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Applied Communication Studies

Debbie Sellnow-Richmond
Dr. Deborah Sellnow-Richmond is an Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Communication Studies. She earned her Ph.D. in communication from Wayne State University in 2016. She teaches courses in public relations and organizational communication. Dr. Sellnow-Richmond researches the efficacy and unforeseen effects of public relations messages in health and organizational crisis contexts, as well as the emerging role of social media in creating and resolving organizational crises. Her research appears in a number of communication journals including the Journal of Applied Communication Research, the Journal of Risk ResearchCommunication Studies, and the International Journal of Crisis and Risk Communication Research, as well as in edited books. Her current research focuses on the utility of positive exemplars in prenatal health decisions. Dr. Sellnow-Richmond holds a master’s degree in public service from the University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service, and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Minnesota. She has experience conducting and assessing community-centered campaigns at the state-, national- and international-levels. She enjoys spending time with her three children and husband, running, and baking treats.
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