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Saba Fatima Gregory Fields Kristine Hildebrandt
Tom Lavallee Nancy M Lutz Stephen Tamari
Jason Yu Bin Zhou  .


Saba Fatima
Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy
Ph.D., Binghamton University, 2012
Peck Hall 2218 / (618) 650-2175
Research Interests: Muslim-American identity within a framework of feminist and race theory; Virtue ethics; Social and Political; and Non-ideal theory. Recently published works include: "Liberalism and the Muslim-American Predicament" in Social Theory and Practice (2014), "Muslim-American Scripts" in Hypatia (2013) and "Presence of Mind" in Social Philosophy Today (2012).
Teaching Interests: Islamic Thought, World Religion, Philosophy of Race, Feminist Theory (all with special emphasis on the social and political), and Critical Thinking.
Other: Dr. Fatima is also the current web admin for the Asian Studies Program and the Philosophy Department website. You can find her personal homepage here.

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Gregory Fields


Gregory Fields

Peck Hall, Room 2211 / (618) 650-2461
Ph.D. University of Hawai'i, 1994

Teaching Interests:  Comparative philosophy, American Indian Studies, Asian Studies, Religious Studies, Reasoning and Argumentation.

Research Interests:  Native North Pacific Coast culture, history, philosophy, and language preservation/revitalization.  South Asian philosophy and religion: Classical Yoga, Āyurvedic medical philosophy, and social philosophy. 

Selected publications concerning South Asia include Religious Therapeutics: Body and Health in Yoga, Āyurveda, and Tantra (SUNY, 2001; Delhi: Motilal, 2002), and the analytic index to The Sanskrit Language (2004, 2010). Professor Fields' publications and abstracts are available here.


Kristine Hildebrandt
Associate Professor, English Language & Literature
Ph.D. Linguistics, UC Santa Barbara, 2003
Peck Hall 2227
Research Interests: Sino-Tibetan languages and linguistics, languages of Nepal, language endangerment and documentation, grammatical description
Teaching Interest: Linguistics, phonetics & phonology, morphology, discourse analysis, comparative linguistics
Other: I enjoy teaching "interdisciplinary studies" courses, and I am the co-director of SIUE's digital humanities lab: The IRIS Center

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Tom Lavallee
Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature
PhD Chinese and Comparative Literature, Washington University. 2004.
Peck Hall 2309 / 618-650-3301
Research interests: Chinese literature, Buddhist and Daoist temple environments in Xiamen City
Teaching interests: Chinese language and literature, culture, aesthetics, travel study to China
Other: mobile artistry and digital landscapes

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Nancy Lutz

Nancy M Lutz
Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology
Ph.D. in Anthropology, University of California Berkeley, 1986
Peck Hall 1224 618- 650-2746
Research interests: Southeast Asia (especially Indonesia, East Timor, Burma/Myanmar), language and politics, bilingualism/multilingualism, colonialism/post-colonialism, minority communities and the state; languages of intolerance
Teaching interests: cultural and linguistic anthropology (ANTH 111B, 303), politics and human rights (ANTH 359), religion and culture (ANTH 308; not currently offered), peoples and cultures of Asia (ANTH 306; not currently offered), guided readings/independent studies on Southeast Asia (through ANTH 483) possible

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Steve Tamari
Associate Professor, Department of History
PhD, Georgetown University
Peck Hall 1212
Research interests: Early Modern Syria; pre-modern ethnic and national identity; attachment to lands in pre-modern Syria and the Islamic world
Teaching interests: World History; Islamic History; the Ottoman Empire; Modern Middle East History; History of Israel-Palestine
Other: Arabic

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Jason Yu
Associate Professor
Department of Mass Communications
Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2009
Dunham Hall 1036 / (618)650-2219
Research Interests: Consumer behavior and information processing, media effects
Teaching Interest: both classroom and online teaching of the strategic side of advertising, research methods, media psychology, and leading and teaching study abroad programs focusing on marketing communication in China.

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Bin Zhou
Professor, Department of Geography
Ph. D. in Geography, University of Georgia, 1994
Alumni Hall, Room 1406 618-650-5763
Teaching interests: economic geography, development, Asia, quantitative techniques
Research interests: banking and financial geography; spatial analysis, integration of spatial and social network analysis

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Kristine Hildebrandt
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