SIUE Chemistry Club
November 20, 2008
Officers Present:
Dylan Downs, President
Lily Kyrouac, Vice President
Megan Muehlenfeld, Secretary

I. ACS Study Guides
a. Last week, we sold 131 ACS study guides

b. We ordered 140, and they should arrive over Thanksgiving break.

c. They will be handed out the week of December 1st.

d. This fundraiser made about $300! It will go towards the chemis-tree.

II. ACS affiliate
a. We have forms to fill out if you are interested in becoming an ACS student affiliate.
New Business
I. Brochure
a. Robert Gates is willing to help make a brochure for the chemistry department.

b. We need a logo for the chemistry department. Although the chemistry club has one, the department doesn't.

c. This is a good opportunity for us to learn how to use Creative Suite 3 instead of MS PowerPoint.

d. If you are interested in making a logo, bring it to the next meeting.

a. December 5th at 3:00pm

Old Business