Chris Gordon, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Construction
Associate Dean, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Phone: 618.650.2867

Fax: 618.650.3374
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Edwardsville, IL 62026-1804


Carnegie Mellon University
-     Ph.D. Civil & Environmental Engineering (2006)
-     Thesis title: A formalism and a framework for planning of sensor-based construction inspections

Stanford University
-     M.S. Civil & Environmental Engineering (1999)
-     B.S. Civil & Environmental Engineering (1998)


-     SIUE Alumni Association Great Teacher Award 2016

-     SIUE Department of Construction Outstanding Teacher Award 2007, 2009

-     FIATECH Celebration of Engineering and Technology Innovation Award: Outstanding Mind, 2006

-     Paul P. Christiano Distinguished Service Award, 2005

-     Phi Kappa Phi

-     Sigma Xi

-     Chi Epsilon


January 2007-present Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Associate Dean, School of Engineering September 2016 - present
Interim Associate Dean, School of Engineering January 2012 - August 2016
Chair, Dept. of Construction July 2009 - August 2016

Co-Director, Construction Leadership Institute, July 2009 - present
Professor July 2018 - present
Associate Professor July 2012 - June 2018
Assistant Professor January 2007 - June 2012

Classes taught: Introduction to Construction, Construction Materials and Methods,
Computer Applications in Construction,  Soils, Sustainable Construction,
International Construction, Construction Management

Fall, 2006 Baobab Health Partnership (Lilongwe, Malawi)

Renewable Energy Volunteer for design and construction of wind power system

for rural health clinic.


2002-2006 Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA)

Research Assistant and Teaching Assistant. Research Assistant for NSFsponsored

Advanced Sensor-based Detection and Management of Construction

Defects project; Teaching Assistant for Project Management and Advanced

Project Management classes.


2000-2001 AllStarFleet Inc. / Globeranger Corp. (Santa Cruz, CA)

Director of R&D and Solutions Project Manager in early-stage

start-up focused on fleet monitoring, maintenance, and management software for

construction equipment. AllStarFleet was acquired by Globeranger Corp.


1999-2000 YardTrader (Palo Alto, CA)

Product development consultant for grass-roots development of business model

and product. YardTrader was incorporated as AllStarFleet Inc.


1999-2000 Swinerton & Walburg (San Francisco, CA)

Project Engineer on $150 million GAP World Headquarters project. Performed

RFI coordination and estimating.


Summer, 1998 Paric Corp. (St. Louis, MO)

Intern on $25 million Southwest Bank Headquarters construction project.

Performed preconstruction MEPF coordination and estimating.


Summer, 1997 Drees & Sommer, AG (Berlin, Germany)

Intern on $2.5 billion Potsdamer Platz multi-use development. Performed

schedule updating and analysis, photodocumentation.


Summer, 1996 Engineering Design Source, Inc. (St. Louis, MO)

Intern for civil engineering design and surveying firm. Designed, estimated curbs

and sidewalks; performed traffic analyses; and surveyed existing sewer systems.




Journal papers

-     Kiziltas, S., B. Akinci, E. Ergen, P. Tang, and C. Gordon, (2008).  “Technological assessment and process implications of field data capture technologies for construction and facility / infrastructure management.” Accepted for publication in Sensors in Construction and Infrastructure Management, Special Issue of the Journal of Information Technology in Construction.

-     Gordon, C., B. Akinci and J. H. Garrett, Jr., (2008). “ Automated planning support for on-site construction inspection.” Automation in Construction, Vol. 17: 6, pp. 705-718.

-     Gordon, C. , B. Akinci and J. H. Garrett, Jr., "Formalism for construction inspection planning: requirements and process concept" Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Volume 21, Number 1, pp. 29-38, January 2007.

-     Akinci, B., F. Boukamp, C. Gordon, D. Huber, C. Lyons, K. Park, (2006). "A Formalism for Utilization of Sensor Systems and Integrated Project Models for Active Construction Quality Control." Automation in Construction Vol. 15: 2, pp. 124- 138.

-     Gordon, C., B. Akinci, and J.H. Garrett, Jr, “Characterization and search of inspection plan spaces developed using a component-based planning formalism.” In review, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering.


Conference proceedings

-     Gordon, C. and K.T. Slattery, (2008). “Spatial Inspection of Steel Pile Driving Operations using Laser Scan Data,” Associated Schools of Construction 2008 Conference, Auburn, Alabama. April 2-5, 2008.

-     Slattery, K., D. Slattery, and C. Gordon, (2008). “Evaluation of 3D laser scanning for highway construction applications,” Associated Schools of Construction 2008 Conference, Auburn, Alabama. April 2-5, 2008.

-     Gordon, C. “Design and Implementation of an In-class Exercise to Monitor Equipment Production.” Associated Schools of Construction, Region III 2007 Conference, Downer’s Grove, IL.  October 24-27, 2007.

-     Garrett, Jr., J. H., B. Akinci, S. Matthews, C. Gordon, H. Wang, V. Singhvi. (2006). "Sensor-driven proactive management of infrastructure systems," Proceedings of the 13th EG-ICE Workshop: Intelligent Computing in Engineering and Architecture, June 25-30, Ascona, Switzerland.

-     Gordon, C. B. Akinci, and J.H. Garrett, Jr., (2005). "Inspection Planning in Support of Defect Detection" International Association of Bridge and Structural Engineering Symposium, Sept. 14-16, 2005, Lisbon, Portugal.

-     Gordon, C. and Akinci, B. (2005). "Technology and Process Assessment Of Using LADAR and Embedded Sensing For Construction Quality Control." Construction Research Congress, San Diego, CA, April 5-7, 2005.

-     Gordon, C. B. Akinci, F. Boukamp, and D. Huber, (2005). “Assessment of Visualization Software for Support of Construction Site Inspection Tasks Using Data Collected from Reality Capture Technologies.” International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering. Cancun, Mexico, July 12-15, 2005.

-     Gordon, C., B. Akinci, J.H. Garrett, Jr., (2004). "An Approach for Planning Sensor-Based Inspection of the Built Environment." Xth International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, June 2-4, 2004, Weimar, Germany.

-     Gordon, C., B. Akinci, J.H. Garrett, Jr., (2003). "The Need for Value Analysis and Planning for Effective Quality Control Technology Decision-making." Towards a Vision for Information Technology in Civil Engineering, 11/15-16, 2003, Nashville, TN.

-     Gordon, C., F. Boukamp, D. Huber, E. Latimer, K. Park, B. Akinci, (2003). "Combining Reality Capture Technologies for Construction Defect Detection: A Case Study." EIA9: E-Activities and Intelligent Support in Design and the Built Environment, 9th EuropIA International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.