100 points


INSTRUCTIONS: Please write with economy and fluency on the following questions. Fold the exam lengthwise and place your name ONLY on the back (outside) of the last page. Due date: End class hour on Thursday, March 2. Clear syntax and presentation will be interpreted as reflecting clarity of thought.

Exam suggestions and limits:

Part I. Theory. Credit = 50 points

Consider the following pairs of opposites that we have invoked in the course.

THE QUESTION: Write an essay in which you analyze how any two thinkers we have read for this course would view any ONE (and only one) of the pairs of opposites above. Your two thinkers may agree or disagree; that part doesn't matter. What does matter is the extent to which you construct a clear analysis that correctly represents and supports their position(s) with respect to the pair of opposites you have selected.

Part II. Praxis. Credit = 50 points

You are a genetic counselor interviewing two clients, Mr. and Mrs. Faith, a married couple in their forties. There is a law in your state requiring genetic screening for a certain target group in which are included your clients. You know the following facts about the Faiths:

THE QUESTION: What do you tell the Faiths about (c)? Use your knowledge of both utilitarianism and deontology to construct rational supporting arguments that appeal to principles such as the principle of utility (for Bentham and Mill) and the categorical imperative (for Kant). Note: The two arguments could either allow you to come to a single conclusion, using independent lines of reasoning, or they could work against each other, resulting in ethical grounds for opposing courses of action.