Chivalry, Sacrifice, and the Great War. Chicago, 2004.


            [on ECR: “Violence and Abjection” and “The Making of a Knight: St. Edmund, Virgin and Martyr”]


Gravdal, Kathryn. "Chretien de Troyes, Gratian, and the Medieval Romance of Sexual Violence." Signs 17.3 (1992): 558-85. [on ECR]


Grimbert, Joan Tasker. Tristan and Isolde: A Casebook. New York, 2002.


Hasty, Will, ed. A Companion to Gottfried von Strassburg’s “Tristan”. Rochester, NY, 2003.


            [on ECR: Harris, “God, Religion, and Ambiguity in Tristan” and Rasmussen, “The Female Figures in Gottfried’s Tristan and Isolde”]


Kaeuper, Richard W. Chivalry and Violence in Medieval Europe. Oxford, 2006 [new edition].


Keen, Maurice. Chivalry. New Haven, CT, 1984.


Lacy, Norris J. Medieval Arthurian Literature: A Guide to Recent Research. New York, 1996. *a must-have annotated bibliography/available in my office for short loans*


Lacy, Norris J. and Geoffrey Ashe. The Arthurian Handbook. New York, 1997.


            [on ECR: “Origins”]


Mahoney, Dira B. The Grail: A Casebook. New York, 2000.


            [on ECR: Jung & Franz, “The Central Symbol of the Legend: The Grail as Vessel” and Frappier, “Perceval or Le Conte du Graal”]


Pearsall, Derek. Arthurian Romance: A Short Introduction. Oxford, 2003.


Zeikowitz, Richard E. Homoeroticism and Chivalry: Discourses of male same-sex desire in the fourteenth century. New York, 2003.


            [on ECR: “Chivalric Bonds and the Ideals of Friendship” and “Competing Desires”]


IV. The Song of Roland & Race


Bartlett, Robert. “Medieval and Modern Concepts of Race and Ethnicity.” Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 31.1 (2001): 39-56. [on ECR]


Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome. “On Saracen Enjoyment: Some Fantasies of Race in Late Medieval France and England.” Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 31.1 (2001): 113-46. [on ECR]


Haidu, Peter. The subject of violence: the Song of Roland and the birth of the state. Bloomington, IN, 1993.


Jordan, William Chester. “Why Race?” Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 31.1 (2001): 165-73. [on ECR]


Kinoshita, Sharon. “Pagans are wrong and Christians are right: Alterity, Gender, and the Nation in the Chanson de Roland.” Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 31.1 (2001): 79-111. [on ECR]


Mickel, E.J. Ganelon, Treason, and the ‘Chanson de Roland.’ Philadelphia, 1989.


Pratt, Karen, ed. Roland and Charlemagne in Europe: Essays on Reception and Transformation of a Legend. London, 1997.


Tolan, John Victor. Medieval Christian Perspectives of Islam. New York, 1996.


Trotter, David. Medieval French Literature and the Crusades. Geneva, 1987. *chapters 2 & 3 discuss Song of Roland as a crusading epic*