Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2017

Check Out Phi Kappa Phi's Book Exchange Today and March 1
Attend the Education and Career Fairs Today and March 1 and 2
The Newman Catholic Community is Offering Ash Wednesday Services
Join the International Hospitality Program Today
Save the Date: 2017 Graduate School Spring Symposium, March 21

Check Out Phi Kappa Phi's Book Exchange Today and March 1

The SIUE Chapter 203 of the Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society is sponsoring a book exchange during the spring semester.

11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Today and Wednesday, March 1
Peck Hall, first floor lobby

Members of the SIUE community are invited to bring a book, and then take one from the inventory available or get a coupon to use later. Book purchases can also be made for a nominal cost.

Future book exchanges are scheduled for Tuesday, April 4 and Wednesday, April 5, with the same hours and location.

Phi Kappa Phi was founded in 1897, and is one of the nation’s oldest and most selective honor societies for all academic disciplines. Chapter 203 was established at SIUE in 1978. For more information, visit siue.edu/PKP/ or contact Chapter President Cindy Scarsdale at cscarsd@siue.edu.

Attend the Education and Career Fairs Today and March 1 and 2

The SIUE Career Development Center is hosting: 

Education Career Fair
3-6 p.m.
Morris University Center, Second Floor Conference Center

Spring Career Fair
10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Wednesday, March 1
Morris University Center Meridian Ballroom
School of Business
College of Arts and Sciences
All non-teaching majors

10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Thursday, March 2
Morris University Center Meridian Ballroom
School of Engineering

A list of attending employers can be found on the CDC website:siue.edu/careerdevelopmentcenter
Dress professionally and bring copies of your resume!

For more information about any of these events, please contact the Career Development Center at 650-3708 or careerdevelopment@siue.edu.

The Newman Catholic Community is Offering Ash Wednesday Services

The Newman Catholic Community is offering two Ash Wednesday services:

Wednesday, March 1
The Dome: Center for Spirituality and Sustainability

8 p.m.
Wednesday, March 1
The Dome: Center for Spirituality and Sustainability

The Newman Catholic Community welcomes the SIUE community to join them for Ash Wednesday masses.

Bring a friend. All are welcome.

Join the International Hospitality Program Today

Dear SIUE Faculty and Staff,

We invite you to join the International Hospitality Program (IHP) at SIUE.

Since 1969, IHP has reached out to the international students attending SIUE to provide friendship, guidance and a welcoming heart.

The changes facing these young men and women, as our country deals with immigration policy, are difficult. Among other things, they are feeling confused, scared and angry.

If you are interested in joining, we welcome you. The international students at SIUE need all of us to show them that they are welcome and valued. IHP is a great start in that direction.

For more information, e-mail or call Rick Biethman, IHP president, at rickbiethman@mac.com or 618-954-6116.

Save the Date: 2017 Graduate School Spring Symposium, March 21

9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Tuesday, March 21
Morris University Center

Plans are underway for the 21st Annual Graduate School Spring Symposium.

Watch for upcoming updates on the SIUE website and our Twitter page (@siuegradschool) for more information on Symposium events, including the Graduate Student Poster Presentations, Scholarly Activity SLAM, Speed Networking, the Paul Simon Outstanding Teacher-Scholar Award Luncheon, Chancellor’s Researcher Reception and more.