
Biology 4xxa/5xx

Biographical Subject
Student NameDenise Albe-Fessard
L. Squire (ed.), 1996. The history of neuroscience, Vol. I. Washington, D.C.: Society for Neuroscience, p. 4-48.
Student NameWilhelm Feldberg
The pursuit of nature: Informal essays on the history of physiology, 1979. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 65-83.
Student NameKenneth Cole
Ann. Rev. Physiol. (1979) 41
Ann Rev. Neurosci. 5:305.
---Louis Sokoloff
L. Squire (ed.), 1996. The history of neuroscience, Vol. I. Washington, D.C.: Society for Neuroscience, p. 454-97.
---Keffer Hartline
Student NameBernard Katz
L. Squire (ed.), 1996. The history of neuroscience, Vol. I. Washington, D.C.: Society for Neuroscience, p. 348-81.
Student NameAlan Hodgkin
L. Squire (ed.), 1996. The history of neuroscience, Vol. I. Washington, D.C.: Society for Neuroscience, p. 252-92.
The pursuit of nature: Informal essays on the history of physiology, 1979. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 1-21.
Student NameDavid Hubel
L. Squire (ed.), 1996. The history of neuroscience, Vol. I. Washington, D.C.: Society for Neuroscience, p. 294-317.
Ann. Rev. Neurosci. (1982) 5:363.
Nature 299:515.
Student NameRita Levi-Montalcini
Ann Rev. Neurosci. (1982) 5:325-62.
Science (1996) 234-543.
In praise of imperfection
Student NameJulius Axelrod
L. Squire (ed.), 1996. The history of neuroscience, Vol. I. Washington, D.C.: Society for Neuroscience, p. 50-78.
Worden, F.G., et al., 1975. The neurosciences: Paths of discovery. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
Student NameRobert Galambos
L. Squire (ed.), 1996. The history of neuroscience, Vol. I. Washington, D.C.: Society for Neuroscience, p. 178-220.
Worden, F.G., and G. Adelman, 1992. The neurosciences: Paths of discovery II. Boston: Birkhauser, p. 261-80.
---Theodore Bullock
L. Squire (ed.), 1996. The history of neuroscience, Vol. I. Washington, D.C.: Society for Neuroscience, p. 110-56.