Path To "Visible Glory"

The Million Man March In The Redmond Collection

Pre-March at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, October 15, 1995

The Million Man March Departure Celebration at 524 Tower Lake began about an hour before sunset on Sunday, the day before the March.

In 1995, the student apartments at 524 and 525 Tower Lake served as the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity house.

The cover of the program for the event is shown here. Click here to view the contents of the program.

A flyer advertising the event asked attendees to wear the unity colors of the Pan-African flag: black, red or green.

One of the Celebration speakers, possibly Dr. James Jackson. He stands in front of a banner with the unity colors that says "Return renewed for the struggle." The setting sun is reflected in the sliding glass door behind him.

Several young men attended the pre-March event at SIUE.

The young men in attendance line up to receive scrolls from a basket.

Attendees wearing the unity colors and Million Man March sweatshirts stand watching the ceremony.

Click here to see all of the photographs from the Redmond Collection related to the Million Man March.