Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2016

Donate by Today to Welcome New International Students to Campus
Please Note These SIUE Faculty Development Sessions

Donate by Today to Welcome New International Students to Campus

The International Hospitality Program (IHP) at SIUE welcomes international students to the area.

Please bring donated items today to the IHP fall new student reception in the small gym of the Student Fitness Center.
Student ambassadors and IHP members will be available to help you unload beginning at 4 p.m.

For more information, contact Susan Jernigan, IHP secretary, at 304-3443.

Please Note These SIUE Faculty Development Sessions

Session 1: Can I Be Of Any Help?
10-11 a.m.

Friday, Sept. 16
Morris University Center Conference Center

An interactive theatre performance exploring the management of conflicts around social identities in the classroom.
Topics include:
• Intersecting identities and privilege
• Microaggressions/stereotypes—based on implicit bias
• Intent vs. impact, cumulative impact
• Bystander intervention/faculty intervention
• Self-segregration
• Campus resources

Audience: faculty and students
Presenters: Theater Delta, Interactive Theater for Social Change

Session 2: Cultivation
2-3:30 p.m.
Friday, Sept. 16
Morris University Center Conference Center

An interactive theatre performance exploring faculty mentoring and diversity issues in graduate school.
Topics include:
• Active listening and communication skills
• Critical feedback
• Guiding research
• Accessibility/boundaries
• Favoritism/unconscious bias

Audience: faculty
Presenters: Theater Delta, Interactive Theater for Social Change

Please register, here

What is Interactive Theatre? 

Actors will present characters and conflicts on stage and then facilitate a dialogue processing the issues. The audience will have an opportunity to interact with the characters on stage. This approach helps audience members explore their own behaviors. Sponsored by the Offices of the Provost and the Graduate School.