Freeman Ranch Headquarters


As you approach the headquarters, you immediately see evidence of the different programs at the ranch. The headquarters consists of the ranch manager’s home, the visitors' center, animal pens, and barns. In the tour below, we are standing behind the visitor’s center. As we entered into this section of Pasture 1, we passed the ranch manager’s home. Further into this pasture, we see horse stalls, two barns, and a shed for storing hay. You can see these buildings closer up by clicking on the hot spots.

headquarters tour


The two red barns are used for managing cattle, sheep, and goats, for giving educational tours, and for checking and cleaning wild game that are hunted here on the ranch.

It is common to see cattle, sheep, and horses in this pasture. The pictures below show you some of them.


On to the nature trail ...

To get to the nature trail, we begin walking on the road we took into the headquarters. It leads us southwest of the visitors' center. Make sure you complete the Introduction section of your field notes before we proceed to the Nature Trail Entrance.







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